(defmacro prog2 (form1 result &body body)
`(prog1 (progn ,form1 ,result) ,@body))
+;;; Go on growing the Lisp language in Ecmalisp, with more high level
+;;; utilities as well as correct versions of other constructions.
+(defun + (&rest args)
+ (let ((r 0))
+ (dolist (x args r)
+ (incf r x))))
+(defun - (x &rest others)
+ (if (null others)
+ (- x)
+ (let ((r x))
+ (dolist (y others r)
+ (decf r y)))))
+(defun append-two (list1 list2)
+ (if (null list1)
+ list2
+ (cons (car list1)
+ (append (cdr list1) list2))))
+(defun append (&rest lists)
+ (!reduce #'append-two lists))
+(defun revappend (list1 list2)
+ (while list1
+ (push (car list1) list2)
+ (setq list1 (cdr list1)))
+ list2)
+(defun reverse (list)
+ (revappend list '()))
+(defmacro psetq (&rest pairs)
+ (let (;; For each pair, we store here a list of the form
+ (assignments '()))
+ (while t
+ (cond
+ ((null pairs) (return))
+ ((null (cdr pairs))
+ (error "Odd paris in PSETQ"))
+ (t
+ (let ((variable (car pairs))
+ (value (cadr pairs)))
+ (push `(,variable ,(gensym) ,value) assignments)
+ (setq pairs (cddr pairs))))))
+ (setq assignments (reverse assignments))
+ ;;
+ `(let ,(mapcar #'cdr assignments)
+ (setq ,@(!reduce #'append (mapcar #'butlast assignments))))))
+(defmacro do (varlist endlist &body body)
+ `(block nil
+ (let ,(mapcar (lambda (x) (list (first x) (second x))) varlist)
+ (while t
+ (when ,(car endlist)
+ (return (progn ,@(cdr endlist))))
+ (tagbody ,@body)
+ (psetq
+ ,@(apply #'append
+ (mapcar (lambda (v)
+ (and (consp (cddr v))
+ (list (first v) (third v))))
+ varlist)))))))
+(defmacro do* (varlist endlist &body body)
+ `(block nil
+ (let* ,(mapcar (lambda (x) (list (first x) (second x))) varlist)
+ (while t
+ (when ,(car endlist)
+ (return (progn ,@(cdr endlist))))
+ (tagbody ,@body)
+ (setq
+ ,@(apply #'append
+ (mapcar (lambda (v)
+ (and (consp (cddr v))
+ (list (first v) (third v))))
+ varlist)))))))
+(defun list-length (list)
+ (let ((l 0))
+ (while (not (null list))
+ (incf l)
+ (setq list (cdr list)))
+ l))
+(defun length (seq)
+ (cond
+ ((stringp seq)
+ (string-length seq))
+ ((arrayp seq)
+ (oget seq "length"))
+ ((listp seq)
+ (list-length seq))))
+(defun concat-two (s1 s2)
+ (concat-two s1 s2))
+(defmacro with-collect (&body body)
+ (let ((head (gensym))
+ (tail (gensym)))
+ `(let* ((,head (cons 'sentinel nil))
+ (,tail ,head))
+ (flet ((collect (x)
+ (rplacd ,tail (cons x nil))
+ (setq ,tail (cdr ,tail))
+ x))
+ ,@body)
+ (cdr ,head))))
+(defun map1 (func list)
+ (with-collect
+ (while list
+ (collect (funcall func (car list)))
+ (setq list (cdr list)))))
+(defmacro loop (&body body)
+ `(while t ,@body))
+(defun mapcar (func list &rest lists)
+ (let ((lists (cons list lists)))
+ (with-collect
+ (block loop
+ (loop
+ (let ((elems (map1 #'car lists)))
+ (do ((tail lists (cdr tail)))
+ ((null tail))
+ (when (null (car tail)) (return-from loop))
+ (rplaca tail (cdar tail)))
+ (collect (apply func elems))))))))
+(defun identity (x) x)
+(defun constantly (x)
+ (lambda (&rest args)
+ x))
+(defun copy-list (x)
+ (mapcar #'identity x))
+(defun list* (arg &rest others)
+ (cond ((null others) arg)
+ ((null (cdr others)) (cons arg (car others)))
+ (t (do ((x others (cdr x)))
+ ((null (cddr x)) (rplacd x (cadr x))))
+ (cons arg others))))
+(defun code-char (x) x)
+(defun char-code (x) x)
+(defun char= (x y) (= x y))
+(defun integerp (x)
+ (and (numberp x) (= (floor x) x)))
+(defun plusp (x) (< 0 x))
+(defun minusp (x) (< x 0))
+(defun listp (x)
+ (or (consp x) (null x)))
+(defun nthcdr (n list)
+ (while (and (plusp n) list)
