Kill the silly *NAME->CLASS->SLOTD-TABLE* PCL cache.
* Remove the code that updated the table
* Rewrite the only user of the data stored in the table
(MAKE-ACCESSOR-TABLE) to recompute it from scratch each time
* Which actually ends up being faster than using the table,
speeding the loading of CLOS-using FASLs a bit
* Reduce core size by a 900 kB on x86-64
fsc-p nil slot-name index))
(set-val 'boundp-function (make-optimized-std-boundp-method-function
fsc-p nil slot-name index)))
- (set-val 'accessor-flags 7)
- (let ((table (or (gethash slot-name *name->class->slotd-table*)
- (setf (gethash slot-name *name->class->slotd-table*)
- (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size 5)))))
- (setf (gethash class table) slotd)))
+ (set-val 'accessor-flags 7))
(when (and (eq name 'standard-class)
(eq slot-name 'slots) effective-p)
(setq *the-eslotd-standard-class-slots* slotd))
(defun variable-class (var env)
(caddr (var-declaration 'class var env)))
-(defvar *name->class->slotd-table* (make-hash-table))
(defvar *standard-method-combination*)
(defun plist-value (object name)
(accessor-method-slot-name method))))
(when (or (null specl-cpl)
+ (null so-p)
(member *the-class-structure-object* specl-cpl))
(return-from make-accessor-table nil))
- (maphash (lambda (class slotd)
- (let ((cpl (if early-p
- (early-class-precedence-list class)
- (class-precedence-list class))))
- (when (memq specl cpl)
- (unless (and (or so-p
- (member *the-class-standard-object*
- cpl))
- (or early-p
- (slot-accessor-std-p slotd type)))
+ ;; Collect all the slot-definitions for SLOT-NAME from SPECL and
+ ;; all of its subclasses. If either SPECL or one of the subclasses
+ ;; is not a standard-class, bail out.
+ (labels ((aux (class)
+ ;; FIND-SLOT-DEFINITION might not be defined yet
+ (let ((slotd (find-if (lambda (x)
+ (eq (sb-pcl::slot-definition-name x)
+ slot-name))
+ (sb-pcl::class-slots class))))
+ (when slotd
+ (unless (or early-p
+ (slot-accessor-std-p slotd type))
(return-from make-accessor-table nil))
- (push (cons specl slotd) (gethash class table)))))
- (gethash slot-name *name->class->slotd-table*))))
+ (push (cons specl slotd) (gethash class table))))
+ (dolist (subclass (sb-pcl::class-direct-subclasses class))
+ (aux subclass))))
+ (aux specl))))
(maphash (lambda (class specl+slotd-list)
(dolist (sclass (if early-p
(early-class-precedence-list class)
(let* ((name (slot-value slotd 'name))
(class (slot-value slotd '%class)))
- (let ((table (or (gethash name *name->class->slotd-table*)
- (setf (gethash name *name->class->slotd-table*)
- (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size 5)))))
- (setf (gethash class table) slotd))
(dolist (type '(reader writer boundp))
(let* ((gf-name (ecase type
(reader 'slot-value-using-class)
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)