(defpackage :it.bese.FiveAM.system
(:use :common-lisp
+(defsystem :fiveam
(in-package :it.bese.FiveAM.system)
-(defsystem :FiveAM
:author "Edward Marco Baringer <mb@bese.it>"
:properties ((:test-suite-name . :it.bese.fiveam))
:components ((:static-file "fiveam.asd")
;; -*- lisp -*-
-(in-package :it.bese.FiveAM)
+(in-package :it.bese.fiveam)
;;;; * Checks
;; -*- lisp -*-
-(in-package :it.bese.FiveAM)
+(in-package :it.bese.fiveam)
(defclass testable-object ()
((name :initarg :name :accessor name
;; -*- lisp -*-
-(in-package :it.bese.FiveAM)
+(in-package :it.bese.fiveam)
;;;; * Analyzing the results
;; -*- lisp -*-
-(in-package :it.bese.FiveAM)
+(in-package :it.bese.fiveam)
;;;; ** Fixtures
;;;; developer to quickly and easily redefine, change, remove and run
;;;; tests.
-(defpackage :it.bese.FiveAM
(:use :common-lisp :it.bese.arnesi)
+(defpackage :it.bese.fiveam
(:nicknames :5am :fiveam)
;; creating tests and test-suites
;; -*- lisp -*-
-(in-package :it.bese.FiveAM)
+(in-package :it.bese.fiveam)
;;;; ** Random (QuickCheck-ish) testing
;; -*- lisp -*-
-(in-package :it.bese.FiveAM)
+(in-package :it.bese.fiveam)
;;;; * Running Tests
;; -*- lisp -*-
-(in-package :it.bese.FiveAM)
+(in-package :it.bese.fiveam)
;;;; * Test Suites
;; -*- lisp -*-
-(in-package :it.bese.FiveAM)
+(in-package :it.bese.fiveam)
;;;; * Tests
;;;; * FiveAM Example (poor man's tutorial)
-(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :FiveAM)
+(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :fiveam)
-(defpackage :it.bese.FiveAM.example
+(defpackage :it.bese.fiveam.example
(:use :common-lisp
- :it.bese.FiveAM))
+ :it.bese.fiveam))
-(in-package :it.bese.FiveAM.example)
+(in-package :it.bese.fiveam.example)
;;;; First we need some functions to test.
;;;; -*- lisp -*-
-(in-package :it.bese.FiveAM)
+(in-package :it.bese.fiveam)
-(in-suite :it.bese.FiveAM)
+(in-suite :it.bese.fiveam)
(def-suite test-suite :description "Suite for tests which should fail.")