(:documentation "Condition signaled when STEP returns."))
;;; A knob for muffling warnings, mostly for use while loading files.
-(defvar *muffled-warnings* nil
+(defvar *muffled-warnings* 'uninteresting-redefinition
"A type that ought to specify a subtype of WARNING. Whenever a warning
is signaled, if the warning if of this type, it will be muffled.")
+;;; Various STYLE-WARNING signaled in the system.
+;; For the moment, we're only getting into the details for function
+;; redefinitions, but other redefinitions could be done later
+;; (e.g. methods).
+(define-condition redefinition-warning (style-warning)
+ ())
+(define-condition function-redefinition-warning (redefinition-warning)
+ ((name :initarg :name :reader function-redefinition-warning-name)
+ (old :initarg :old :reader function-redefinition-warning-old-fdefinition)
+ ;; For DEFGENERIC and perhaps others, the redefinition
+ ;; destructively modifies the original, rather than storing a new
+ ;; object, so there's no NEW here, but only in subclasses.
+ ))
+(define-condition redefinition-with-defun (function-redefinition-warning)
+ ((new :initarg :new :reader redefinition-with-defun-new-fdefinition)
+ ;; KLUDGE: it would be nice to fix the unreasonably late
+ ;; back-patching of DEBUG-SOURCEs in the DEBUG-INFO during
+ ;; fasloading and just use the new fdefinition, but for the moment
+ ;; we'll compare the SOURCE-LOCATION created during DEFUN with the
+ ;; previous DEBUG-SOURCE.
+ (new-location :initarg :new-location
+ :reader redefinition-with-defun-new-location))
+ (:report (lambda (warning stream)
+ (format stream "redefining ~S in DEFUN"
+ (function-redefinition-warning-name warning)))))
+(define-condition redefinition-with-defgeneric (function-redefinition-warning)
+ ((new-location :initarg :new-location
+ :reader redefinition-with-defgeneric-new-location))
+ (:report (lambda (warning stream)
+ (format stream "redefining ~S in DEFGENERIC"
+ (function-redefinition-warning-name warning)))))
+(define-condition redefinition-with-defmethod (redefinition-warning)
+ ((gf :initarg :generic-function
+ :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-generic-function)
+ (qualifiers :initarg :qualifiers
+ :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-qualifiers)
+ (specializers :initarg :specializers
+ :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-specializers)
+ (new-location :initarg :new-location
+ :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-new-location)
+ (old-method :initarg :old-method
+ :reader redefinition-with-defmethod-old-method))
+ (:report (lambda (warning stream)
+ (format stream "redefining ~S~{ ~S~} ~S in DEFMETHOD"
+ (redefinition-with-defmethod-generic-function warning)
+ (redefinition-with-defmethod-qualifiers warning)
+ (redefinition-with-defmethod-specializers warning)))))
+;; FIXME: see the FIXMEs in defmacro.lisp, then maybe instantiate this.
+(define-condition redefinition-with-defmacro (function-redefinition-warning)
+ ())
+;; Here are a few predicates for what people might find interesting
+;; about redefinitions.
+;; DEFUN can replace a generic function with an ordinary function.
+;; (Attempting to replace an ordinary function with a generic one
+;; causes an error, though.)
+(defun redefinition-replaces-generic-function-p (warning)
+ (and (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defun)
+ (typep (function-redefinition-warning-old-fdefinition warning)
+ 'generic-function)))
+(defun redefinition-replaces-compiled-function-with-interpreted-p (warning)
+ (and (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defun)
+ (compiled-function-p
+ (function-redefinition-warning-old-fdefinition warning))
+ (not (compiled-function-p
+ (redefinition-with-defun-new-fdefinition warning)))))
+;; Most people seem to agree that re-running a DEFUN in a file is
+;; completely uninteresting.
+(defun uninteresting-ordinary-function-redefinition-p (warning)
+ ;; OAOO violation: this duplicates code in SB-INTROSPECT.
+ ;; Additionally, there are some functions that aren't
+ ;; funcallable-instances for which finding the source location is
+ ;; complicated (e.g. DEFSTRUCT-defined predicates and accessors),
+ ;; but I don't think they're defined with %DEFUN, so the warning
+ ;; isn't raised.
+ (flet ((fdefinition-file-namestring (fdefn)
+ #!+sb-eval
+ (when (typep fdefn 'sb!eval:interpreted-function)
+ (return-from fdefinition-file-namestring
+ (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring
+ (sb!eval:interpreted-function-source-location fdefn))))
+ ;; All the following accesses are guarded with conditionals
+ ;; because it's not clear whether any of the slots we're
+ ;; chasing down are guaranteed to be filled in.
