;;; Return the compiler layout for NAME. (The class referred to by
;;; NAME must be a structure-like class.)
(defun compiler-layout-or-lose (name)
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "entering COMPILER-LAYOUT-OR-LOSE")
(let ((res (info :type :compiler-layout name)))
(cond ((not res)
(error "Class is not yet defined or was undefined: ~S" name))
;;; an alist mapping from raw slot type to the operator used to access
;;; the raw slot
-;;; FIXME: should be shared
+;;; FIXME: should be shared with other src/code/*defstruct*.lisp code
+;;; which refers to e.g. %RAW-REF-SINGLE, but as of sbcl-0.pre7.78
+;;; is only used by out-of-line versions
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defvar *raw-type->rawref-fun-name*
'(;; The compiler thinks that the raw data vector is a vector of
(complex-double-float . %raw-ref-complex-double)
#!+long-float (complex-long-float . %raw-ref-complex-long))))
-;;;; generating out-of-line slot accessor functions
-;;; FIXME: Ideally, the presence of the type checks in the functions
-;;; here would be conditional on the optimization policy at the point
-;;; of expansion of DEFSTRUCT. (For now we're just doing the simpler
-;;; thing, putting in the type checks unconditionally.)
-(defun slot-accessor-funs (dd dsd)
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "entering SLOT-ACCESSOR-FUNS")
- ;; various code generators
- ;;
- ;; Note: They're only minimally parameterized, and cavalierly grab
- ;; things like INSTANCE and DSD-INDEX from the namespace they're
- ;; expanded in.
- (macrolet (;; code shared between funcallable instance case and the
- ;; ordinary STRUCTURE-OBJECT case: Handle native
- ;; structures with LAYOUTs and (possibly) raw slots.
- (%native-slot-accessor-funs (dd-ref-fun-name)
- (let ((instance-type-check-form
- '(%check-structure-type-from-layout instance layout)))
- (/show "macroexpanding %NATIVE-SLOT-ACCESSOR-FUNS" dd-ref-fun-name instance-type-check-form)
- `(let ((layout (dd-layout-or-lose dd))
- (dsd-raw-type (dsd-raw-type dsd)))
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "in %NATIVE-SLOT-ACCESSOR-FUNS macroexpanded code")
- ;; Map over all the possible RAW-TYPEs, compiling
- ;; a different closure-function for each one, so
- ;; that once the COND over RAW-TYPEs happens (at
- ;; the time closure is allocated) there are no
- ;; more decisions to be made and things execute
- ;; reasonably efficiently.
- (cond
- ;; nonraw slot case
- ((eql dsd-raw-type t)
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "in nonraw slot case")
- (%slotplace-accessor-funs
- (,dd-ref-fun-name instance dsd-index)
- ,instance-type-check-form))
- ;; raw slot cases
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (raw-type-and-rawref-fun-name)
- (destructuring-bind (raw-type
- . rawref-fun-name)
- raw-type-and-rawref-fun-name
- `((equal dsd-raw-type ',raw-type)
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "in raw slot case")
- (let ((raw-index (dd-raw-index dd)))
- (%slotplace-accessor-funs
- (,rawref-fun-name (,dd-ref-fun-name
- instance
- raw-index)
- dsd-index)
- ,instance-type-check-form)))))
- *raw-type->rawref-fun-name*)
- ;; oops
- (t
- (error "internal error: unexpected DSD-RAW-TYPE ~S"
- dsd-raw-type))))))
- ;; code shared between DEFSTRUCT :TYPE LIST and
- ;; DEFSTRUCT :TYPE VECTOR cases: Handle the "typed
- ;; structure" case, with no LAYOUTs and no raw slots.
- (%colontyped-slot-accessor-funs () (error "stub"))
- ;; the common structure of the raw-slot and not-raw-slot
- ;; cases, defined in terms of the writable SLOTPLACE. All
- ;; possible flavors of slot access should be able to pass
- ;; through here.
