"Round NUMBER up to be an integral multiple of SIZE."
(* size (ceiling number size)))
+;;;; implementing the concept of "vector" in (almost) portable
+;;;; Common Lisp
+;;;; "If you only need to do such simple things, it doesn't really
+;;;; matter which language you use." -- _ANSI Common Lisp_, p. 1, Paul
+;;;; Graham (evidently not considering the abstraction "vector" to be
+;;;; such a simple thing:-)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defconstant +smallvec-length+
+ (expt 2 16)))
+;;; an element of a BIGVEC -- a vector small enough that we have
+;;; a good chance of it being portable to other Common Lisps
+(deftype smallvec ()
+ `(simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (,+smallvec-length+)))
+(defun make-smallvec ()
+ (make-array +smallvec-length+ :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+;;; a big vector, implemented as a vector of SMALLVECs
+;;; KLUDGE: This implementation seems portable enough for our
+;;; purposes, since realistically every modern implementation is
+;;; likely to support vectors of at least 2^16 elements. But if you're
+;;; masochistic enough to read this far into the contortions imposed
+;;; on us by ANSI and the Lisp community, for daring to use the
+;;; abstraction of a large linearly addressable memory space, which is
+;;; after all only directly supported by the underlying hardware of at
+;;; least 99% of the general-purpose computers in use today, then you
+;;; may be titillated to hear that in fact this code isn't really
+;;; portable, because as of sbcl-0.7.4 we need somewhat more than
+;;; 16Mbytes to represent a core, and ANSI only guarantees that
+;;; ARRAY-DIMENSION-LIMIT is not less than 1024. -- WHN 2002-06-13
+(defstruct bigvec
+ (outer-vector (vector (make-smallvec)) :type (vector smallvec)))
+;;; analogous to SVREF, but into a BIGVEC
+(defun bvref (bigvec index)
+ (multiple-value-bind (outer-index inner-index)
+ (floor index +smallvec-length+)
+ (aref (the smallvec
+ (svref (bigvec-outer-vector bigvec) outer-index))
+ inner-index)))
+(defun (setf bvref) (new-value bigvec index)
+ (multiple-value-bind (outer-index inner-index)
+ (floor index +smallvec-length+)
+ (setf (aref (the smallvec
+ (svref (bigvec-outer-vector bigvec) outer-index))
+ inner-index)
+ new-value)))
+;;; analogous to LENGTH, but for a BIGVEC
+;;; the length of BIGVEC, measured in the number of BVREFable bytes it
+;;; can hold
+(defun bvlength (bigvec)
+ (* (length (bigvec-outer-vector bigvec))
+ +smallvec-length+))
+;;; analogous to WRITE-SEQUENCE, but for a BIGVEC
+(defun write-bigvec-as-sequence (bigvec stream &key (start 0) end)
+ (loop for i of-type index from start below (or end (bvlength bigvec)) do
+ (write-byte (bvref bigvec i)
+ stream)))
+;;; analogous to READ-SEQUENCE-OR-DIE, but for a BIGVEC
+(defun read-bigvec-as-sequence-or-die (bigvec stream &key (start 0) end)
+ (loop for i of-type index from start below (or end (bvlength bigvec)) do
+ (setf (bvref bigvec i)
+ (read-byte stream))))
+;;; Grow BIGVEC (exponentially, so that large increases in size have
+;;; asymptotic logarithmic cost per byte).
+(defun expand-bigvec (bigvec)
+ (let* ((old-outer-vector (bigvec-outer-vector bigvec))
+ (length-old-outer-vector (length old-outer-vector))
+ (new-outer-vector (make-array (* 2 length-old-outer-vector))))
+ (dotimes (i length-old-outer-vector)
+ (setf (svref new-outer-vector i)
+ (svref old-outer-vector i)))
+ (loop for i from length-old-outer-vector below (length new-outer-vector) do
+ (setf (svref new-outer-vector i)
+ (make-smallvec)))
+ (setf (bigvec-outer-vector bigvec)
+ new-outer-vector))
+ bigvec)
+;;;; looking up bytes and multi-byte values in a BIGVEC (considering
+;;;; it as an image of machine memory)
+;;; BVREF-32 and friends. These are like SAP-REF-n, except that
+;;; instead of a SAP we use a BIGVEC.
