;;;; files for more information.
(in-package "SB!IMPL")
-;;;; object set stuff
-;;; a hashtable from ports to objects. Each entry is a cons (object . set).
-;(defvar *port-table* (make-hash-table :test 'eql))
-(defstruct (object-set
- (:constructor make-object-set
- (name &optional
- (default-handler #'default-default-handler)))
- (:print-object
- (lambda (s stream)
- (format stream "#<Object Set ~S>" (object-set-name s))))
- (:copier nil))
- name ; Name, for descriptive purposes.
- (table (make-hash-table :test 'eq)) ; Message-ID or
- ; xevent-type --> handler fun.
- default-handler)
-(setf (fdocumentation 'make-object-set 'function)
- "Make an object set for use by a RPC/xevent server. Name is for
- descriptive purposes only.")
-;;; If no such operation defined, signal an error.
-(defun default-default-handler (object)
- (error "You lose, object: ~S" object))
-;;; Look up the handler function for a given message ID.
-(defun object-set-operation (object-set message-id)
- #!+sb-doc
- "Return the handler function in Object-Set for the operation specified by
- Message-ID, if none, NIL is returned."
- (enforce-type object-set object-set)
- (enforce-type message-id fixnum)
- (values (gethash message-id (object-set-table object-set))))
-;;; The setf inverse for Object-Set-Operation.
-(defun %set-object-set-operation (object-set message-id new-value)
- (enforce-type object-set object-set)
- (enforce-type message-id fixnum)
- (setf (gethash message-id (object-set-table object-set)) new-value))
;;;; file descriptor I/O noise
(defstruct (handler
(direction nil :type (member :input :output))
;; File descriptor this handler is tied to.
(descriptor 0 :type (mod #.sb!unix:fd-setsize))
+ ;; T iff this handler is running.
+ ;;
+ ;; FIXME: unused. At some point this used to be set to T
+ ;; around the call to the handler-function, but that was commented
+ ;; out with the verbose explantion "Doesn't work -- ACK".
+ active
+ ;; Function to call.
+ (function nil :type function)
+ ;; T if this descriptor is bogus.
+ bogus)
- active ; T iff this handler is running.
- (function nil :type function) ; Function to call.
- bogus) ; T if this descriptor is bogus.
(def!method print-object ((handler handler) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (handler stream :type t)
(format stream
"List of all the currently active handlers for file descriptors")
+(defvar *descriptor-handler-lock*
+ (sb!thread::make-spinlock :name "descriptor handle lock"))
+(sb!xc:defmacro with-descriptor-handlers (&body forms)
+ ;; FD-STREAM functionality can add and remove descriptors on it's
+ ;; own, and two threads adding add the same time could lose one.
+ ;;
+ ;; This is never held for long, so a spinlock is fine.
+ `(without-interrupts
+ (sb!thread::with-spinlock (*descriptor-handler-lock*)
+ ,@forms)))
+(defun list-all-descriptor-handlers ()
+ (with-descriptor-handlers
+ (copy-list *descriptor-handlers*)))
+(defun select-descriptor-handlers (function)
+ (declare (function function))
+ (with-descriptor-handlers
+ (remove-if-not function *descriptor-handlers*)))
+(defun map-descriptor-handlers (function)
+ (declare (function function))
+ (with-descriptor-handlers
+ (dolist (handler *descriptor-handlers*)
+ (funcall function handler))))
;;; Add a new handler to *descriptor-handlers*.
(defun add-fd-handler (fd direction function)
;; FIXME: should be TYPE-ERROR?
(error "Invalid direction ~S, must be either :INPUT or :OUTPUT" direction))
(let ((handler (make-handler direction fd function)))
- (push handler *descriptor-handlers*)
+ (with-descriptor-handlers
+ (push handler *descriptor-handlers*))
;;; Remove an old handler from *descriptor-handlers*.
(defun remove-fd-handler (handler)
"Removes HANDLER from the list of active handlers."
- (setf *descriptor-handlers*
- (delete handler *descriptor-handlers*
- :test #'eq)))
+ (with-descriptor-handlers
+ (setf *descriptor-handlers*
+ (delete handler *descriptor-handlers*))))
;;; Search *descriptor-handlers* for any reference to fd, and nuke 'em.
(defun invalidate-descriptor (fd)
"Remove any handers refering to fd. This should only be used when attempting
to recover from a detected inconsistancy."
- (setf *descriptor-handlers*
- (delete fd *descriptor-handlers*
- :key #'handler-descriptor)))
+ (with-descriptor-handlers
+ (setf *descriptor-handlers*
+ (delete fd *descriptor-handlers*
+ :key #'handler-descriptor))))
;;; Add the handler to *descriptor-handlers* for the duration of BODY.
(defmacro with-fd-handler ((fd direction function) &rest body)
;;; offering a few restarts.
(defun handler-descriptors-error ()
(let ((bogus-handlers nil))
- (dolist (handler *descriptor-handlers*)
+ (dolist (handler (list-all-descriptor-handlers))
(unless (or (handler-bogus handler)
(sb!unix:unix-fstat (handler-descriptor handler)))
(setf (handler-bogus handler) t)
(push handler bogus-handlers)))
(restart-case (error "~S ~[have~;has a~:;have~] bad file descriptor~:P."
bogus-handlers (length bogus-handlers))
- (remove-them () :report "Remove bogus handlers."