- (%slotplace-accessor-funs (slotplace instance-type-check-form)
- (/show "macroexpanding %SLOTPLACE-ACCESSOR-FUNS" slotplace instance-type-check-form)
- `(values (lambda (instance)
- (/noshow0 "in %SLOTPLACE-ACCESSOR-FUNS-defined reader")
- ,instance-type-check-form
- (/noshow0 "back from INSTANCE-TYPE-CHECK-FORM")
- ,slotplace)
- (let ((typecheckfun (typespec-typecheckfun dsd-type)))
- (lambda (new-value instance)
- (/noshow0 "in %SLOTPLACE-ACCESSOR-FUNS-defined writer")
- ,instance-type-check-form
- (/noshow0 "back from INSTANCE-TYPE-CHECK-FORM")
- (funcall typecheckfun new-value)
- (/noshow0 "back from TYPECHECKFUN")
- (setf ,slotplace new-value))))))
- (let ((dsd-index (dsd-index dsd))
- (dsd-type (dsd-type dsd)))
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "got DSD-TYPE=..")
- #+sb-xc (/hexstr dsd-type)
- (ecase (dd-type dd)
- ;; native structures
- (structure
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "case of DSD-TYPE = STRUCTURE")
- (%native-slot-accessor-funs %instance-ref))
- ;; structures with the :TYPE option
- ;; FIXME: Worry about these later..
- #|
- ;; In :TYPE LIST and :TYPE VECTOR structures, ANSI specifies the
- ;; layout completely, so that raw slots are impossible.
- (list
- (dd-type-slot-accessor-funs nth-but-with-sane-arg-order
- `(%check-structure-type-from-dd
- :maybe-raw-p nil))
- (vector
- (dd-type-slot-accessor-funs aref
- :maybe-raw-p nil)))
- |#
- ))))
-;;;; baby steps for the new out-of-line slot accessor functions
-;;;; REMOVEME after new structure code works
-(in-package :sb-kernel)
-(defstruct foo
- ;; vanilla slots
- a
- (b 5 :type package :read-only t)
- ;; raw slots
- (x 5 :type (unsigned-byte 32))
- (y 5.0 :type single-float :read-only t))
-(load "/usr/stuff/sbcl/src/cold/chill")
-(cl-user:fasl "/usr/stuff/sbcl/src/code/typecheckfuns")
-(cl-user:fasl "/usr/stuff/outsacc")
-(let* ((foo-layout (compiler-layout-or-lose 'foo))
- (foo-dd (layout-info foo-layout))
- (foo-dsds (dd-slots foo-dd))
- (foo-a-dsd (find "A" foo-dsds :test #'string= :key #'dsd-%name))
- (foo-b-dsd (find "B" foo-dsds :test #'string= :key #'dsd-%name))
- (foo-x-dsd (find "X" foo-dsds :test #'string= :key #'dsd-%name))
- (foo-y-dsd (find "X" foo-dsds :test #'string= :key #'dsd-%name))
- (foo (make-foo :a 'avalue
- :b (find-package :cl)
- :x 50)))
- (declare (type layout foo-layout))
- (declare (type defstruct-description foo-dd))
- (declare (type defstruct-slot-description foo-a-dsd))
- (cl-user:/show foo)
- (multiple-value-bind (foo-a-reader foo-a-writer)
- (slot-accessor-funs foo-dd foo-a-dsd)
- ;; basic functionality
- (cl-user:/show foo-a-reader)
- (cl-user:/show (funcall foo-a-reader foo))
- (aver (eql (funcall foo-a-reader foo) 'avalue))
- (cl-user:/show foo-a-writer)
- (cl-user:/show (funcall foo-a-writer 'replacedavalue foo))
- (cl-user:/show "new" (funcall foo-a-reader foo))
- (aver (eql (funcall foo-a-reader foo) 'replacedavalue))
- ;; type checks on FOO-ness of instance argument
- (cl-user:/show (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (funcall foo-a-reader 3))))
- (aver (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (funcall foo-a-reader 3)))
- 'type-error))
- (aver (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (funcall foo-a-writer 3 4)))
- 'type-error)))
- ;; type checks on written slot value
- (multiple-value-bind (foo-b-reader foo-b-writer)
- (slot-accessor-funs foo-dd foo-b-dsd)
- (cl-user:/show "old" (funcall foo-b-reader foo))
- (aver (not (eql (funcall foo-b-reader foo) (find-package :cl-user))))
- (funcall foo-b-writer (find-package :cl-user) foo)