+(macrolet ((make-bvref-n
+ (n)
+ (let* ((name (intern (format nil "BVREF-~A" n)))
+ (number-octets (/ n 8))
+ (ash-list-le
+ (loop for i from 0 to (1- number-octets)
+ collect `(ash (bvref bigvec (+ byte-index ,i))
+ ,(* i 8))))
+ (ash-list-be
+ (loop for i from 0 to (1- number-octets)
+ collect `(ash (bvref bigvec
+ (+ byte-index
+ ,(- number-octets 1 i)))
+ ,(* i 8))))
+ (setf-list-le
+ (loop for i from 0 to (1- number-octets)
+ append
+ `((bvref bigvec (+ byte-index ,i))
+ (ldb (byte 8 ,(* i 8)) new-value))))
+ (setf-list-be
+ (loop for i from 0 to (1- number-octets)
+ append
+ `((bvref bigvec (+ byte-index ,i))
+ (ldb (byte 8 ,(- n 8 (* i 8))) new-value)))))
+ `(progn
+ (defun ,name (bigvec byte-index)
+ (aver (= sb!vm:n-word-bits 32))
+ (aver (= sb!vm:n-byte-bits 8))
+ (logior ,@(ecase sb!c:*backend-byte-order*
+ (:little-endian ash-list-le)
+ (:big-endian ash-list-be))))
+ (defun (setf ,name) (new-value bigvec byte-index)
+ (aver (= sb!vm:n-word-bits 32))
+ (aver (= sb!vm:n-byte-bits 8))
+ (setf ,@(ecase sb!c:*backend-byte-order*
+ (:little-endian setf-list-le)
+ (:big-endian setf-list-be))))))))
+ (make-bvref-n 8)
+ (make-bvref-n 16)
+ (make-bvref-n 32))
;;;; representation of spaces in the core
;;; If there is more than one dynamic space in memory (i.e., if a
(identifier (missing-arg) :type fixnum :read-only t)
;; the word address where the data will be loaded
(word-address (missing-arg) :type unsigned-byte :read-only t)
- ;; the data themselves. (Note that in CMU CL this was a pair
- ;; of fields SAP and WORDS-ALLOCATED, but that wasn't very portable.)
- (bytes (make-array target-space-alignment :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
- :type (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) 1))
+ ;; the data themselves. (Note that in CMU CL this was a pair of
+ ;; fields SAP and WORDS-ALLOCATED, but that wasn't very portable.)
+ ;; (And then in SBCL this was a VECTOR, but turned out to be
+ ;; unportable too, since ANSI doesn't think that arrays longer than
+ ;; 1024 (!) should needed by portable CL code...)
+ (bytes (make-bigvec) :read-only t)
;; the index of the next unwritten word (i.e. chunk of
;; SB!VM:N-WORD-BYTES bytes) in BYTES, or equivalently the number of
;; words actually written in BYTES. In order to convert to an actual
(%make-gspace :name name
:identifier identifier
:word-address (ash byte-address (- sb!vm:word-shift))))
-;;; KLUDGE: Doing it this way seems to partly replicate the
-;;; functionality of Common Lisp adjustable arrays. Is there any way
-;;; to do this stuff in one line of code by using standard Common Lisp
-;;; stuff? -- WHN 19990816
-(defun expand-gspace-bytes (gspace)
- (let* ((old-bytes (gspace-bytes gspace))
- (old-length (length old-bytes))
- (new-length (* 2 old-length))
- (new-bytes (make-array new-length :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
- (replace new-bytes old-bytes :end1 old-length)
- (setf (gspace-bytes gspace)
- new-bytes))
- (values))
;;;; representation of descriptors
;; Grow GSPACE as necessary until it's big enough to handle
(do ()
- ((>= (length (gspace-bytes gspace))
+ ((>= (bvlength (gspace-bytes gspace))
(* new-free-word-index sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))
- (expand-gspace-bytes gspace))
+ (expand-bigvec (gspace-bytes gspace)))
;; Now that GSPACE is big enough, we can meaningfully grab a chunk of it.
(setf (gspace-free-word-index gspace) new-free-word-index)
(let ((ptr (+ (gspace-word-address gspace) old-free-word-index)))
"Push THING onto the given cold-load LIST."
