ld -shared -o $testfilestem.so $testfilestem.o
# Foreign definitions & load
-cat > $testfilestem.deflisp <<EOF
+cat > $testfilestem.def.lisp <<EOF
(define-alien-variable environ (* c-string))
(defvar *environ* environ)
- (handler-case
- (load-shared-object "$testfilestem.so")
- (sb-int:unsupported-operator ()
- ;; At least as of sbcl-, LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT isn't
- ;; supported on every OS. In that case, there's nothing to test,
- ;; and we can just fall through to success.
- (sb-ext:quit :unix-status 22))) ; catch that
+ (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (handler-case
+ (load-shared-object "$testfilestem.so")
+ (sb-int:unsupported-operator ()
+ ;; At least as of sbcl-, LOAD-SHARED-OBJECT isn't
+ ;; supported on every OS. In that case, there's nothing to test,
+ ;; and we can just fall through to success.
+ (sb-ext:quit :unix-status 22)))) ; catch that
(define-alien-routine summish int (x int) (y int))
(define-alien-variable numberish int)
(define-alien-routine nummish int (x int))
# Test code
-cat > $testfilestem.testlisp <<EOF
+cat > $testfilestem.test.lisp <<EOF
(assert (= (summish 10 20) 31))
(assert (= 42 numberish))
(setf numberish 13)
(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 52) ; success convention for Lisp program
-${SBCL:-sbcl} --load $testfilestem.deflisp --load $testfilestem.testlisp
-if [ $? = 22 ]; then
+${SBCL:-sbcl} --eval "(progn (compile-file #p\"$testfilestem.def.lisp\") (sb-ext:quit :unix-status 52))"
+if [ $? = 52 ] ; then :
+ # we can't compile the test file. something's wrong.
+ rm $testfilestem.*
+ echo test failed: $?
+ exit 1
+${SBCL:-sbcl} --load $testfilestem.def.fasl --load $testfilestem.test.lisp
+if [ $RET = 22 ]; then
rm $testfilestem.*
exit $PUNT # success -- load-shared-object not supported
-elif [ $? != 52]; then
+elif [ $RET != 52 ]; then
rm $testfilestem.*
echo test failed: $?
exit 1
-${SBCL:-sbcl} --load $testfilestem.deflisp --eval "(when (member :linkage-table *features*) (save-lisp-and-die \"$testfilestem.core\"))" <<EOF
+${SBCL:-sbcl} --load $testfilestem.def.fasl --eval "(when (member :linkage-table *features*) (save-lisp-and-die \"$testfilestem.core\"))" <<EOF
(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 22) ; catch this
if [ $? = 22 ]; then
exit $PUNT # success -- linkage-table not available
-$SBCL_ALLOWING_CORE --core $testfilestem.core --sysinit /dev/null --userinit /dev/null --load $testfilestem.testlisp
+$SBCL_ALLOWING_CORE --core $testfilestem.core --sysinit /dev/null --userinit /dev/null --load $testfilestem.test.lisp
if [ $? != 52 ]; then
rm $testfilestem.*
echo test failed: $?