+ (setq n (1- n))
+ (setq list (cdr list)))
+ list)
+(defun nth (n list)
+ (car (nthcdr n list)))
+(defun last (x)
+ (while (consp (cdr x))
+ (setq x (cdr x)))
+ x)
+(defun butlast (x)
+ (and (consp (cdr x))
+ (cons (car x) (butlast (cdr x)))))
+(defun member (x list)
+ (while list
+ (when (eql x (car list))
+ (return list))
+ (setq list (cdr list))))
+(defun find (item list &key key (test #'eql))
+ (dolist (x list)
+ (when (funcall test (funcall key x) item)
+ (return x))))
+(defun remove (x list)
+ (cond
+ ((null list)
+ nil)
+ ((eql x (car list))
+ (remove x (cdr list)))
+ (t
+ (cons (car list) (remove x (cdr list))))))
+(defun remove-if (func list)
+ (cond
+ ((null list)
+ nil)
+ ((funcall func (car list))
+ (remove-if func (cdr list)))
+ (t
+ ;;
+ (cons (car list) (remove-if func (cdr list))))))
+(defun remove-if-not (func list)
+ (cond
+ ((null list)
+ nil)
+ ((funcall func (car list))
+ (cons (car list) (remove-if-not func (cdr list))))
+ (t
+ (remove-if-not func (cdr list)))))
+(defun digit-char-p (x)
+ (if (and (<= #\0 x) (<= x #\9))
+ (- x #\0)
+ nil))
+(defun digit-char (weight)
+ (and (<= 0 weight 9)
+ (char "0123456789" weight)))
+(defun subseq (seq a &optional b)
+ (cond
+ ((stringp seq)
+ (if b
+ (slice seq a b)
+ (slice seq a)))
+ (t
+ (error "Unsupported argument."))))
+(defmacro do-sequence (iteration &body body)
+ (let ((seq (gensym))
+ (index (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,seq ,(second iteration)))
+ (cond
+ ;; Strings
+ ((stringp ,seq)
+ (let ((,index 0))
+ (dotimes (,index (length ,seq))
+ (let ((,(first iteration)
+ (char ,seq ,index)))
+ ,@body))))
+ ;; Lists
+ ((listp ,seq)
+ (dolist (,(first iteration) ,seq)
+ ,@body))
+ (t
+ (error "type-error!"))))))
+(defun some (function seq)
+ (do-sequence (elt seq)
+ (when (funcall function elt)
+ (return-from some t))))
+(defun every (function seq)
+ (do-sequence (elt seq)
+ (unless (funcall function elt)
+ (return-from every nil)))
+ t)
+(defun position (elt sequence)
+ (let ((pos 0))
+ (do-sequence (x seq)
+ (when (eq elt x)
+ (return))
+ (incf pos))
+ pos))
+(defun assoc (x alist)
+ (while alist
+ (if (eql x (caar alist))
+ (return)
+ (setq alist (cdr alist))))
+ (car alist))
+(defun string (x)
+ (cond ((stringp x) x)
+ ((symbolp x) (symbol-name x))
+ (t (char-to-string x))))
+(defun string= (s1 s2)
+ (equal s1 s2))
+(defun fdefinition (x)
+ (cond
+ ((functionp x)
+ x)
+ ((symbolp x)
+ (symbol-function x))
+ (t
+ (error "Invalid function"))))
+(defun disassemble (function)
+ (write-line (lambda-code (fdefinition function)))
+ nil)
+(defun documentation (x type)
+ "Return the documentation of X. TYPE must be the symbol VARIABLE or FUNCTION."
+ (ecase type
+ (function
+ (let ((func (fdefinition x)))
+ (oget func "docstring")))
+ (variable
+ (unless (symbolp x)
+ (error "Wrong argument type! it should be a symbol"))
+ (oget x "vardoc"))))
+(defmacro multiple-value-bind (variables value-from &body body)
+ `(multiple-value-call (lambda (&optional ,@variables &rest ,(gensym))
+ ,@body)
+ ,value-from))
+(defmacro multiple-value-list (value-from)
+ `(multiple-value-call #'list ,value-from))
+;;; Generalized references (SETF)
+(defvar *setf-expanders* nil)
+(defun get-setf-expansion (place)
+ (if (symbolp place)
+ (let ((value (gensym)))
+ (values nil
+ nil
+ `(,value)
+ `(setq ,place ,value)
+ place))
+ (let ((place (ls-macroexpand-1 place)))
+ (let* ((access-fn (car place))
+ (expander (cdr (assoc access-fn *setf-expanders*))))
+ (when (null expander)
+ (error "Unknown generalized reference."))