- (cl-user:/show "new" (funcall foo-b-reader foo))
- (aver (eql (funcall foo-b-reader foo) (find-package :cl-user)))
- (aver (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (funcall foo-b-writer 5 foo)))
- 'type-error))
- (aver (eql (funcall foo-b-reader foo) (find-package :cl-user))))
- ;; raw slots
- (cl-user:/describe foo-x-dsd)
- (cl-user:/describe foo-y-dsd)
- (multiple-value-bind (foo-x-reader foo-x-writer)
- (slot-accessor-funs foo-dd foo-x-dsd)
- (multiple-value-bind (foo-y-reader foo-y-writer)
- (slot-accessor-funs foo-dd foo-y-dsd)
- ;; basic functionality for (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32) slot
- (cl-user:/show foo-x-reader)
- (cl-user:/show (funcall foo-x-reader foo))
- (aver (eql (funcall foo-x-reader foo) 50))
- (cl-user:/show foo-x-writer)
- (cl-user:/show (funcall foo-x-writer 14 foo))
- (cl-user:/show "new" (funcall foo-x-reader foo))
- (aver (eql (funcall foo-x-reader foo) 14)))
- ;; type check for (UNSIGNED-BYTE 32) slot
- (/show "to do: type check X")
- ;; SINGLE-FLOAT slot
- (/show "to do: Y")))
;;;; the legendary DEFSTRUCT macro itself (both CL:DEFSTRUCT and its
;;;; close personal friend SB!XC:DEFSTRUCT)
;; non-compact code. In this context, we'd rather have
;; compact, cold-loadable code. -- WHN 19990928
(declare (notinline sb!xc:find-class))
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "beginning CLASS-METHOD-DEFINITIONS forms")
,@(let ((pf (dd-print-function defstruct))
(po (dd-print-object defstruct))
(x (gensym))
,@(let ((def-con (dd-default-constructor defstruct)))
(when (and def-con (not (dd-alternate-metaclass defstruct)))
`((setf (structure-class-constructor (sb!xc:find-class ',name))
- #',def-con))))
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "done with CLASS-METHOD-DEFINITIONS forms")))))
-;;; FIXME: I really would like to make structure accessors less
-;;; special, just ordinary inline functions. (Or perhaps inline
-;;; functions with special compact implementations of their
-;;; expansions, to avoid bloating the system.)
+ #',def-con))))))))
;;; shared logic for CL:DEFSTRUCT and SB!XC:DEFSTRUCT
(defmacro !expander-for-defstruct (name-and-options
(if (dd-class-p dd)
(let ((inherits (inherits-for-structure dd)))
- (/show0 "beginning macroexpanded DEFSTRUCT code")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(%compiler-defstruct ',dd ',inherits))
- (/show0 "back from %COMPILER-DEFSTRUCT")
(%defstruct ',dd ',inherits)
- (/show0 "back from %DEFSTRUCT")
,@(unless expanding-into-code-for-xc-host-p
- (append #|(raw-accessor-definitions dd)|# ; REMOVEME
- (predicate-definitions dd)
+ (append (predicate-definitions dd)
;; FIXME: We've inherited from CMU CL nonparallel
;; code for creating copiers for typed and untyped
;; structures. This should be fixed.
;(copier-definition dd)
(constructor-definitions dd)
(class-method-definitions dd)))
- (/show0 "done with macroexpanded DEFSTRUCT code")
- (/show0 "beginning macroexpanded typed DEFSTRUCT code")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(setf (info :typed-structure :info ',name) ',dd))
,@(unless expanding-into-code-for-xc-host-p
(typed-predicate-definitions dd)
(typed-copier-definitions dd)
(constructor-definitions dd)))
- (/show0 "done with macroexpanded typed DEFSTRUCT code")
(sb!xc:defmacro defstruct (name-and-options &rest slot-descriptions)
;;;; functions to generate code for various parts of DEFSTRUCT definitions
-;;; REMOVEME: no longer used
-;;; Return forms to define readers and writers for raw slots as inline
-;;; functions.