- (setf *descriptor-handlers*
- (delete-if #'handler-bogus *descriptor-handlers*)))
- (retry-them () :report "Retry bogus handlers."
+ (remove-them ()
+ :report "Remove bogus handlers."
+ (with-descriptor-handlers
+ (setf *descriptor-handlers*
+ (delete-if #'handler-bogus *descriptor-handlers*))))
+ (retry-them ()
+ :report "Retry bogus handlers."
(dolist (handler bogus-handlers)
(setf (handler-bogus handler) nil)))
- (continue () :report "Go on, leaving handlers marked as bogus."))))
+ (continue ()
+ :report "Go on, leaving handlers marked as bogus."))))
(multiple-value-bind (to-sec to-usec) (decode-timeout timeout)
(sub-serve-event to-sec to-usec)))
-;;; These macros are chunks of code from SUB-SERVE-EVENT. They randomly
-;;; reference the READ-FDS and WRITE-FDS Alien variables (which wold be consed
-;;; if passed as function arguments.)
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
-;;; Initialize the fd-sets for UNIX-SELECT and return the active descriptor
-;;; count.
-(sb!xc:defmacro calc-masks ()
- '(progn
- (sb!unix:fd-zero read-fds)
- (sb!unix:fd-zero write-fds)
- (let ((count 0))
- (declare (type index count))
- (dolist (handler *descriptor-handlers*)
- (unless (or (handler-active handler)
- (handler-bogus handler))
- (let ((fd (handler-descriptor handler)))
- (ecase (handler-direction handler)
- (:input (sb!unix:fd-set fd read-fds))
- (:output (sb!unix:fd-set fd write-fds)))
- (when (> fd count)
- (setf count fd)))))
- (1+ count))))
-;;; Call file descriptor handlers according to the readable and writable masks
-;;; returned by select.
-(sb!xc:defmacro call-fd-handler ()
- '(let ((result nil))
- (dolist (handler *descriptor-handlers*)
- (let ((desc (handler-descriptor handler)))
- (when (ecase (handler-direction handler)
- (:input (sb!unix:fd-isset desc read-fds))
- (:output (sb!unix:fd-isset desc write-fds)))
- (unwind-protect
- (progn
- ;; Doesn't work -- ACK
- ;(setf (handler-active handler) t)
- (funcall (handler-function handler) desc))
- (setf (handler-active handler) nil))
- (ecase (handler-direction handler)
- (:input (sb!unix:fd-clr desc read-fds))
- (:output (sb!unix:fd-clr desc write-fds)))
- (setf result t)))
- result)))
;;; When a *periodic-polling-function* is defined the server will not
;;; block for more than the maximum event timeout and will call the
;;; polling function if it does time out.
;; Next, wait for something to happen.
(sb!alien:with-alien ((read-fds (sb!alien:struct sb!unix:fd-set))
(write-fds (sb!alien:struct sb!unix:fd-set)))
- (let ((count (calc-masks)))
+ (sb!unix:fd-zero read-fds)
+ (sb!unix:fd-zero write-fds)
+ (let ((count 0))
+ (declare (type index count))
+ ;; Initialize the fd-sets for UNIX-SELECT and return the active
+ ;; descriptor count.
+ (map-descriptor-handlers
+ (lambda (handler)
+ ;; FIXME: If HANDLER-ACTIVE ever is reinstanted, it needs
+ ;; to be checked here in addition to HANDLER-BOGUS
+ (unless (handler-bogus handler)
+ (let ((fd (handler-descriptor handler)))
+ (ecase (handler-direction handler)
+ (:input (sb!unix:fd-set fd read-fds))
+ (:output (sb!unix:fd-set fd write-fds)))
+ (when (> fd count)
+ (setf count fd))))))
+ (incf count)
(multiple-value-bind (value err)
(sb!unix:unix-fast-select count
(sb!alien:addr read-fds)
(sb!alien:addr write-fds)
nil to-sec to-usec)
#!+win32 (declare (ignorable err))
- ;; Now see what it was (if anything)
- (cond (value
- (cond ((zerop value)
- ;; Timed out.
- (when call-polling-fn
- (funcall *periodic-polling-function*)))
- (t
- (call-fd-handler))))
- #!-win32
+ (cond ((eql 0 value)
+ ;; Timed out.
+ (when call-polling-fn
+ (funcall *periodic-polling-function*)))
+ (value
+ ;; Call file descriptor handlers according to the
+ ;; readable and writable masks returned by select.
+ (dolist (handler
+ (select-descriptor-handlers
+ (lambda (handler)
+ (let ((fd (handler-descriptor handler)))
+ (ecase (handler-direction handler)
+ (:input (sb!unix:fd-isset fd read-fds))
+ (:output (sb!unix:fd-isset fd write-fds)))))))
+ (funcall (handler-function handler)
+ (handler-descriptor handler)))
+ t)
((eql err sb!unix:eintr)
;; We did an interrupt.
+ ;;
+ ;; FIXME: Why T here?
;; One of the file descriptors is bad.