+ (apply expander (cdr place))))))
+(defmacro define-setf-expander (access-fn lambda-list &body body)
+ (unless (symbolp access-fn)
+ (error "ACCESS-FN must be a symbol."))
+ `(progn (push (cons ',access-fn (lambda ,lambda-list ,@body))
+ *setf-expanders*)
+ ',access-fn))
+(defmacro setf (&rest pairs)
+ (cond
+ ((null pairs)
+ nil)
+ ((null (cdr pairs))
+ (error "Odd number of arguments to setf."))
+ ((null (cddr pairs))
+ (let ((place (ls-macroexpand-1 (first pairs)))
+ (value (second pairs)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (vars vals store-vars writer-form reader-form)
+ (get-setf-expansion place)
+ ;; TODO: Optimize the expansion a little bit to avoid let*
+ ;; or multiple-value-bind when unnecesary.
+ `(let* ,(mapcar #'list vars vals)
+ (multiple-value-bind ,store-vars
+ ,value
+ ,writer-form)))))
+ (t
+ `(progn
+ ,@(do ((pairs pairs (cddr pairs))
+ (result '() (cons `(setf ,(car pairs) ,(cadr pairs)) result)))
+ ((null pairs)
+ (reverse result)))))))
+(define-setf-expander car (x)
+ (let ((cons (gensym))
+ (new-value (gensym)))
+ (values (list cons)
+ (list x)
+ (list new-value)
+ `(progn (rplaca ,cons ,new-value) ,new-value)
+ `(car ,cons))))
+(define-setf-expander cdr (x)
+ (let ((cons (gensym))
+ (new-value (gensym)))
+ (values (list cons)
+ (list x)
+ (list new-value)
+ `(progn (rplacd ,cons ,new-value) ,new-value)
+ `(car ,cons))))
+;; Incorrect typecase, but used in NCONC.
+(defmacro typecase (x &rest clausules)
+ (let ((value (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,value ,x))
+ (cond
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (c)
+ (if (eq (car c) t)
+ `((t ,@(rest c)))
+ `((,(ecase (car c)
+ (integer 'integerp)
+ (cons 'consp)
+ (string 'stringp)
+ (atom 'atom)
+ (null 'null))
+ ,value)
+ ,@(or (rest c)
+ (list nil)))))
+ clausules)))))
+;; The NCONC function is based on the SBCL's one.
+(defun nconc (&rest lists)
+ (flet ((fail (object)
+ (error "type-error in nconc")))
+ (do ((top lists (cdr top)))
+ ((null top) nil)
+ (let ((top-of-top (car top)))
+ (typecase top-of-top
+ (cons
+ (let* ((result top-of-top)
+ (splice result))
+ (do ((elements (cdr top) (cdr elements)))
+ ((endp elements))
+ (let ((ele (car elements)))
+ (typecase ele
+ (cons (rplacd (last splice) ele)
+ (setf splice ele))
+ (null (rplacd (last splice) nil))
+ (atom (if (cdr elements)
+ (fail ele)
+ (rplacd (last splice) ele))))))
+ (return result)))
+ (null)
+ (atom
+ (if (cdr top)
+ (fail top-of-top)
+ (return top-of-top))))))))
+(defun nreconc (x y)
+ (do ((1st (cdr x) (if (endp 1st) 1st (cdr 1st)))
+ (2nd x 1st) ; 2nd follows first down the list.
+ (3rd y 2nd)) ;3rd follows 2nd down the list.
+ ((atom 2nd) 3rd)
+ (rplacd 2nd 3rd)))
+(defun notany (fn seq)
+ (not (some fn seq)))
+;; Packages
+(defvar *package-list* nil)
+(defun list-all-packages ()
+ *package-list*)
+(defun make-package (name &key use)
+ (let ((package (new))
+ (use (mapcar #'find-package-or-fail use)))
+ (oset package "packageName" name)
+ (oset package "symbols" (new))
+ (oset package "exports" (new))
+ (oset package "use" use)
+ (push package *package-list*)
+ package))
+(defun packagep (x)
+ (and (objectp x) (in "symbols" x)))
+(defun find-package (package-designator)
+ (when (packagep package-designator)
+ (return-from find-package package-designator))
+ (let ((name (string package-designator)))
+ (dolist (package *package-list*)
+ (when (string= (package-name package) name)
+ (return package)))))
+(defun find-package-or-fail (package-designator)
+ (or (find-package package-designator)
+ (error "Package unknown.")))