-(defun raw-accessor-definitions (dd)
- (let* ((name (dd-name dd))
- (dtype (dd-declarable-type dd)))
- (collect ((res))
- (dolist (slot (dd-slots dd))
- (let ((slot-type (dsd-type slot))
- (accessor-name (dsd-accessor-name slot))
- (argname (gensym "ARG"))
- (nvname (gensym "NEW-VALUE-")))
- (multiple-value-bind (accessor offset data)
- (slot-accessor-form dd slot argname)
- ;; When accessor exists and is raw
- (when (and accessor-name
- (not (eq accessor-name '%instance-ref)))
- (res `(/show0 "doing one slot, ACCESSOR-NAME=.."))
- (res `(/hexstr ',accessor-name))
- (res `(declaim (inline ,accessor-name)))
- (res `(/show0 "done with reader DECLAIM INLINE"))
- (res `(declaim (ftype (function (,dtype) ,slot-type)
- ,accessor-name)))
- (res `(/show0 "done with reader DECLAIM FTYPE, doing DEFUN"))
- (res `(defun ,accessor-name (,argname)
- ;; Note: The DECLARE here might seem redundant
- ;; with the DECLAIM FTYPE above, but it's not:
- ;; If we're not at toplevel, the PROCLAIM inside
- ;; the DECLAIM doesn't get executed until after
- ;; this function is compiled.
- (declare (type ,dtype ,argname))
- (truly-the ,slot-type (,accessor ,data ,offset))))
- (unless (dsd-read-only slot)
- (res `(/show0 "doing writer DECLAIM INLINE"))
- (res `(declaim (inline (setf ,accessor-name))))
- (res `(/show0 "doing writer DECLAIM FTYPE"))
- (res `(declaim (ftype (function (,slot-type ,dtype) ,slot-type)
- (setf ,accessor-name))))
- ;; FIXME: I rewrote this somewhat from the CMU CL definition.
- ;; Do some basic tests to make sure that reading and writing
- ;; raw slots still works correctly.
- (res `(/show0 "doing writer DEFUN"))
- (res `(defun (setf ,accessor-name) (,nvname ,argname)
- (declare (type ,dtype ,argname))
- (setf (,accessor ,data ,offset) ,nvname)
- ,nvname)))
- (res `(/show0 "done with one slot"))))))
- `((/show0 "beginning RAW-ACCESSOR-DEFINITIONS forms")
- ,@(res)
- (/show0 "done with RAW-ACCESSOR-DEFINITIONS forms")))))
;;; Return a list of forms which create a predicate for an untyped DEFSTRUCT.
(defun predicate-definitions (dd)
(let ((pred (dd-predicate-name dd))
(argname (gensym "ARG")))
(and pred
- `((/show0 "beginning PREDICATE-DEFINITIONS forms")
- (protect-cl ',pred)
+ `((protect-cl ',pred)
(declaim (inline ,pred))
(defun ,pred (,argname)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
(typep-to-layout ,argname
- (compile-time-find-layout ,(dd-name dd))))
- (/show0 "done with PREDICATE-DEFINITIONS forms")))))
+ (compile-time-find-layout ,(dd-name dd))))))))
;;; Return a list of forms which create a predicate function for a typed
,(cdr (car (last (find-name-indices defstruct)))))
-;;; FIXME: We've inherited from CMU CL code to do typed structure copiers
-;;; in a completely different way than untyped structure copiers. Fix this.
-;;; (This function was my first attempt to fix this, but I stopped before
-;;; figuring out how to install it completely and remove the parallel
-;;; code which simply SETF's the FDEFINITION of the DD-COPIER name.
-;;; Return the copier definition for an untyped DEFSTRUCT.
-(defun copier-definition (dd)
- (when (dd-copier dd)
- (let ((argname (gensym)))
- `(progn
- (protect-cl ',(dd-copier dd))
- (defun ,(dd-copier dd) (,argname)
- (declare (type ,(dd-name dd) ,argname))
- (copy-structure ,argname))))))
;;; Return a list of forms to create a copier function of a typed DEFSTRUCT.
