(defvar *restart-clusters* '())
-;;; an ALIST with elements of the form
-;;; which records the restarts currently associated with
-;;; conditions. maintained by WITH-CONDITION-RESTARTS.
-(defvar *condition-restarts* ())
+(declaim (inline restart-test-function
+ restart-associated-conditions
+ (setf restart-associated-conditions)))
(defstruct (restart (:copier nil) (:predicate nil))
(name (missing-arg) :type symbol :read-only t)
(function (missing-arg) :type function :read-only t)
(report-function nil :type (or null function) :read-only t)
(interactive-function nil :type (or null function) :read-only t)
- (test-function (lambda (cond) (declare (ignore cond)) t) :type function :read-only t))
+ (test-function (lambda (cond) (declare (ignore cond)) t) :type function :read-only t)
+ ;; the list of conditions which are currently associated to the
+ ;; restart. maintained by WITH-CONDITION-RESTARTS in a neither
+ ;; thread- nor interrupt-safe way. This should not be a problem
+ ;; however, since safe uses of restarts have to assume dynamic
+ ;; extent.
+ (associated-conditions '() :type list))
(def!method print-object ((restart restart) stream)
(if *print-escape*
(defvar *restart-test-stack* nil)
+;; Call FUNCTION with all restarts in the current dynamic environment,
+;; 1) that are associated to CONDITION (when CONDITION is NIL, all
+;; restarts are processed)
+;; 2) and for which the restart test returns non-NIL for CONDITION.
+;; When CALL-TEST-P is non-NIL, all restarts are processed.
+(defun map-restarts (function &optional condition (call-test-p t))
+ ;; FIXME: if MAP-RESTARTS is internal, we could require the FUNCTION
+ ;; argument to be of type FUNCTION.
+ (let ((function (coerce function 'function))
+ (stack *restart-test-stack*))
+ (dolist (restart-cluster *restart-clusters*)
+ (dolist (restart restart-cluster)
+ (when (and (or (not condition)
+ (null (restart-associated-conditions restart))
+ (memq condition (restart-associated-conditions restart)))
+ ;; A call to COMPUTE-RESTARTS -- from an error,
+ ;; from user code, whatever -- inside the test
+ ;; function would cause infinite recursion here, so
+ ;; we disable each restart using
+ ;; *restart-test-stack* for the duration of the
+ ;; test call.
+ (not (memq restart stack))
+ (or (not call-test-p)
+ (let ((*restart-test-stack* (cons restart stack)))
+ (declare (truly-dynamic-extent *restart-test-stack*))
+ (funcall (restart-test-function restart) condition))))
+ (funcall function restart))))))
(defun compute-restarts (&optional condition)
"Return a list of all the currently active restarts ordered from most recently
established to less recently established. If CONDITION is specified, then only
restarts associated with CONDITION (or with no condition) will be returned."
- (let ((associated ())
- (other ()))
- (dolist (alist *condition-restarts*)
- (if (eq (car alist) condition)
- (setq associated (cdr alist))
- (setq other (append (cdr alist) other))))
- (collect ((res))
- (let ((stack *restart-test-stack*))
- (dolist (restart-cluster *restart-clusters*)
- (dolist (restart restart-cluster)
- (when (and (or (not condition)
- (memq restart associated)
- (not (memq restart other)))
- ;; A call to COMPUTE-RESTARTS -- from an error, from
- ;; user code, whatever -- inside the test function
- ;; would cause infinite recursion here, so we disable
- ;; each restart using *restart-test-stack* for the
- ;; duraction of the test call.
- (not (memq restart stack))
- (let ((*restart-test-stack* (cons restart stack)))
- (declare (truly-dynamic-extent *restart-test-stack*))
- (funcall (restart-test-function restart) condition)))
- (res restart)))))
- (res))))
+ (collect ((result))
+ (map-restarts (lambda (restart) (result restart)) condition)
+ (result)))
+(defun %find-restart (identifier &optional condition (call-test-p t))
+ (flet ((eq-restart-p (restart)
+ (when (eq identifier restart)
+ (return-from %find-restart restart)))
+ (named-restart-p (restart)
+ (when (eq identifier (restart-name restart))
+ (return-from %find-restart restart))))
+ ;; TODO Question for reviewer: does the compiler infer this dx
+ ;; automatically?
+ (declare (truly-dynamic-extent #'eq-restart-p #'named-restart-p))
+ (if (typep identifier 'restart)
+ ;; TODO Questions for reviewer:
+ ;;
+ ;; The code under #+previous-... below breaks the abstraction
+ ;; introduced by MAP-RESTARTS, but is about twice as
+ ;; fast as #+equivalent-... . Also, it is a common case due to
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;; However, both #+previous-... and #+equivalent-... may be
+ ;; wrong altogether because of
+ ;; https://bugs.launchpad.net/sbcl/+bug/774410:
+ ;; The behavior expected in that report can be achieved by the
+ ;; following line (which is, of course, the slowest of all
+ ;; possibilities):
+ (map-restarts #'eq-restart-p condition call-test-p)
+ #+equivalent-to-previous-sbcl-behavior--faster-but-see-bug-774410
+ (map-restarts #'eq-restart-p nil nil)
+ #+previous-behavior--fastest-but-see-bug-774410
+ (and (find-if (lambda (cluster) (find identifier cluster)) *restart-clusters*)
+ identifier)
+ (map-restarts #'named-restart-p condition call-test-p))))
(defun find-restart (identifier &optional condition)
is a restart, it is returned if it is currently active. Otherwise NIL is
returned. If CONDITION is specified and not NIL, then only restarts associated
with that condition (or with no condition) will be returned."
