argument to CHECK-FOR-CIRCULARITY, but I haven't reverse-engineered
enough of the intended meaning of the different MODE values to be
confident of this.
+404: nonstandard DWIMness in LOOP with unportably-ordered clauses
+ In sbcl-0.9.13, the code
+ (loop with stack = (make-array 2 :fill-pointer 2 :initial-element t)
+ for length = (length stack)
+ while (plusp length)
+ for element = (vector-pop stack)
+ collect element)
+ compiles without error or warning and returns (T T). Unfortunately,
+ it is inconsistent with the ANSI definition of the LOOP macro,
+ because it mixes up VARIABLE-CLAUSEs with MAIN-CLAUSEs. Furthermore,
+ SBCL's interpretation of the intended meaning is only one possible,
+ unportable interpretation of the noncompliant code; in CLISP 2.33.2,
+ the code compiles with a warning
+ LOOP: FOR clauses should occur before the loop's main body
+ and then fails at runtime with
+ VECTOR-POP: #() has length zero
+ perhaps because CLISP has shuffled the clauses into an
+ ANSI-compliant order before proceeding.
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)