(defun typed-copier-definitions (defstruct)
(when (dd-copier-name defstruct)
(t (error "unknown DEFSTRUCT option:~% ~S" option)))))
;;; Given name and options, return a DD holding that info.
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun parse-defstruct-name-and-options (name-and-options)
(destructuring-bind (name &rest options) name-and-options
(aver name) ; A null name doesn't seem to make sense here.
(dolist (slot-description slot-descriptions)
(allocate-1-slot result (parse-1-dsd result slot-description)))
;;;; stuff to parse slot descriptions
;;; RAW-TYPE is the raw slot type, or NIL if no raw slot.
;;; WORDS is the number of words in the raw slot, or NIL if no raw slot.
(defun structure-raw-slot-type-and-size (type)
- (/noshow "in STRUCTURE-RAW-SLOT-TYPE-AND-SIZE" type (sb!xc:subtypep type 'fixnum))
(cond #+nil
(;; FIXME: For now we suppress raw slots, since there are various
;; issues about the way that the cross-compiler handles them.
((and (sb!xc:subtypep type '(unsigned-byte 32))
(multiple-value-bind (fixnum? fixnum-certain?)
(sb!xc:subtypep type 'fixnum)
- (/noshow fixnum? fixnum-certain?)
;; (The extra test for FIXNUM-CERTAIN? here is
;; intended for bootstrapping the system. In
;; particular, in sbcl-0.6.2, we set up LAYOUT before
;;; yet for the raw data vector, then do it. Raw objects are aligned
;;; on the unit of their size.
(defun allocate-1-slot (dd dsd)
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "entering ALLOCATE-1-SLOT")
(multiple-value-bind (raw? raw-type words)
(if (eq (dd-type dd) 'structure)
(structure-raw-slot-type-and-size (dsd-type dsd))
(values nil nil nil))
- (/noshow "ALLOCATE-1-SLOT" dsd raw? raw-type words)
(cond ((not raw?)
(setf (dsd-index dsd) (dd-length dd))
(incf (dd-length dd)))
(setf (dsd-raw-type dsd) raw-type)
(setf (dsd-index dsd) (dd-raw-length dd))
(incf (dd-raw-length dd) words))))
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "leaving ALLOCATE-1-SLOT")
(defun typed-structure-info-or-lose (name)
(defun %defstruct (dd inherits)
(declare (type defstruct-description dd))
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "entering %DEFSTRUCT")
;; We set up LAYOUTs even in the cross-compilation host.
(multiple-value-bind (class layout old-layout)
(ensure-structure-class dd inherits "current" "new")
;; It doesn't make sense to do these in the cross-compilation host.
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "doing #+SB-XC stuff in %DEFSTRUCT")
(remhash (dd-name dd) *typecheckfuns*)
(%target-defstruct dd layout)
(when (dd-doc dd)
(setf (fdocumentation (dd-name dd) 'type)
- (dd-doc dd)))
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "done with #+SB-XC stuff in %DEFSTRUCT")
- ))
+ (dd-doc dd)))))
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "leaving %DEFSTRUCT")
;;; Return a form describing the writable place used for this slot
(inherits (vector (find-layout t)
(find-layout 'instance))))
- (/show "entering %COMPILER-SET-UP-LAYOUT for" (dd-name dd))
(multiple-value-bind (class layout old-layout)
(multiple-value-bind (clayout clayout-p)
(info :type :compiler-layout (dd-name dd))
:compiler-layout clayout))
(cond (old-layout
- (/show "non-NIL" old-layout)
(undefine-structure (layout-class old-layout))
(when (and (class-subclasses class)
(not (eq layout old-layout)))
(setf (info :type :compiler-layout (dd-name dd)) layout))
- (/show0 "leaving %COMPILER-SET-UP-LAYOUT")
;;; Do (COMPILE LOAD EVAL)-time actions for the normal (not
(defun %compiler-defstruct (dd inherits)
(declare (type defstruct-description dd))
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "entering %COMPILER-DEFSTRUCT")
(%compiler-set-up-layout dd inherits)
(info :function :inlinep setf-accessor-name)
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "leaving %COMPILER-DEFSTRUCT")
;;;; redefinition stuff
(let ((os (find name oslots :key #'dsd-name))
(ns (find name nslots :key #'dsd-name)))
(unless (subtypep (dsd-type ns) (dsd-type os))
- (/noshow "found retyped slots" ns os (dsd-type ns) (dsd-type os))
(retyped name))
(unless (and (= (dsd-index os) (dsd-index ns))
(eq (dsd-raw-type os) (dsd-raw-type ns)))
;;; be used.
