--- /dev/null
+;;;; CPUID handling for X86-based systems
+(in-package "SB!VM")
+(defun u32-to-string (&rest rest)
+ (loop
+ with length = (length rest)
+ with result = (make-string (* 4 length))
+ for i from 0 by 4
+ for u32 in rest
+ do (loop
+ for j from 0 below 4
+ do (setf (char result (+ i j)) (code-char (ldb (byte 8 (* j 8)) u32))))
+ finally (return result)))
+(defparameter *cpuid-vendor-ids*
+ '(("AMDisbetter!" :oldamd)
+ ("AuthenticAMD" :amd)
+ ("GenuineIntel" :intel)
+ ("CentaurHauls" :via)
+ ("TransmetaCPU" :oldtransmeta)
+ ("GenuineTMx86" :transmeta)
+ ("CyrixInstead" :cyrix)
+ ("CentaurHauls" :centaur)
+ ("NexGenDriven" :nexgen)
+ ("UMC UMC UMC " :umc)
+ ("SiS SiS SiS " :sis)
+ ("Geode by NSC" :nsc)
+ ("RiseRiseRise" :rise)))
+(defun cpuid-vendor-id ()
+ (multiple-value-bind (eax ebx ecx edx)
+ (%cpuid/4 0 0 0 0)
+ (let ((decoded (u32-to-string ebx edx ecx)))
+ (values eax (cadr (assoc decoded *cpuid-vendor-ids* :test #'string=)) decoded))))
+(defparameter *cpuid-feature-flags*
+ '((:sse3 :pclmul :dtes64 :mon
+ :dspcl :vmx :smx :est
+ :tm2 :ssse3 :cid NIL
+ :fma :cx16 :etprd :pdcm
+ NIL :pcid :dca :sse4.1
+ sse4.2 :x2apic :movbe :popcnt
+ :tscd :aes :xsave :osxsave
+ :avx :f16c :rdrand NIL)
+ (:fpu :vme :de :pse
+ :tsc :msr :pae :mce
+ :cx8 :apic NIL :sep
+ :mtrr :pge :mca :cmov
+ :pat :pse36 :psn :clfl
+ NIL :dtes :acpi :mmx
+ :fxsr :sse :sse2 :ss
+ :htt :tm1 :ia-64 :pbe)))
+(defun decode-cpuid-feature-flags (value flags)
+ (let (result (i 0))
+ (dolist (flag flags result)
+ (when (and flag (logbitp i value))
+ (push flag result))
+ (incf i))))
+(defun cpuid-signature ()
+ (multiple-value-bind (eax ebx ecx edx)
+ (%cpuid/4 1 0 0 0)
+ (let (flags)
+ (values
+ ;; (ldb (byte 4 0) eax) ; stepping
+ ;; (ldb (byte 4 4) eax) ; model
+ ;; (ldb (byte 4 8) eax) ; family
+ (append (decode-cpuid-feature-flags ecx (car *cpuid-feature-flags*))
+ (decode-cpuid-feature-flags edx (cadr *cpuid-feature-flags*)))
+ flags))))
+(defun cpuid-processor-name ()
+ (string-trim '(#\Space #\0)
+ (concatenate
+ 'string
+ (multiple-value-call #'u32-to-string (%cpuid/4 #x80000002 0 0 0))
+ (multiple-value-call #'u32-to-string (%cpuid/4 #x80000003 0 0 0))
+ (multiple-value-call #'u32-to-string (%cpuid/4 #x80000004 0 0 0)))))
+(defun cpuid (what)
+ (ecase what
+ (:vendor-id (cpuid-vendor-id))
+ (:signature (cpuid-signature))
+ (:processor-name (cpuid-processor-name))))