the symbol, prohibits both lexical and dynamic binding. This is mainly an
efficiency measure for threaded platforms, but also valueable in
expressing intent.
- * improvement: SBCL now emits a compiler note where stack allocation was
- requested but could not be provided.
* optimization: compiler now generates faster array typechecking code.
* optimization: ARRAY-DIMENSION is now faster for multidimensional and
non-simple arrays.
* optimization: multidimensional array accesses in the absence of type
information regarding array rank are approximately 10% faster due to
open coding of ARRAY-RANK.
+ * improvement: SBCL now emits a compiler note where stack allocation was
+ requested but could not be provided.
+ * improvement: pretty-printing loop has been implemented properly. (thanks
+ to Tobias Rittweiler)
* documentation: CLOS slot typechecing policy has been documented.
+ * bug fix: MAKE-ARRAY for non-zero :INITIAL-ELEMENT always used the
+ same implementation of FILL to initialize the array, even if a more
+ efficient one was available (reported by Stas Boukarev, thanks to
+ Paul Khuong)
* bug fix: potential miscompilation of array stack allocation on x86 and
x86-64. (reported by Time Tossavainen)
* bug fix: some forms of AND, OR, and COND resulted in expansions that could
(pprint-fill stream (pprint-pop))
(pprint-tagbody-guts stream)))
+;;; Each clause in this list will get its own line.
+(defvar *loop-seperating-clauses*
+ '(:and
+ :where :for
+ :initially :finally
+ :do :doing
+ :collect :collecting
+ :append :appending
+ :nconc :nconcing
+ :count :counting
+ :sum :summing
+ :maximize :maximizing
+ :minimize :minimizing
+ :if :when :unless :end
+ :for :while :until :repeat :always :never :thereis
+ ))
+(defun pprint-loop (stream list &rest noise)
+ (declare (ignore noise))
+ (destructuring-bind (loop-symbol . clauses) list
+ (write-char #\( stream)
+ (output-object loop-symbol stream)
+ (when clauses
+ (write-char #\space stream)
+ (pprint-logical-block (stream clauses :prefix "" :suffix "")
+ (output-object (pprint-pop) stream)
+ (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ (write-char #\space stream)
+ (loop for thing = (pprint-pop)
+ when (and (symbolp thing)
+ (member thing *loop-seperating-clauses* :test #'string=))
+ do (pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
+ do (output-object thing stream)
+ do (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+ do (write-char #\space stream))))
+ (write-char #\) stream)))
(defun pprint-fun-call (stream list &rest noise)
(declare (ignore noise))
(funcall (formatter "~:<~^~W~^ ~:_~:I~@{~W~^ ~:_~}~:>")
(etypecase pprint-typecase)
#+nil (handler-bind ...)
#+nil (handler-case ...)
- #+nil (loop ...)
+ (loop pprint-loop)
(multiple-value-bind pprint-progv)
(multiple-value-setq pprint-block)
(pprint-logical-block pprint-block)