(setf (finite-sb-current-size sb) new-size))
-;;; This variable is true whenever we are in pack (and thus the per-SB
-;;; conflicts information is in use.)
-(defvar *in-pack* nil)
-;;; In order to prevent the conflict data structures from growing
-;;; arbitrarily large, we clear them whenever a GC happens and we
-;;; aren't currently in pack. We revert to the initial number of
-;;; locations and 0 blocks.
-(defun pack-before-gc-hook ()
- (unless *in-pack*
- (dolist (sb *backend-sb-list*)
- (unless (eq (sb-kind sb) :non-packed)
- (let ((size (sb-size sb)))
- (fill (finite-sb-always-live sb) nil)
- (setf (finite-sb-always-live sb)
- (make-array size
- :initial-element
- #-sb-xc #*
- ;; The cross-compiler isn't very good at
- ;; dumping specialized arrays, so we delay
- ;; construction of this SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR
- ;; until runtime.
- #+sb-xc (make-array 0 :element-type 'bit)))
- (fill (finite-sb-conflicts sb) nil)
- (setf (finite-sb-conflicts sb)
- (make-array size :initial-element '#()))
- (fill (finite-sb-live-tns sb) nil)
- (setf (finite-sb-live-tns sb)
- (make-array size :initial-element nil))))))
- (values))
-(pushnew 'pack-before-gc-hook sb!ext:*before-gc-hooks*)
;;;; internal errors
(defevent repack-block "Repacked a block due to TN unpacking.")
-(defun pack (component)
- (aver (not *in-pack*))
- (let ((*in-pack* t)
- (optimize (policy *lexenv*
- (or (>= speed compilation-speed)
- (>= space compilation-speed))))
- (2comp (component-info component)))
- (init-sb-vectors component)
- ;; Call the target functions.
- (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
- (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block) (vop-next vop)))
- ((null vop))
- (let ((target-fun (vop-info-target-fun (vop-info vop))))
- (when target-fun
- (funcall target-fun vop)))))
- ;; Pack wired TNs first.
- (do ((tn (ir2-component-wired-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
- ((null tn))
- (pack-wired-tn tn))
- ;; Pack restricted component TNs.
- (do ((tn (ir2-component-restricted-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
- ((null tn))
- (when (eq (tn-kind tn) :component)
- (pack-tn tn t)))
- ;; Pack other restricted TNs.
- (do ((tn (ir2-component-restricted-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
- ((null tn))
- (unless (tn-offset tn)
- (pack-tn tn t)))
- ;; Assign costs to normal TNs so we know which ones should always
- ;; be packed on the stack.
- (when (and optimize *pack-assign-costs*)
- (assign-tn-costs component))
- ;; Pack normal TNs in the order that they appear in the code. This
- ;; should have some tendency to pack important TNs first, since
- ;; control analysis favors the drop-through. This should also help
- ;; targeting, since we will pack the target TN soon after we
- ;; determine the location of the targeting TN.
- (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
- (let ((ltns (ir2-block-local-tns block)))
- (do ((i (1- (ir2-block-local-tn-count block)) (1- i)))
- ((minusp i))
- (declare (fixnum i))
- (let ((tn (svref ltns i)))
- (unless (or (null tn) (eq tn :more) (tn-offset tn))
- (pack-tn tn nil))))))
- ;; Pack any leftover normal TNs. This is to deal with :MORE TNs,
- ;; which could possibly not appear in any local TN map.
- (do ((tn (ir2-component-normal-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
- ((null tn))
- (unless (tn-offset tn)
- (pack-tn tn nil)))
- ;; Do load TN packing and emit saves.
- (let ((*repack-blocks* nil))
- (cond ((and optimize *pack-optimize-saves*)
- (optimized-emit-saves component)
- (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
- (pack-load-tns block)))
- (t
- (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
- (emit-saves block)
- (pack-load-tns block))))
- (when *repack-blocks*
- (loop
- (when (zerop (hash-table-count *repack-blocks*)) (return))
- (maphash (lambda (block v)
- (declare (ignore v))
- (remhash block *repack-blocks*)
- (event repack-block)
- (pack-load-tns block))
- *repack-blocks*)))))
+;;; KLUDGE: Prior to SBCL version 0.8.9.xx, this function was known as
+;;; PACK-BEFORE-GC-HOOK, but was non-functional since approximately
+;;; version 0.8.3.xx since the removal of GC hooks from the system.
+;;; This currently (as of 2004-04-12) runs now after every call to
+;;; PACK, rather than -- as was originally intended -- once per GC
+;;; cycle; this is probably non-optimal, and might require tuning,
+;;; maybe to be called when the data structures exceed a certain size,
+;;; or maybe once every N times. The KLUDGE is that this rewrite has
+;;; done nothing to improve the reentrance or threadsafety of the
+;;; compiler; it still fails to be callable from several threads at
+;;; the same time.