- ;; see comment above
- (if (typep identifier 'restart)
- (and (find-if (lambda (cluster) (find identifier cluster)) *restart-clusters*)
- identifier)
- (find identifier (compute-restarts condition) :key #'restart-name)))
+ ;; Calls MAP-RESTARTS such that restart test functions are
+ ;; respected.
+ (%find-restart identifier condition))
;;; helper for the various functions which are ANSI-spec'ed to do
;;; something with a restart or signal CONTROL-ERROR if there is none
-(defun find-restart-or-control-error (identifier &optional condition)
- (or (find-restart identifier condition)
+(defun find-restart-or-control-error (identifier &optional condition (call-test-p t))
+ (or (%find-restart identifier condition call-test-p)
(error 'simple-control-error
:format-control "No restart ~S is active~@[ for ~S~]."
:format-arguments (list identifier condition))))
arguments. If the argument restart is not a restart or a currently active
non-nil restart name, then a CONTROL-ERROR is signalled."
(/show "entering INVOKE-RESTART" restart)
- (let ((real-restart (find-restart-or-control-error restart)))
+ ;; The following code calls MAP-RESTARTS (through
+ ;; test functions are respected when RESTART is a symbol, but not
+ ;; when RESTART is a RESTART instance.
+ ;;
+ ;; Without disabling test functions for the RESTART instance case,
+ ;; the following problem would arise:
+ ;;
+ ;; (restart-case
+ ;; (handler-bind
+ ;; ((some-condition (lambda (c)
+ ;; (invoke-restart (find-restart 'foo c)) ; a)
+ ;; (invoke-restart 'foo) ; b)
+ ;; )))
+ ;; (signal 'some-condition))
+ ;; (foo ()
+ ;; :test (lambda (c) (typep c 'some-condition))))
+ ;;
+ ;; In case a), INVOKE-RESTART receives the RESTART instance, but
+ ;; cannot supply the condition instance needed by the test. In case
+ ;; b) INVOKE-RESTART calls FIND-RESTART, but again cannot supply the
+ ;; condition instance. As a result, the restart would be impossible
+ ;; the invoke.
+ (let ((real-restart (find-restart-or-control-error
+ restart nil (symbolp restart))))
(apply (restart-function real-restart) values)))
(defun interactive-restart-arguments (real-restart)
'(and condition counted-condition)))
(define-condition picky-condition () ())
- (handler-case
- (error 'picky-condition)
- (picky-condition (c)
- (assert (eq (car (compute-restarts)) (car (compute-restarts c))))))
- (picky-restart ()
- :report "Do nothing."
- :test (lambda (c)
- (typep c '(or null picky-condition)))
- 'ok))
+(with-test (:name (:picky-condition compute-restarts))
+ (restart-case
+ (handler-case
+ (error 'picky-condition)
+ (picky-condition (c)
+ ;; The PICKY-RESTART should be applicable for the
+ ;; PICKY-CONDITION and all other cases.
+ (assert (eq (restart-name (first (compute-restarts))) 'picky-restart))
+ (assert (eq (restart-name (first (compute-restarts c))) 'picky-restart))
+ (assert (eq (car (compute-restarts)) (car (compute-restarts c))))
+ ;; ANOTHER-PICKY-RESTART should not be applicable for the
+ ;; PICKY-CONDITION, but all other cases.
+ (assert (not (find 'another-picky-restart (compute-restarts c)
+ :key #'restart-name)))
+ (assert (find 'another-picky-restart (compute-restarts)
+ :key #'restart-name))
+ :ok))
+ (picky-restart ()
+ :report "Do nothing."
+ :test (lambda (c) (typep c '(or null picky-condition))))
+ (another-picky-restart ()
+ :report "Do nothing as well"
+ :test (lambda (c) (typep c '(not picky-condition))))))
;;; adapted from Helmut Eller on cmucl-imp
-(assert (eq 'it
- (restart-case
- (handler-case
- (error 'picky-condition)
- (picky-condition (c)
- (invoke-restart (find-restart 'give-it c))))
- (give-it ()
- :test (lambda (c) (typep c 'picky-condition))
- 'it))))
+(with-test (:name (:picky-condition invoke-restart))
+ (assert (eq 'it
+ (restart-case
+ (handler-case
+ (error 'picky-condition)
+ (picky-condition (c)
+ (invoke-restart (find-restart 'give-it c))))
+ (give-it ()
+ :test (lambda (c) (typep c 'picky-condition))
+ 'it)))))
;;; In sbcl-1.0.9, a condition derived from CL:STREAM-ERROR (or
;;; CL:READER-ERROR or or CL:PARSE-ERROR) didn't inherit a usable
(test () (not t) "The assertion (NOT T) failed.")
(test ((a -1)) (plusp (signum a))
"The assertion (PLUSP (SIGNUM A)) failed with (SIGNUM A) = -1.")))
+(with-test (:name (find-restart :recheck-conditions-and-tests :bug-774410))
+ (let ((activep t))
+ (restart-bind ((switchable-restart
+ (constantly 'irrelevant)
+ :test-function (lambda (condition)
+ (declare (ignore condition))
+ activep)))
+ (let ((actual-restart (find-restart 'switchable-restart)))
+ ;; Inactive because of condition-restarts associations.
+ (let ((required-condition (make-condition 'condition))
+ (wrong-condition (make-condition 'condition)))
+ (with-condition-restarts required-condition (list actual-restart)
+ (assert (null (find-restart actual-restart wrong-condition)))))
+ ;; Inactive because of test-function.
+ (setf activep nil)
+ (assert (null (find-restart actual-restart)))))))