+(defun package-name (package-designator)
+ (let ((package (find-package-or-fail package-designator)))
+ (oget package "packageName")))
+(defun %package-symbols (package-designator)
+ (let ((package (find-package-or-fail package-designator)))
+ (oget package "symbols")))
+(defun package-use-list (package-designator)
+ (let ((package (find-package-or-fail package-designator)))
+ (oget package "use")))
+(defun %package-external-symbols (package-designator)
+ (let ((package (find-package-or-fail package-designator)))
+ (oget package "exports")))
+(defvar *common-lisp-package*
+ (make-package "CL"))
+(defvar *js-package*
+ (make-package "JS"))
+(defvar *user-package*
+ (make-package "CL-USER" :use (list *common-lisp-package*)))
+(defvar *keyword-package*
+ (make-package "KEYWORD"))
+(defun keywordp (x)
+ (and (symbolp x) (eq (symbol-package x) *keyword-package*)))
+(defvar *package* *common-lisp-package*)
+(defmacro in-package (package-designator)
+ `(eval-when-compile
+ (setq *package* (find-package-or-fail ,package-designator))))
+;; This function is used internally to initialize the CL package
+;; with the symbols built during bootstrap.
+(defun %intern-symbol (symbol)
+ (let* ((package
+ (if (in "package" symbol)
+ (find-package-or-fail (oget symbol "package"))
+ *common-lisp-package*))
+ (symbols (%package-symbols package)))
+ (oset symbol "package" package)
+ (when (eq package *keyword-package*)
+ (oset symbol "value" symbol))
+ (oset symbols (symbol-name symbol) symbol)))
+(defun find-symbol (name &optional (package *package*))
+ (let* ((package (find-package-or-fail package))
+ (externals (%package-external-symbols package))
+ (symbols (%package-symbols package)))
+ (cond
+ ((in name externals)
+ (values (oget externals name) :external))
+ ((in name symbols)
+ (values (oget symbols name) :internal))
+ (t
+ (dolist (used (package-use-list package) (values nil nil))
+ (let ((exports (%package-external-symbols used)))
+ (when (in name exports)
+ (return (values (oget exports name) :inherit)))))))))
+(defun intern (name &optional (package *package*))
+ (let ((package (find-package-or-fail package)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (symbol foundp)
+ (find-symbol name package)
+ (if foundp
+ (values symbol foundp)
+ (let ((symbols (%package-symbols package)))
+ (oget symbols name)
+ (let ((symbol (make-symbol name)))
+ (oset symbol "package" package)
+ (when (eq package *keyword-package*)
+ (oset symbol "value" symbol)
+ (export (list symbol) package))
+ (when (eq package *js-package*)
+ (let ((sym-name (symbol-name symbol))
+ (args (gensym)))
+ ;; Generate a trampoline to call the JS function
+ ;; properly. This trampoline is very inefficient,
+ ;; but it still works. Ideas to optimize this are
+ ;; provide a special lambda keyword
+ ;; cl::&rest-vector to avoid list argument
+ ;; consing, as well as allow inline declarations.
+ (fset symbol
+ (eval `(lambda (&rest ,args)
+ (let ((,args (list-to-vector ,args)))
+ (%js-call (%js-vref ,sym-name) ,args)))))
+ ;; Define it as a symbol macro to access to the
+ ;; Javascript variable literally.
+ (%define-symbol-macro symbol `(%js-vref ,(string symbol)))))
+ (oset symbols name symbol)
+ (values symbol nil)))))))
+(defun symbol-package (symbol)
+ (unless (symbolp symbol)
+ (error "it is not a symbol"))
+ (oget symbol "package"))
+(defun export (symbols &optional (package *package*))
+ (let ((exports (%package-external-symbols package)))
+ (dolist (symb symbols t)
+ (oset exports (symbol-name symb) symb))))
+(defun get-universal-time ()
+ (+ (get-unix-time) 2208988800))
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; This couple of helper functions will be defined in both Common
-;;; Lisp and in Ecmalisp.