+;;; Brief experiments indicate that during a compilation cycle this
+;;; causes about 10% more consing, and takes about 1%-2% more time.
+;;; -- CSR, 2004-04-12
+(defun clean-up-pack-structures ()
+ (dolist (sb *backend-sb-list*)
+ (unless (eq (sb-kind sb) :non-packed)
+ (let ((size (sb-size sb)))
+ (fill (finite-sb-always-live sb) nil)
+ (setf (finite-sb-always-live sb)
+ (make-array size
+ :initial-element
+ #-sb-xc #*
+ ;; The cross-compiler isn't very good at
+ ;; dumping specialized arrays, so we delay
+ ;; construction of this SIMPLE-BIT-VECTOR
+ ;; until runtime.
+ #+sb-xc (make-array 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+ (fill (finite-sb-conflicts sb) nil)
+ (setf (finite-sb-conflicts sb)
+ (make-array size :initial-element '#()))
+ (fill (finite-sb-live-tns sb) nil)
+ (setf (finite-sb-live-tns sb)
+ (make-array size :initial-element nil))))))
- (values))
+(defun pack (component)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (let ((optimize (policy *lexenv*
+ (or (>= speed compilation-speed)
+ (>= space compilation-speed))))
+ (2comp (component-info component)))
+ (init-sb-vectors component)
+ ;; Call the target functions.
+ (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
+ (do ((vop (ir2-block-start-vop block) (vop-next vop)))
+ ((null vop))
+ (let ((target-fun (vop-info-target-fun (vop-info vop))))
+ (when target-fun
+ (funcall target-fun vop)))))
+ ;; Pack wired TNs first.
+ (do ((tn (ir2-component-wired-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
+ ((null tn))
+ (pack-wired-tn tn))
+ ;; Pack restricted component TNs.
+ (do ((tn (ir2-component-restricted-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
+ ((null tn))
+ (when (eq (tn-kind tn) :component)
+ (pack-tn tn t)))
+ ;; Pack other restricted TNs.
+ (do ((tn (ir2-component-restricted-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
+ ((null tn))
+ (unless (tn-offset tn)
+ (pack-tn tn t)))
+ ;; Assign costs to normal TNs so we know which ones should always
+ ;; be packed on the stack.
+ (when (and optimize *pack-assign-costs*)
+ (assign-tn-costs component))
+ ;; Pack normal TNs in the order that they appear in the code. This
+ ;; should have some tendency to pack important TNs first, since
+ ;; control analysis favors the drop-through. This should also help
+ ;; targeting, since we will pack the target TN soon after we
+ ;; determine the location of the targeting TN.
+ (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
+ (let ((ltns (ir2-block-local-tns block)))
+ (do ((i (1- (ir2-block-local-tn-count block)) (1- i)))
+ ((minusp i))
+ (declare (fixnum i))
+ (let ((tn (svref ltns i)))
+ (unless (or (null tn) (eq tn :more) (tn-offset tn))
+ (pack-tn tn nil))))))
+ ;; Pack any leftover normal TNs. This is to deal with :MORE TNs,
+ ;; which could possibly not appear in any local TN map.
+ (do ((tn (ir2-component-normal-tns 2comp) (tn-next tn)))
+ ((null tn))
+ (unless (tn-offset tn)
+ (pack-tn tn nil)))
+ ;; Do load TN packing and emit saves.
+ (let ((*repack-blocks* nil))
+ (cond ((and optimize *pack-optimize-saves*)
+ (optimized-emit-saves component)
+ (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
+ (pack-load-tns block)))
+ (t
+ (do-ir2-blocks (block component)
+ (emit-saves block)
+ (pack-load-tns block))))
+ (when *repack-blocks*
+ (loop
+ (when (zerop (hash-table-count *repack-blocks*)) (return))
+ (maphash (lambda (block v)
+ (declare (ignore v))
+ (remhash block *repack-blocks*)
+ (event repack-block)
+ (pack-load-tns block))
+ *repack-blocks*))))
+ (values))
+ (clean-up-pack-structures)))
;; See also the description of VOP-INFO-TARGETS. -- APD, 2002-01-30
(def!constant max-vop-tn-refs 256))
+;;; FIXME: This is a remarkably eccentric way of implementing what
+;;; would appear to be by nature a closure. A closure isn't any more
+;;; threadsafe than this special variable implementation, but at least
+;;; it's more idiomatic, and one could imagine closing over an
+;;; extensible pool to make a thread-safe implementation.