`(setq ,list (cold-cons ,thing ,list)))
-;;; BYTE-VECTOR-REF-32 and friends. These are like SAP-REF-n, except
-;;; that instead of a SAP we use a byte vector
-(macrolet ((make-byte-vector-ref-n
- (n)
- (let* ((name (intern (format nil "BYTE-VECTOR-REF-~A" n)))
- (number-octets (/ n 8))
- (ash-list-le
- (loop for i from 0 to (1- number-octets)
- collect `(ash (aref byte-vector (+ byte-index ,i))
- ,(* i 8))))
- (ash-list-be
- (loop for i from 0 to (1- number-octets)
- collect `(ash (aref byte-vector
- (+ byte-index
- ,(- number-octets 1 i)))
- ,(* i 8))))
- (setf-list-le
- (loop for i from 0 to (1- number-octets)
- append
- `((aref byte-vector (+ byte-index ,i))
- (ldb (byte 8 ,(* i 8)) new-value))))
- (setf-list-be
- (loop for i from 0 to (1- number-octets)
- append
- `((aref byte-vector (+ byte-index ,i))
- (ldb (byte 8 ,(- n 8 (* i 8))) new-value)))))
- `(progn
- (defun ,name (byte-vector byte-index)
- (aver (= sb!vm:n-word-bits 32))
- (aver (= sb!vm:n-byte-bits 8))
- (logior ,@(ecase sb!c:*backend-byte-order*
- (:little-endian ash-list-le)
- (:big-endian ash-list-be))))
- (defun (setf ,name) (new-value byte-vector byte-index)
- (aver (= sb!vm:n-word-bits 32))
- (aver (= sb!vm:n-byte-bits 8))
- (setf ,@(ecase sb!c:*backend-byte-order*
- (:little-endian setf-list-le)
- (:big-endian setf-list-be))))))))
- (make-byte-vector-ref-n 8)
- (make-byte-vector-ref-n 16)
- (make-byte-vector-ref-n 32))
(declaim (ftype (function (descriptor sb!vm:word) descriptor) read-wordindexed))
(defun read-wordindexed (address index)
(bytes (gspace-bytes gspace))
(byte-index (ash (+ index (descriptor-word-offset address))
- (value (byte-vector-ref-32 bytes byte-index)))
+ (value (bvref-32 bytes byte-index)))
(make-random-descriptor value)))
(declaim (ftype (function (descriptor) descriptor) read-memory))
(let* ((bytes (gspace-bytes (descriptor-intuit-gspace address)))
(byte-index (ash (+ index (descriptor-word-offset address))
- (setf (byte-vector-ref-32 bytes byte-index)
+ (setf (bvref-32 bytes byte-index)
(descriptor-bits value)))))
(declaim (ftype (function (descriptor descriptor)) write-memory))
(make-fixnum-descriptor length))
(dotimes (i length)
- (setf (aref bytes (+ offset i))
+ (setf (bvref bytes (+ offset i))
;; KLUDGE: There's no guarantee that the character
;; encoding here will be the same as the character
;; encoding on the target machine, so using CHAR-CODE as
;; indices into the sequence which is used to test whether
;; a character is a STANDARD-CHAR?) -- WHN 19990817
(char-code (aref string i))))
- (setf (aref bytes (+ offset length))
+ (setf (bvref bytes (+ offset length))
0) ; null string-termination character for C
(let* ((value (if (logbitp 15 value) (+ value (ash 1 16)) value))
(value (if (logbitp 31 value) (+ value (ash 1 32)) value))
(value (if (logbitp 47 value) (+ value (ash 1 48)) value)))
- (setf (byte-vector-ref-8 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
+ (setf (bvref-8 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
(ldb (byte 8 48) value)
- (byte-vector-ref-8 gspace-bytes (1+ gspace-byte-offset))
+ (bvref-8 gspace-bytes (1+ gspace-byte-offset))
(ldb (byte 8 56) value))))
(let* ((value (if (logbitp 15 value) (+ value (ash 1 16)) value))
(value (if (logbitp 31 value) (+ value (ash 1 32)) value)))
- (setf (byte-vector-ref-8 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
+ (setf (bvref-8 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
(ldb (byte 8 32) value)
- (byte-vector-ref-8 gspace-bytes (1+ gspace-byte-offset))
+ (bvref-8 gspace-bytes (1+ gspace-byte-offset))
(ldb (byte 8 40) value))))
(let ((value (if (logbitp 15 value) (+ value (ash 1 16)) value)))
- (setf (byte-vector-ref-8 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
+ (setf (bvref-8 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
(ldb (byte 8 16) value)
- (byte-vector-ref-8 gspace-bytes (1+ gspace-byte-offset))
+ (bvref-8 gspace-bytes (1+ gspace-byte-offset))
(ldb (byte 8 24) value))))
- (setf (byte-vector-ref-8 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
+ (setf (bvref-8 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
(ldb (byte 8 0) value)
- (byte-vector-ref-8 gspace-bytes (1+ gspace-byte-offset))
+ (bvref-8 gspace-bytes (1+ gspace-byte-offset))
(ldb (byte 8 8) value)))))
(ecase kind
- (setf (byte-vector-ref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
+ (setf (bvref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
(dpb (ash value -2) (byte 24 2)
- (byte-vector-ref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset))))
+ (bvref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset))))
(let* ((h (ldb (byte 16 16) value))
(l (ldb (byte 16 0) value)))
- (setf (byte-vector-ref-16 gspace-bytes (+ gspace-byte-offset 2))
+ (setf (bvref-16 gspace-bytes (+ gspace-byte-offset 2))
(if (logbitp 15 l) (ldb (byte 16 0) (1+ h)) h))))
- (setf (byte-vector-ref-16 gspace-bytes (+ gspace-byte-offset 2))
+ (setf (bvref-16 gspace-bytes (+ gspace-byte-offset 2))
(ldb (byte 16 0) value)))))
(ecase kind
- (error "Can't deal with call fixups yet."))