-(defun ensure-list (x)
- (if (listp x)
- x
- (list x)))
-(defun !reduce (func list &key initial-value)
- (if (null list)
- initial-value
- (!reduce func
- (cdr list)
- :initial-value (funcall func initial-value (car list)))))
-(defmacro with-collect (&body body)
- (let ((head (gensym))
- (tail (gensym)))
- `(let* ((,head (cons 'sentinel nil))
- (,tail ,head))
- (flet ((collect (x)
- (rplacd ,tail (cons x nil))
- (setq ,tail (cdr ,tail))
- x))
- ,@body)
- (cdr ,head))))
-;;; Go on growing the Lisp language in Ecmalisp, with more high
-;;; level utilities as well as correct versions of other
-;;; constructions.
- (defun + (&rest args)
- (let ((r 0))
- (dolist (x args r)
- (incf r x))))
- (defun - (x &rest others)
- (if (null others)
- (- x)
- (let ((r x))
- (dolist (y others r)
- (decf r y)))))
- (defun append-two (list1 list2)
- (if (null list1)
- list2
- (cons (car list1)
- (append (cdr list1) list2))))
- (defun append (&rest lists)
- (!reduce #'append-two lists))
- (defun revappend (list1 list2)
- (while list1
- (push (car list1) list2)
- (setq list1 (cdr list1)))
- list2)
- (defun reverse (list)
- (revappend list '()))
- (defmacro psetq (&rest pairs)
- (let ( ;; For each pair, we store here a list of the form
- (assignments '()))
- (while t
- (cond
- ((null pairs) (return))
- ((null (cdr pairs))
- (error "Odd paris in PSETQ"))
- (t
- (let ((variable (car pairs))
- (value (cadr pairs)))
- (push `(,variable ,(gensym) ,value) assignments)
- (setq pairs (cddr pairs))))))
- (setq assignments (reverse assignments))
- ;;
- `(let ,(mapcar #'cdr assignments)
- (setq ,@(!reduce #'append (mapcar #'butlast assignments))))))
- (defmacro do (varlist endlist &body body)
- `(block nil
- (let ,(mapcar (lambda (x) (list (first x) (second x))) varlist)
- (while t
- (when ,(car endlist)
- (return (progn ,@(cdr endlist))))
- (tagbody ,@body)
- (psetq
- ,@(apply #'append
- (mapcar (lambda (v)
- (and (consp (cddr v))
- (list (first v) (third v))))
- varlist)))))))
- (defmacro do* (varlist endlist &body body)
- `(block nil
- (let* ,(mapcar (lambda (x) (list (first x) (second x))) varlist)
- (while t
- (when ,(car endlist)
- (return (progn ,@(cdr endlist))))
- (tagbody ,@body)
- (setq
- ,@(apply #'append
- (mapcar (lambda (v)
- (and (consp (cddr v))
- (list (first v) (third v))))
- varlist)))))))
- (defun list-length (list)
- (let ((l 0))
- (while (not (null list))
- (incf l)
- (setq list (cdr list)))
- l))
- (defun length (seq)
- (cond
- ((stringp seq)
- (string-length seq))
- ((arrayp seq)
- (oget seq "length"))
- ((listp seq)
- (list-length seq))))
- (defun concat-two (s1 s2)
- (concat-two s1 s2))
- (defun map1 (func list)
- (with-collect
- (while list
- (collect (funcall func (car list)))
- (setq list (cdr list)))))
- (defmacro loop (&body body)
- `(while t ,@body))
- (defun mapcar (func list &rest lists)
- (let ((lists (cons list lists)))
- (with-collect
- (block loop
- (loop
- (let ((elems (map1 #'car lists)))
- (do ((tail lists (cdr tail)))
- ((null tail))
- (when (null (car tail)) (return-from loop))
- (rplaca tail (cdar tail)))
- (collect (apply func elems))))))))
- (defun identity (x) x)
- (defun constantly (x)
- (lambda (&rest args)
- x))
- (defun copy-list (x)
- (mapcar #'identity x))
- (defun list* (arg &rest others)
- (cond ((null others) arg)
- ((null (cdr others)) (cons arg (car others)))
- (t (do ((x others (cdr x)))
- ((null (cddr x)) (rplacd x (cadr x))))
- (cons arg others))))
- (defun code-char (x) x)
- (defun char-code (x) x)
- (defun char= (x y) (= x y))
- (defun integerp (x)
- (and (numberp x) (= (floor x) x)))
- (defun plusp (x) (< 0 x))
- (defun minusp (x) (< x 0))
- (defun listp (x)
- (or (consp x) (null x)))
- (defun nthcdr (n list)
- (while (and (plusp n) list)
