(end (or end (length (the vector thing)))))
(declare (fixnum start end))
(if (stringp thing)
- (let ((last-newline (and (find #\newline (the simple-string thing)
- :start start :end end)
- ;; FIXME why do we need both calls?
- ;; Is find faster forwards than
- ;; position is backwards?
- (position #\newline (the simple-string thing)
- :from-end t
- :start start
- :end end))))
+ (let ((last-newline
+ (flet ((do-it (string)
+ (and (find #\newline string :start start :end end)
+ ;; FIXME why do we need both calls?
+ ;; Is find faster forwards than
+ ;; position is backwards?
+ (position #\newline string
+ :from-end t
+ :start start
+ :end end))))
+ (declare (inline do-it))
+ ;; Specialize the common cases
+ (etypecase thing
+ (simple-base-string
+ (do-it (the simple-base-string thing)))
+ #!+sb-unicode
+ ((simple-array character)
+ (do-it (the (simple-array character) thing)))
+ (string
+ (do-it thing))))))
(if (and (typep thing 'base-string)
(eq (fd-stream-external-format stream) :latin-1))
(ecase (fd-stream-buffering stream)
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)