(+ 3 (* 8 (ucd-value-0 char))))))
(when (< decimal-digit 10)
+(declaim (ftype (sfunction (t) (unsigned-byte 8)) ucd-ccc))
+(defun ucd-ccc (char)
+ (aref **character-database** (+ 2 (* 8 (ucd-value-0 char)))))
(defun char-code (char)
(decompositions **character-decompositions**)
(long-decompositions **character-long-decompositions**)
(index (+ #x1100
- (ash (aref decompositions cp-high) 10)
+ (ash (aref decompositions cp-high) 10)
(ash (ldb (byte 8 0) cp) 2)))
(v0 (aref decompositions index))
(v1 (aref decompositions (+ index 1)))
(if (= (char-decomposition-info char) 0)
(string char)
(char-decomposition char)))
+(defun decompose-string (string &optional (kind :canonical))
+ (declare (type (member :canonical :compatibility) kind))
+ (flet ((canonical (char)
+ (= 1 (char-decomposition-info char)))
+ (compat (char)
+ (/= 0 (char-decomposition-info char))))
+ (let (result
+ (fun (ecase kind
+ (:canonical #'canonical)
+ (:compatibility #'compat))))
+ (do* ((start 0 (1+ end))
+ (end (position-if fun string :start start)
+ (position-if fun string :start start)))
+ ((null end) (push (subseq string start end) result))
+ (unless (= start end)
+ (push (subseq string start end) result))
+ (push (decompose-char (char string end)) result))
+ (apply 'concatenate 'string (nreverse result)))))
+(defun sort-combiners (string)
+ (let (result (start 0) first-cc first-non-cc)
+ (tagbody
+ again
+ (setf first-cc (position 0 string :key #'ucd-ccc :test #'/= :start start))
+ (when first-cc
+ (setf first-non-cc (position 0 string :key #'ucd-ccc :test #'= :start first-cc)))
+ (push (subseq string start first-cc) result)
+ (when first-cc
+ (push (stable-sort (subseq string first-cc first-non-cc) #'< :key #'ucd-ccc) result))
+ (when first-non-cc
+ (setf start first-non-cc first-cc nil first-non-cc nil)
+ (go again)))
+ (apply 'concatenate 'string (nreverse result))))
+(defun primary-composition (char1 char2)
+ (when (and (char= char1 #\e)
+ (char= char2 #\combining_acute_accent))
+ #\latin_small_letter_e_with_acute))
+;;; generic sequences. *sigh*.
+(defun lref (lstring index)
+ (dolist (l lstring)
+ (when (and (<= (first l) index)
+ (< index (second l)))
+ (return (aref (third l) (- index (first l)))))))
+(defun (setf lref) (newchar lstring index)
+ (dolist (l lstring)
+ (when (and (<= (first l) index)
+ (< index (second l)))
+ (return (setf (aref (third l) (- index (first l))) newchar)))))
+(defun llength (lstring)
+ (second (first (last lstring))))
+(defun lstring (lstring)
+ (let ((result (make-string (llength lstring))))
+ (dolist (l lstring result)
+ (replace result (third l) :start1 (first l) :end1 (second l)))))
+(defun ldelete (lstring index)
+ (do* ((ls lstring (cdr ls))
+ (l (car ls) (car ls))
+ so-fars)
+ ((and (<= (first l) index)
+ (< index (second l)))
+ (append
+ (nreverse so-fars)
+ (cond
+ ((= (first l) index)
+ (list (list (first l) (1- (second l)) (subseq (third l) 1))))
+ ((= index (1- (second l)))
+ (list (list (first l) (1- (second l)) (subseq (third l) 0 (1- (length (third l)))))))
+ (t
+ (list
+ (list (first l) index
+ (subseq (third l) 0 (- index (first l))))
+ (list index (1- (second l))
+ (subseq (third l) (1+ (- index (first l))))))))
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (list (1- (first x)) (1- (second x)) (third x)))
+ (cdr ls))))
+ (push l so-fars)))
+(defun canonically-compose (string)
+ (labels ()
+ (let* ((result (list (list 0 (length string) string)))
+ (previous-starter-index (position 0 string :key #'ucd-ccc))
+ (i (1+ previous-starter-index)))
+ (when (= i (length string))
+ (return-from canonically-compose string))
+ (tagbody
+ again
+ (when (and (> (- i previous-starter-index) 2)
+ (= (ucd-ccc (lref result i)) (ucd-ccc (lref result (1- i)))))
+ (when (= (ucd-ccc (lref result i)) 0)
+ (setf previous-starter-index i))
+ (incf i)
+ (go next))
+ (let ((comp (primary-composition (lref result previous-starter-index)
+ (lref result i))))
+ (cond
+ (comp
+ (setf (lref result previous-starter-index) comp)
+ (setf result (ldelete result i)))
+ (t
+ (when (= (ucd-ccc (lref result i)) 0)
+ (setf previous-starter-index i))
+ (incf i))))
+ next
+ (unless (= i (llength result))
+ (go again)))
+ (if (= i (length string))
+ string
+ (lstring result)))))
+(defun normalize-string (string &optional (form :nfd))
+ (declare (type (member :nfd :nfkd :nfc :nfkc) form))
+ (etypecase string
+ (simple-base-string string)
+ ((simple-array character (*))
+ (ecase form
+ ((:nfd)
+ (sort-combiners (decompose-string string)))
+ ((:nfkd)
+ (sort-combiners (decompose-string string :compatibility)))))
+ ((simple-array nil (*)) string)))
(loop for (gc-index bidi-index ccc-index decimal-digit digit
bidi-mirrored nil decomposition-info)
across *misc-table*
+ ;; three bits spare here
do (write-byte gc-index stream)
+ ;; three bits spare here
do (write-byte bidi-index stream)
do (write-byte ccc-index stream)
+ ;; we could save some space here: decimal-digit and
+ ;; digit are constrained (CHECKME) to be between 0 and
+ ;; 9, so we could encode the pair in a single byte.
+ ;; (Also, decimal-digit is equal to digit or undefined,
+ ;; so we could encode decimal-digit as a single bit,
+ ;; meaning that we could save 11 bits here.
do (write-byte (digit-to-byte decimal-digit) stream)
do (write-byte (digit-to-byte digit) stream)
+ ;; there's an easy 7 bits to spare here
do (write-byte (if (string= "N" bidi-mirrored) 0 1) stream)
+ ;; at the moment we store information about which type
+ ;; of compatibility decomposition is used, costing c.3
+ ;; bits. We could elide that.
do (write-byte decomposition-info stream)
do (write-byte 0 stream))
(loop for page across *ucd-base*