- (setq n (1- n))
- (setq list (cdr list)))
- list)
- (defun nth (n list)
- (car (nthcdr n list)))
- (defun last (x)
- (while (consp (cdr x))
- (setq x (cdr x)))
- x)
- (defun butlast (x)
- (and (consp (cdr x))
- (cons (car x) (butlast (cdr x)))))
- (defun member (x list)
- (while list
- (when (eql x (car list))
- (return list))
- (setq list (cdr list))))
- (defun find (item list &key key (test #'eql))
- (dolist (x list)
- (when (funcall test (funcall key x) item)
- (return x))))
- (defun remove (x list)
- (cond
- ((null list)
- nil)
- ((eql x (car list))
- (remove x (cdr list)))
- (t
- (cons (car list) (remove x (cdr list))))))
- (defun remove-if (func list)
- (cond
- ((null list)
- nil)
- ((funcall func (car list))
- (remove-if func (cdr list)))
- (t
- ;;
- (cons (car list) (remove-if func (cdr list))))))
- (defun remove-if-not (func list)
- (cond
- ((null list)
- nil)
- ((funcall func (car list))
- (cons (car list) (remove-if-not func (cdr list))))
- (t
- (remove-if-not func (cdr list)))))
- (defun digit-char-p (x)
- (if (and (<= #\0 x) (<= x #\9))
- (- x #\0)
- nil))
- (defun digit-char (weight)
- (and (<= 0 weight 9)
- (char "0123456789" weight)))
- (defun subseq (seq a &optional b)
- (cond
- ((stringp seq)
- (if b
- (slice seq a b)
- (slice seq a)))
- (t
- (error "Unsupported argument."))))
- (defmacro do-sequence (iteration &body body)
- (let ((seq (gensym))
- (index (gensym)))
- `(let ((,seq ,(second iteration)))
- (cond
- ;; Strings
- ((stringp ,seq)
- (let ((,index 0))
- (dotimes (,index (length ,seq))
- (let ((,(first iteration)
- (char ,seq ,index)))
- ,@body))))
- ;; Lists
- ((listp ,seq)
- (dolist (,(first iteration) ,seq)
- ,@body))
- (t
- (error "type-error!"))))))
- (defun some (function seq)
- (do-sequence (elt seq)
- (when (funcall function elt)
- (return-from some t))))
- (defun every (function seq)
- (do-sequence (elt seq)
- (unless (funcall function elt)
- (return-from every nil)))
- t)
- (defun position (elt sequence)
- (let ((pos 0))
- (do-sequence (x seq)
- (when (eq elt x)
- (return))
- (incf pos))
- pos))
- (defun assoc (x alist)
- (while alist
- (if (eql x (caar alist))
- (return)
- (setq alist (cdr alist))))
- (car alist))
- (defun string (x)
- (cond ((stringp x) x)
- ((symbolp x) (symbol-name x))
- (t (char-to-string x))))
- (defun string= (s1 s2)
- (equal s1 s2))
- (defun fdefinition (x)
- (cond
- ((functionp x)
- x)
- ((symbolp x)
- (symbol-function x))
- (t
- (error "Invalid function"))))
- (defun disassemble (function)
- (write-line (lambda-code (fdefinition function)))
- nil)
- (defun documentation (x type)
- "Return the documentation of X. TYPE must be the symbol VARIABLE or FUNCTION."
- (ecase type
- (function
- (let ((func (fdefinition x)))
- (oget func "docstring")))
- (variable
- (unless (symbolp x)
- (error "Wrong argument type! it should be a symbol"))
- (oget x "vardoc"))))
- (defmacro multiple-value-bind (variables value-from &body body)
- `(multiple-value-call (lambda (&optional ,@variables &rest ,(gensym))
- ,@body)
- ,value-from))
- (defmacro multiple-value-list (value-from)
- `(multiple-value-call #'list ,value-from))
-;;; Generalized references (SETF)
- (defvar *setf-expanders* nil)
- (defun get-setf-expansion (place)
- (if (symbolp place)
- (let ((value (gensym)))
- (values nil
- nil
- `(,value)
- `(setq ,place ,value)
- place))
- (let ((place (ls-macroexpand-1 place)))
- (let* ((access-fn (car place))
- (expander (cdr (assoc access-fn *setf-expanders*))))
- (when (null expander)
- (error "Unknown generalized reference."))
- (apply expander (cdr place))))))
- (defmacro define-setf-expander (access-fn lambda-list &body body)
- (unless (symbolp access-fn)
- (error "ACCESS-FN must be a symbol."))