+ (let* ((fdefn
+ ;; KLUDGE: although this looks like it only works
+ ;; for %SIMPLE-FUNs, in fact there's a pun such
+ ;; that %SIMPLE-FUN-SELF returns the simple-fun
+ ;; object for closures and
+ ;; funcallable-instances. -- CSR, circa 2005
+ (sb!kernel:%simple-fun-self fdefn))
+ (code (if fdefn (sb!kernel:fun-code-header fdefn)))
+ (debug-info (if code (sb!kernel:%code-debug-info code)))
+ (debug-source (if debug-info
+ (sb!c::debug-info-source debug-info)))
+ (namestring (if debug-source
+ (sb!c::debug-source-namestring debug-source))))
+ namestring)))
+ (and
+ ;; There's garbage in various places when the first DEFUN runs in
+ ;; cold-init.
+ sb!kernel::*cold-init-complete-p*
+ (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defun)
+ (let ((old-fdefn
+ (function-redefinition-warning-old-fdefinition warning))
+ (new-fdefn
+ (redefinition-with-defun-new-fdefinition warning)))
+ ;; Replacing a compiled function with a compiled function is
+ ;; clearly uninteresting, and we'll say arbitrarily that
+ ;; replacing an interpreted function with an interpreted
+ ;; function is uninteresting, too, but leave out the
+ ;; compiled-to-interpreted and interpreted-to-compiled cases.
+ (when (or (and (typep old-fdefn
+ '(or #!+sb-eval sb!eval:interpreted-function))
+ (typep new-fdefn
+ '(or #!+sb-eval sb!eval:interpreted-function)))
+ (and (typep old-fdefn
+ '(and compiled-function
+ (not funcallable-instance)))
+ ;; Since this is a REDEFINITION-WITH-DEFUN,
+ (typep new-fdefn 'compiled-function)))
+ (let* ((old-namestring (fdefinition-file-namestring old-fdefn))
+ (new-namestring
+ (or (fdefinition-file-namestring new-fdefn)
+ (let ((srcloc
+ (redefinition-with-defun-new-location warning)))
+ (if srcloc
+ (sb!c::definition-source-location-namestring
+ srcloc))))))
+ (and old-namestring
+ new-namestring
+ (equal old-namestring new-namestring))))))))
+(defun uninteresting-generic-function-redefinition-p (warning)
+ (and (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defgeneric)
+ (let* ((old-fdefn
+ (function-redefinition-warning-old-fdefinition warning))
+ (old-location
+ (if (typep old-fdefn 'generic-function)
+ (sb!pcl::definition-source old-fdefn)))
+ (old-namestring
+ (if old-location
+ (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring old-location)))
+ (new-location
+ (redefinition-with-defgeneric-new-location warning))
+ (new-namestring
+ (if new-location
+ (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring new-location))))
+ (and old-namestring
+ new-namestring
+ (equal old-namestring new-namestring)))))
+(defun uninteresting-method-redefinition-p (warning)
+ (and (typep warning 'redefinition-with-defmethod)
+ (let* ((old-method (redefinition-with-defmethod-old-method warning))
+ (old-location (sb!pcl::definition-source old-method))
+ (old-namestring (if old-location
+ (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring
+ old-location)))
+ (new-location (redefinition-with-defmethod-new-location warning))
+ (new-namestring (if new-location
+ (sb!c:definition-source-location-namestring
+ new-location))))
+ (and new-namestring
+ old-namestring
+ (equal new-namestring old-namestring)))))
+(deftype uninteresting-redefinition ()
+ '(or (satisfies uninteresting-ordinary-function-redefinition-p)
+ (satisfies uninteresting-generic-function-redefinition-p)
+ (satisfies uninteresting-method-redefinition-p)))
+(define-condition redefinition-with-deftransform (redefinition-warning)
+ ((transform :initarg :transform
+ :reader redefinition-with-deftransform-transform))
+ (:report (lambda (warning stream)
+ (format stream "Overwriting ~S"
+ (redefinition-with-deftransform-transform warning)))))
+;;; Various other STYLE-WARNINGS
+(define-condition ignoring-asterisks-in-variable-name
+ (style-warning simple-condition)
+ ()
+ (:report (lambda (warning stream)
+ (format stream "~@?, even though the name follows~@
+the usual naming convention (names like *FOO*) for special variables"
+ (simple-condition-format-control warning)
+ (simple-condition-format-arguments warning)))))
+(define-condition ignoring-asterisks-in-lexical-variable-name