(defun %redefine-defstruct (class old-layout new-layout)
(declare (type sb!xc:class class) (type layout old-layout new-layout))
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "entering %REDEFINE-DEFSTRUCT")
(let ((name (class-proper-name class)))
(error "redefining class ~S incompatibly with the current definition"
(register-layout new-layout :invalidate nil
:destruct-layout old-layout))))
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "leaving %REDEFINE-DEFSTRUCT")
;;; This is called when we are about to define a structure class. It
;;; over this type, clearing the compiler structure type info, and
;;; undefining all the associated functions.
(defun undefine-structure (class)
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "entering UNDEFINE-STRUCTURE")
(let ((info (layout-info (class-layout class))))
(when (defstruct-description-p info)
(let ((type (dd-name info)))
;; Clear out the SPECIFIER-TYPE cache so that subsequent
;; references are unknown types.
- #+sb-xc (/show0 "leaving UNDEFINE-STRUCTURE")
;;; Return a list of pairs (name . index). Used for :TYPE'd
(dolist (boa boas)
(res (create-boa-constructor defstruct boa creator)))
- `((/show0 "beginning CONSTRUCTOR-DEFINITIONS forms")
- ,@(res)
- (/show0 "done with CONSTRUCTOR-DEFINITIONS forms")))))
+ (res))))
;;;; instances with ALTERNATE-METACLASS
(declare (type symbol predicate))
(declare (type (member structure funcallable-structure) dd-type))
- (/show "entering !DEFSTRUCT-WITH-ALTERNATE-METACLASS expander" class-name)
(let* ((dd (make-dd-with-alternate-metaclass
:class-name class-name
:slot-names slot-names
(values `(%make-funcallable-instance ,dd-length
- (/show dd raw-maker-form raw-reffer-operator)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
;;; special enough (and simple enough) that we just build it by hand
;;; instead of trying to generalize the ordinary DEFSTRUCT code.
(defun !set-up-structure-object-class ()
- (/show0 "entering !SET-UP-STRUCTURE-OBJECT-CLASS")
(let ((dd (make-defstruct-description 'structure-object)))
;; Note: This has an ALTERNATE-METACLASS only because of blind
(dd-slots dd) nil
(dd-length dd) 1
(dd-type dd) 'structure)
- (/show0 "about to %COMPILER-SET-UP-LAYOUT")
- (%compiler-set-up-layout dd))
- (/show0 "leaving !SET-UP-STRUCTURE-OBJECT-CLASS"))
+ (%compiler-set-up-layout dd)))
;;; early structure predeclarations: Set up DD and LAYOUT for ordinary
(/show0 "leaving %TARGET-DEFSTRUCT")
+;;;; generating out-of-line slot accessor functions
+;;; FIXME: Ideally, the presence of the type checks in the functions
+;;; here would be conditional on the optimization policy at the point
+;;; of expansion of DEFSTRUCT. (For now we're just doing the simpler
+;;; thing, putting in the type checks unconditionally.)
+(defun slot-accessor-funs (dd dsd)
+ #+sb-xc (/show0 "entering SLOT-ACCESSOR-FUNS")
+ ;; various code generators
+ ;;
+ ;; Note: They're only minimally parameterized, and cavalierly grab
+ ;; things like INSTANCE and DSD-INDEX from the namespace they're
+ ;; expanded in.
+ (macrolet (;; code shared between funcallable instance case and the
+ ;; ordinary STRUCTURE-OBJECT case: Handle native
+ ;; structures with LAYOUTs and (possibly) raw slots.
