(defmethod asdf:perform ((o asdf:test-op)
(c (eql (asdf:find-system :sb-concurrency-tests))))
- (or (funcall (intern "DO-TESTS" (find-package "SB-RT")))
- (error "~S failed" 'asdf:test-op)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (soft strict pending)
+ (funcall (intern "DO-TESTS" (find-package "SB-RT")))
+ (fresh-line)
+ (unless strict
+ #+sb-testing-contrib
+ ;; We create TEST-PASSED from a shell script if tests passed. But
+ ;; since the shell script only `touch'es it, we can actually create
+ ;; it ahead of time -- as long as we're certain that tests truly
+ ;; passed, hence the check for SOFT.
+ (when soft
+ :direction :output)
+ (dolist (pend pending)
+ (format s "Expected failure: ~A~%" pend))))
+ (warn "ignoring expected failures in test-op"))
+ (unless soft
+ (error "test-op failed with unexpected failures"))))
(in-package :sb-concurrency-test)
+(defmacro deftest* ((name &key fails-on) form &rest results)
+ `(progn
+ (when (sb-impl::featurep ',fails-on)
+ (pushnew ',name sb-rt::*expected-failures*))
+ (deftest ,name ,form ,@results)))
(defun test-frlocks (&key (reader-count 100) (read-count 1000000)
(outer-read-pause 0) (inner-read-pause 0)
(writer-count 10) (write-count 10000)
(values (cdr w-e!) (cdr r-e!))))
-(deftest frlock.1
- (test-frlocks)
+(deftest* (frlock.1 :fails-on :win32)
+ (handler-case
+ (sb-ext:with-timeout 60 (test-frlocks))
+ (sb-ext:timeout (c)
+ (error "~A" c)))