+ (error "can't deal with call fixups yet"))
- (setf (byte-vector-ref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
+ (setf (bvref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
(dpb (ldb (byte 22 10) value)
(byte 22 0)
- (byte-vector-ref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset))))
+ (bvref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset))))
- (setf (byte-vector-ref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
+ (setf (bvref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
(dpb (ldb (byte 10 0) value)
(byte 10 0)
- (byte-vector-ref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset))))))
+ (bvref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset))))))
- (let* ((un-fixed-up (byte-vector-ref-32 gspace-bytes
+ (let* ((un-fixed-up (bvref-32 gspace-bytes
(code-object-start-addr (logandc2 (descriptor-bits code-object)
(ecase kind
(let ((fixed-up (+ value un-fixed-up)))
- (setf (byte-vector-ref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
+ (setf (bvref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
;; comment from CMU CL sources:
sb!vm:n-word-bytes))) ; length of CALL argument
- (setf (byte-vector-ref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
+ (setf (bvref-32 gspace-bytes gspace-byte-offset)
;; Note relative fixups that point outside the code
;; object, which is to say all relative fixups, since
(end (+ start
(ceiling (* len sizebits)
- (read-sequence-or-die (descriptor-bytes result)
- *fasl-input-stream*
- :start start
- :end end)
+ (read-bigvec-as-sequence-or-die (descriptor-bytes result)
+ *fasl-input-stream*
+ :start start
+ :end end)
(define-cold-fop (fop-single-float-vector)
(start (+ (descriptor-byte-offset result)
(ash sb!vm:vector-data-offset sb!vm:word-shift)))
(end (+ start (* len sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))
- (read-sequence-or-die (descriptor-bytes result)
- *fasl-input-stream*
- :start start
- :end end)
+ (read-bigvec-as-sequence-or-die (descriptor-bytes result)
+ *fasl-input-stream*
+ :start start
+ :end end)
(not-cold-fop fop-double-float-vector)
(let* ((start (+ (descriptor-byte-offset des)
(ash header-n-words sb!vm:word-shift)))
(end (+ start code-size)))
- (read-sequence-or-die (descriptor-bytes des)
- *fasl-input-stream*
- :start start
- :end end)
+ (read-bigvec-as-sequence-or-die (descriptor-bytes des)
+ *fasl-input-stream*
+ :start start
+ :end end)
(when *show-pre-fixup-code-p*
(format *trace-output*
(format *trace-output*
"/#X~8,'0x: #X~8,'0x~%"
(+ i (gspace-byte-address (descriptor-gspace des)))
- (byte-vector-ref-32 (descriptor-bytes des) i)))))
+ (bvref-32 (descriptor-bytes des) i)))))
(define-cold-code-fop fop-code (read-arg 4) (read-arg 4))
(let* ((start (+ (descriptor-byte-offset des)
(ash header-n-words sb!vm:word-shift)))
(end (+ start length)))
- (read-sequence-or-die (descriptor-bytes des)
- *fasl-input-stream*
- :start start
- :end end))
+ (read-bigvec-as-sequence-or-die (descriptor-bytes des)
+ *fasl-input-stream*
+ :start start
+ :end end))
(define-cold-fop (fop-assembler-routine)
;; be zero-filled. This will always be true under Mach on machines
;; where the page size is equal. (RT is 4K, PMAX is 4K, Sun 3 is
;; 8K).
- (write-sequence (gspace-bytes gspace) *core-file* :end total-bytes)
+ (write-bigvec-as-sequence (gspace-bytes gspace)
+ *core-file*
+ :end total-bytes)
(force-output *core-file*)
(file-position *core-file* posn)