+ (%native-slot-accessor-funs (dd-ref-fun-name)
+ (let ((instance-type-check-form
+ '(%check-structure-type-from-layout instance layout)))
+ (/show "macroexpanding %NATIVE-SLOT-ACCESSOR-FUNS" dd-ref-fun-name instance-type-check-form)
+ `(let ((layout (dd-layout-or-lose dd))
+ (dsd-raw-type (dsd-raw-type dsd)))
+ #+sb-xc (/show0 "in %NATIVE-SLOT-ACCESSOR-FUNS macroexpanded code")
+ ;; Map over all the possible RAW-TYPEs, compiling
+ ;; a different closure-function for each one, so
+ ;; that once the COND over RAW-TYPEs happens (at
+ ;; the time closure is allocated) there are no
+ ;; more decisions to be made and things execute
+ ;; reasonably efficiently.
+ (cond
+ ;; nonraw slot case
+ ((eql dsd-raw-type t)
+ #+sb-xc (/show0 "in nonraw slot case")
+ (%slotplace-accessor-funs
+ (,dd-ref-fun-name instance dsd-index)
+ ,instance-type-check-form))
+ ;; raw slot cases
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (raw-type-and-rawref-fun-name)
+ (destructuring-bind (raw-type
+ . rawref-fun-name)
+ raw-type-and-rawref-fun-name
+ `((equal dsd-raw-type ',raw-type)
+ #+sb-xc (/show0 "in raw slot case")
+ (let ((raw-index (dd-raw-index dd)))
+ (%slotplace-accessor-funs
+ (,rawref-fun-name (,dd-ref-fun-name
+ instance
+ raw-index)
+ dsd-index)
+ ,instance-type-check-form)))))
+ *raw-type->rawref-fun-name*)
+ ;; oops
+ (t
+ (error "internal error: unexpected DSD-RAW-TYPE ~S"
+ dsd-raw-type))))))
+ ;; code shared between DEFSTRUCT :TYPE LIST and
+ ;; DEFSTRUCT :TYPE VECTOR cases: Handle the "typed
+ ;; structure" case, with no LAYOUTs and no raw slots.
+ (%colontyped-slot-accessor-funs () (error "stub"))
+ ;; the common structure of the raw-slot and not-raw-slot
+ ;; cases, defined in terms of the writable SLOTPLACE. All
+ ;; possible flavors of slot access should be able to pass
+ ;; through here.
+ (%slotplace-accessor-funs (slotplace instance-type-check-form)
+ (/show "macroexpanding %SLOTPLACE-ACCESSOR-FUNS" slotplace instance-type-check-form)
+ `(values (lambda (instance)
+ (/noshow0 "in %SLOTPLACE-ACCESSOR-FUNS-defined reader")
+ ,instance-type-check-form
+ (/noshow0 "back from INSTANCE-TYPE-CHECK-FORM")
+ ,slotplace)
+ (let ((typecheckfun (typespec-typecheckfun dsd-type)))
+ (lambda (new-value instance)
+ (/noshow0 "in %SLOTPLACE-ACCESSOR-FUNS-defined writer")
+ ,instance-type-check-form
+ (/noshow0 "back from INSTANCE-TYPE-CHECK-FORM")
+ (funcall typecheckfun new-value)
+ (/noshow0 "back from TYPECHECKFUN")
+ (setf ,slotplace new-value))))))
+ (let ((dsd-index (dsd-index dsd))
+ (dsd-type (dsd-type dsd)))
+ #+sb-xc (/show0 "got DSD-TYPE=..")
+ #+sb-xc (/hexstr dsd-type)
+ (ecase (dd-type dd)
+ ;; native structures
+ (structure
+ #+sb-xc (/show0 "case of DSD-TYPE = STRUCTURE")
+ (%native-slot-accessor-funs %instance-ref))
+ ;; structures with the :TYPE option
+ ;; FIXME: Worry about these later..
+ #|
+ ;; In :TYPE LIST and :TYPE VECTOR structures, ANSI specifies the
+ ;; layout completely, so that raw slots are impossible.
+ (list
+ (dd-type-slot-accessor-funs nth-but-with-sane-arg-order
+ `(%check-structure-type-from-dd
+ :maybe-raw-p nil))
+ (vector
+ (dd-type-slot-accessor-funs aref
+ :maybe-raw-p nil)))
+ |#
+ ))))
;;; Copy any old kind of structure.
(defun copy-structure (structure)