- `(progn (push (cons ',access-fn (lambda ,lambda-list ,@body))
- *setf-expanders*)
- ',access-fn))
- (defmacro setf (&rest pairs)
- (cond
- ((null pairs)
- nil)
- ((null (cdr pairs))
- (error "Odd number of arguments to setf."))
- ((null (cddr pairs))
- (let ((place (ls-macroexpand-1 (first pairs)))
- (value (second pairs)))
- (multiple-value-bind (vars vals store-vars writer-form reader-form)
- (get-setf-expansion place)
- ;; TODO: Optimize the expansion a little bit to avoid let*
- ;; or multiple-value-bind when unnecesary.
- `(let* ,(mapcar #'list vars vals)
- (multiple-value-bind ,store-vars
- ,value
- ,writer-form)))))
- (t
- `(progn
- ,@(do ((pairs pairs (cddr pairs))
- (result '() (cons `(setf ,(car pairs) ,(cadr pairs)) result)))
- ((null pairs)
- (reverse result)))))))
- (define-setf-expander car (x)
- (let ((cons (gensym))
- (new-value (gensym)))
- (values (list cons)
- (list x)
- (list new-value)
- `(progn (rplaca ,cons ,new-value) ,new-value)
- `(car ,cons))))
- (define-setf-expander cdr (x)
- (let ((cons (gensym))
- (new-value (gensym)))
- (values (list cons)
- (list x)
- (list new-value)
- `(progn (rplacd ,cons ,new-value) ,new-value)
- `(car ,cons))))
- ;; Incorrect typecase, but used in NCONC.
- (defmacro typecase (x &rest clausules)
- (let ((value (gensym)))
- `(let ((,value ,x))
- (cond
- ,@(mapcar (lambda (c)
- (if (eq (car c) t)
- `((t ,@(rest c)))
- `((,(ecase (car c)
- (integer 'integerp)
- (cons 'consp)
- (string 'stringp)
- (atom 'atom)
- (null 'null))
- ,value)
- ,@(or (rest c)
- (list nil)))))
- clausules)))))
- ;; The NCONC function is based on the SBCL's one.
- (defun nconc (&rest lists)
- (flet ((fail (object)
- (error "type-error in nconc")))
- (do ((top lists (cdr top)))
- ((null top) nil)
- (let ((top-of-top (car top)))
- (typecase top-of-top
- (cons
- (let* ((result top-of-top)
- (splice result))
- (do ((elements (cdr top) (cdr elements)))
- ((endp elements))
- (let ((ele (car elements)))
- (typecase ele
- (cons (rplacd (last splice) ele)
- (setf splice ele))
- (null (rplacd (last splice) nil))
- (atom (if (cdr elements)
- (fail ele)
- (rplacd (last splice) ele))))))
- (return result)))
- (null)
- (atom
- (if (cdr top)
- (fail top-of-top)
- (return top-of-top))))))))
- (defun nreconc (x y)
- (do ((1st (cdr x) (if (endp 1st) 1st (cdr 1st)))
- (2nd x 1st) ; 2nd follows first down the list.
- (3rd y 2nd)) ;3rd follows 2nd down the list.
- ((atom 2nd) 3rd)
- (rplacd 2nd 3rd)))
- (defun notany (fn seq)
- (not (some fn seq)))
- ;; Packages
- (defvar *package-list* nil)
- (defun list-all-packages ()
- *package-list*)
- (defun make-package (name &key use)
- (let ((package (new))
- (use (mapcar #'find-package-or-fail use)))
- (oset package "packageName" name)
- (oset package "symbols" (new))
- (oset package "exports" (new))
- (oset package "use" use)
- (push package *package-list*)
- package))
- (defun packagep (x)
- (and (objectp x) (in "symbols" x)))
- (defun find-package (package-designator)
- (when (packagep package-designator)
- (return-from find-package package-designator))
- (let ((name (string package-designator)))
- (dolist (package *package-list*)
- (when (string= (package-name package) name)
- (return package)))))
- (defun find-package-or-fail (package-designator)
- (or (find-package package-designator)
- (error "Package unknown.")))
