;;; wastes only space.
(defun discard-unused-values (block1 block2)
(declare (type cblock block1 block2))
- (let* ((block1-stack (ir2-block-end-stack (block-info block1)))
- (block2-stack (ir2-block-start-stack (block-info block2)))
- (cleanup-code
- (cond ((eq (car block1-stack) (car block2-stack))
- (binding* ((preserved-count (mismatch block1-stack block2-stack)
- :exit-if-null)
- (n-last-preserved (1- preserved-count))
- (nipped-count (- (length block1-stack)
- (length block2-stack)))
- (n-last-nipped (+ n-last-preserved nipped-count)))
- (aver (equal (nthcdr (1+ n-last-nipped) block1-stack)
- (nthcdr preserved-count block2-stack)))
- (compiler-notify "%NIP-VALUES emitted")
- `(%nip-values ',(elt block1-stack n-last-nipped)
- ',(elt block1-stack n-last-preserved)
- ,@(loop for moved in block1-stack
- repeat preserved-count
- collect `',moved))))
- (t
- (let* ((n-popped (- (length block1-stack)
- (length block2-stack)))
- (last-popped (elt block1-stack (1- n-popped))))
- (when *check-consistency*
- (aver (equal block2-stack (nthcdr n-popped block1-stack))))
- `(%pop-values ',last-popped))))))
- (when cleanup-code
+ (collect ((cleanup-code))
+ (labels ((find-popped (before after)
+ ;; Returns (VALUES popped last-popped rest), where
+ ;; BEFORE = (APPEND popped rest) and
+ ;; (EQ (FIRST rest) (FIRST after))
+ (if (null after)
+ (values before (first (last before)) nil)
+ (loop with first-preserved = (car after)
+ for last-popped = nil then maybe-popped
+ for rest on before
+ for maybe-popped = (car rest)
+ while (neq maybe-popped first-preserved)
+ collect maybe-popped into popped
+ finally (return (values popped last-popped rest)))))
+ (discard (before-stack after-stack)
+ (cond
+ ((eq (car before-stack) (car after-stack))
+ (binding* ((moved-count (mismatch before-stack after-stack)
+ :exit-if-null)
+ ((moved qmoved)
+ (loop for moved-lvar in before-stack
+ repeat moved-count
+ collect moved-lvar into moved
+ collect `',moved-lvar into qmoved
+ finally (return (values moved qmoved))))
+ (q-last-moved (car (last qmoved)))
+ ((nil last-nipped rest)
+ (find-popped (nthcdr moved-count before-stack)
+ (nthcdr moved-count after-stack))))
+ (cleanup-code
+ `(%nip-values ',last-nipped ,q-last-moved
+ ,@qmoved))
+ (discard (nconc moved rest) after-stack)))
+ (t
+ (multiple-value-bind (popped last-popped rest)
+ (find-popped before-stack after-stack)
+ (declare (ignore popped))
+ (cleanup-code `(%pop-values ',last-popped))
+ (discard rest after-stack))))))
+ (discard (ir2-block-end-stack (block-info block1))
+ (ir2-block-start-stack (block-info block2))))
+ (when (cleanup-code)
(let* ((block (insert-cleanup-code block1 block2
(block-start-node block2)
- cleanup-code))
+ `(progn ,@(cleanup-code))))
(2block (make-ir2-block block)))
(setf (block-info block) 2block)
(add-to-emit-order 2block (block-info block1))
(progv nil nil (values (boole boole-and 0 v9)))))))))
1 2 3)))
+;;; non-continuous dead UVL blocks
+(defun non-continuous-stack-test (x)
+ (multiple-value-call #'list
+ (eval '(values 11 12))
+ (eval '(values 13 14))
+ (block ext
+ (return-from non-continuous-stack-test
+ (multiple-value-call #'list
+ (eval '(values :b1 :b2))
+ (eval '(values :b3 :b4))
+ (block int
+ (return-from ext
+ (multiple-value-call (eval #'values)
+ (eval '(values 1 2))
+ (eval '(values 3 4))
+ (block ext
+ (return-from int
+ (multiple-value-call (eval #'values)
+ (eval '(values :a1 :a2))
+ (eval '(values :a3 :a4))
+ (block int
+ (return-from ext
+ (multiple-value-call (eval #'values)
+ (eval '(values 5 6))
+ (eval '(values 7 8))
+ (if x
+ :ext
+ (return-from int :int))))))))))))))))
+(assert (equal (non-continuous-stack-test t) '(11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 :ext)))
+(assert (equal (non-continuous-stack-test nil) '(:b1 :b2 :b3 :b4 :a1 :a2 :a3 :a4 :int)))
;;; MISC.275