+ (ignoring-asterisks-in-variable-name)
+ ())
+(define-condition ignoring-asterisks-in-constant-variable-name
+ (ignoring-asterisks-in-variable-name)
+ ())
+(define-condition undefined-alien (style-warning)
+ ((symbol :initarg :symbol :reader undefined-alien-symbol))
+ (:report (lambda (warning stream)
+ (format stream "Undefined alien: ~S"
+ (undefined-alien-symbol warning)))))
+(define-condition lexical-environment-too-complex (style-warning)
+ ((form :initarg :form :reader lexical-environment-too-complex-form)
+ (lexenv :initarg :lexenv :reader lexical-environment-too-complex-lexenv))
+ (:report (lambda (warning stream)
+ (format stream
+ "~@<Native lexical environment too complex for ~
+ SB-EVAL to evaluate ~S, falling back to ~
+ SIMPLE-EVAL-IN-LEXENV. Lexenv: ~S~:@>"
+ (lexical-environment-too-complex-form warning)
+ (lexical-environment-too-complex-lexenv warning)))))
+;; Although this has -ERROR- in the name, it's just a STYLE-WARNING.
+(define-condition character-decoding-error-in-comment (style-warning)
+ ((stream :initarg :stream :reader decoding-error-in-comment-stream)
+ (position :initarg :position :reader decoding-error-in-comment-position))
+ (:report (lambda (warning stream)
+ (format stream
+ "Character decoding error in a ~A-comment at ~
+ position ~A reading source stream ~A, ~
+ resyncing."
+ (decoding-error-in-comment-macro warning)
+ (decoding-error-in-comment-position warning)
+ (decoding-error-in-comment-stream warning)))))
+(define-condition character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment
+ (character-decoding-error-in-comment)
+ ((char :initform #\; :initarg :char
+ :reader character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-char)))
+(define-condition character-decoding-error-in-dispatch-macro-char-comment
+ (character-decoding-error-in-comment)
+ ;; ANSI doesn't give a way for a reader function invoked by a
+ ;; dispatch macro character to determine which dispatch character
+ ;; was used, so if a user wants to signal one of these from a custom
+ ;; comment reader, he'll have to supply the :DISP-CHAR himself.
+ ((disp-char :initform #\# :initarg :disp-char
+ :reader character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-disp-char)
+ (sub-char :initarg :sub-char
+ :reader character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-sub-char)))
+(defun decoding-error-in-comment-macro (warning)
+ (etypecase warning
+ (character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment
+ (character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-char warning))
+ (character-decoding-error-in-dispatch-macro-char-comment
+ (format
+ nil "~C~C"
+ (character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-disp-char warning)
+ (character-decoding-error-in-macro-char-comment-sub-char warning)))))
+(define-condition deprecated-eval-when-situations (style-warning)
+ ((situations :initarg :situations
+ :reader deprecated-eval-when-situations-situations))
+ (:report (lambda (warning stream)
+ (format stream "using deprecated EVAL-WHEN situation names~{ ~S~}"
+ (deprecated-eval-when-situations-situations warning)))))
+(define-condition proclamation-mismatch (style-warning)
+ ((name :initarg :name :reader proclamation-mismatch-name)
+ (old :initarg :old :reader proclamation-mismatch-old)
+ (new :initarg :new :reader proclamation-mismatch-new)))
+(define-condition type-proclamation-mismatch (proclamation-mismatch)
+ ()
+ (:report (lambda (warning stream)
+ (format stream
+ "The new TYPE proclamation~% ~S for ~S does not ~
+ match the old TYPE proclamation ~S"
+ (proclamation-mismatch-new warning)
+ (proclamation-mismatch-name warning)
+ (proclamation-mismatch-old warning)))))
+(define-condition ftype-proclamation-mismatch (proclamation-mismatch)
+ ()
+ (:report (lambda (warning stream)
+ (format stream
+ "The new FTYPE proclamation~% ~S for ~S does not ~
+ match the old FTYPE proclamation ~S"
+ (proclamation-mismatch-new warning)
+ (proclamation-mismatch-name warning)
+ (proclamation-mismatch-old warning)))))
;;;; restart definitions
(define-condition abort-failure (control-error) ()