- (defun package-name (package-designator)
- (let ((package (find-package-or-fail package-designator)))
- (oget package "packageName")))
- (defun %package-symbols (package-designator)
- (let ((package (find-package-or-fail package-designator)))
- (oget package "symbols")))
- (defun package-use-list (package-designator)
- (let ((package (find-package-or-fail package-designator)))
- (oget package "use")))
- (defun %package-external-symbols (package-designator)
- (let ((package (find-package-or-fail package-designator)))
- (oget package "exports")))
- (defvar *common-lisp-package*
- (make-package "CL"))
- (defvar *js-package*
- (make-package "JS"))
- (defvar *user-package*
- (make-package "CL-USER" :use (list *common-lisp-package*)))
- (defvar *keyword-package*
- (make-package "KEYWORD"))
- (defun keywordp (x)
- (and (symbolp x) (eq (symbol-package x) *keyword-package*)))
- (defvar *package* *common-lisp-package*)
- (defmacro in-package (package-designator)
- `(eval-when-compile
- (setq *package* (find-package-or-fail ,package-designator))))
- ;; This function is used internally to initialize the CL package
- ;; with the symbols built during bootstrap.
- (defun %intern-symbol (symbol)
- (let* ((package
- (if (in "package" symbol)
- (find-package-or-fail (oget symbol "package"))
- *common-lisp-package*))
- (symbols (%package-symbols package)))
- (oset symbol "package" package)
- (when (eq package *keyword-package*)
- (oset symbol "value" symbol))
- (oset symbols (symbol-name symbol) symbol)))
- (defun find-symbol (name &optional (package *package*))
- (let* ((package (find-package-or-fail package))
- (externals (%package-external-symbols package))
- (symbols (%package-symbols package)))
- (cond
- ((in name externals)
- (values (oget externals name) :external))
- ((in name symbols)
- (values (oget symbols name) :internal))
- (t
- (dolist (used (package-use-list package) (values nil nil))
- (let ((exports (%package-external-symbols used)))
- (when (in name exports)
- (return (values (oget exports name) :inherit)))))))))
- (defun intern (name &optional (package *package*))
- (let ((package (find-package-or-fail package)))
- (multiple-value-bind (symbol foundp)
- (find-symbol name package)
- (if foundp
- (values symbol foundp)
- (let ((symbols (%package-symbols package)))
- (oget symbols name)
- (let ((symbol (make-symbol name)))
- (oset symbol "package" package)
- (when (eq package *keyword-package*)
- (oset symbol "value" symbol)
- (export (list symbol) package))
- (when (eq package *js-package*)
- (let ((sym-name (symbol-name symbol))
- (args (gensym)))
- ;; Generate a trampoline to call the JS function
- ;; properly. This trampoline is very inefficient,
- ;; but it still works. Ideas to optimize this are
- ;; provide a special lambda keyword
- ;; cl::&rest-vector to avoid list argument
- ;; consing, as well as allow inline declarations.
- (fset symbol
- (eval `(lambda (&rest ,args)
- (let ((,args (list-to-vector ,args)))
- (%js-call (%js-vref ,sym-name) ,args)))))
- ;; Define it as a symbol macro to access to the
- ;; Javascript variable literally.
- (%define-symbol-macro symbol `(%js-vref ,(string symbol)))))
- (oset symbols name symbol)
- (values symbol nil)))))))
- (defun symbol-package (symbol)
- (unless (symbolp symbol)
- (error "it is not a symbol"))
- (oget symbol "package"))
- (defun export (symbols &optional (package *package*))
- (let ((exports (%package-external-symbols package)))
- (dolist (symb symbols t)
- (oset exports (symbol-name symb) symb))))
- (defun get-universal-time ()
- (+ (get-unix-time) 2208988800)))
-;;; The compiler offers some primitives and special forms which are
-;;; not found in Common Lisp, for instance, while. So, we grow Common
-;;; Lisp a bit to it can execute the rest of the file.
- (defmacro while (condition &body body)
- `(do ()
- ((not ,condition))
- ,@body))
- (defmacro eval-when-compile (&body body)
- `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
- ,@body))
- (defun concat-two (s1 s2)
- (concatenate 'string s1 s2))
- (defun aset (array idx value)
- (setf (aref array idx) value)))
+(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
+ (load "compat"))
;;; At this point, no matter if Common Lisp or ecmalisp is compiling
;;; from here, this code will compile on both. We define some helper
(defmacro concatf (variable &body form)
`(setq ,variable (concat ,variable (progn ,@form))))
+;;; This couple of helper functions will be defined in both Common
+;;; Lisp and in Ecmalisp.
+(defun ensure-list (x)
+ (if (listp x)
+ x
+ (list x)))
+(defun !reduce (func list &key initial-value)
+ (if (null list)
+ initial-value
+ (!reduce func
+ (cdr list)
+ :initial-value (funcall func initial-value (car list)))))
;;; Concatenate a list of strings, with a separator
(defun join (list &optional (separator ""))