+(declaim (type (simple-vector #.max-vop-tn-refs) *vop-tn-refs*))
(defvar *vop-tn-refs* (make-array max-vop-tn-refs :initial-element nil))
-(defvar *using-vop-tn-refs* nil)
-(defun flush-vop-tn-refs ()
- (unless *using-vop-tn-refs*
- (fill *vop-tn-refs* nil)))
-(pushnew 'flush-vop-tn-refs *before-gc-hooks*)
(def!constant sc-bits (integer-length (1- sc-number-limit)))
num-args num-results num-operands)
(type (integer -1 #.(1- max-vop-tn-refs)) last-arg last-result))
(setf (vop-codegen-info vop) info)
- (let ((refs *vop-tn-refs*)
- (*using-vop-tn-refs* t))
- (declare (type (simple-vector #.max-vop-tn-refs) refs))
- (do ((index 0 (1+ index))
- (ref args (and ref (tn-ref-across ref))))
- ((= index num-args))
- (setf (svref refs index) ref))
- (do ((index num-args (1+ index))
- (ref results (and ref (tn-ref-across ref))))
- ((= index num-operands))
- (setf (svref refs index) ref))
- (let ((temps (vop-info-temps template)))
- (when temps
- (let ((index num-operands)
- (prev nil))
- (dotimes (i (length temps))
- (let* ((temp (aref temps i))
- (tn (if (logbitp 0 temp)
- (make-wired-tn nil
- (ldb (byte sc-bits 1) temp)
- (ash temp (- (1+ sc-bits))))
- (make-restricted-tn nil (ash temp -1))))
- (write-ref (reference-tn tn t)))
- ;; KLUDGE: These formulas must be consistent with those in
- ;; COMPUTE-REF-ORDERING, and this is currently
- ;; maintained by hand. -- WHN 2002-01-30, paraphrasing APD
- (setf (aref refs index) (reference-tn tn nil))
- (setf (aref refs (1+ index)) write-ref)
- (if prev
- (setf (tn-ref-across prev) write-ref)
- (setf (vop-temps vop) write-ref))
- (setf prev write-ref)
- (incf index 2))))))
- (let ((prev nil))
- (flet ((add-ref (ref)
- (setf (tn-ref-vop ref) vop)
- (setf (tn-ref-next-ref ref) prev)
- (setf prev ref)))
- (declare (inline add-ref))
- (dotimes (i (length ref-ordering))
- (let* ((index (aref ref-ordering i))
- (ref (aref refs index)))
- (if (or (= index last-arg) (= index last-result))
- (do ((ref ref (tn-ref-across ref)))
- ((null ref))
- (add-ref ref))
- (add-ref ref)))))
- (setf (vop-refs vop) prev))
- (let ((targets (vop-info-targets template)))
- (when targets
- (dotimes (i (length targets))
- (let ((target (aref targets i)))
- (target-if-desirable (aref refs (ldb (byte 8 8) target))
- (aref refs (ldb (byte 8 0) target))))))))
- (values vop vop)))
+ (unwind-protect
+ (let ((refs *vop-tn-refs*))
+ (declare (type (simple-vector #.max-vop-tn-refs) refs))
+ (do ((index 0 (1+ index))
+ (ref args (and ref (tn-ref-across ref))))
+ ((= index num-args))
+ (setf (svref refs index) ref))
+ (do ((index num-args (1+ index))
+ (ref results (and ref (tn-ref-across ref))))
+ ((= index num-operands))
+ (setf (svref refs index) ref))
+ (let ((temps (vop-info-temps template)))
+ (when temps
+ (let ((index num-operands)
+ (prev nil))
+ (dotimes (i (length temps))
+ (let* ((temp (aref temps i))
+ (tn (if (logbitp 0 temp)
+ (make-wired-tn nil
+ (ldb (byte sc-bits 1) temp)
+ (ash temp (- (1+ sc-bits))))
+ (make-restricted-tn nil (ash temp -1))))
+ (write-ref (reference-tn tn t)))
+ ;; KLUDGE: These formulas must be consistent with
+ ;; those in COMPUTE-REF-ORDERING, and this is
+ ;; currently maintained by hand. -- WHN
+ ;; 2002-01-30, paraphrasing APD
+ (setf (aref refs index) (reference-tn tn nil))
+ (setf (aref refs (1+ index)) write-ref)
+ (if prev
+ (setf (tn-ref-across prev) write-ref)
+ (setf (vop-temps vop) write-ref))
+ (setf prev write-ref)
+ (incf index 2))))))
+ (let ((prev nil))
+ (flet ((add-ref (ref)
+ (setf (tn-ref-vop ref) vop)
+ (setf (tn-ref-next-ref ref) prev)
+ (setf prev ref)))
+ (declare (inline add-ref))
+ (dotimes (i (length ref-ordering))
+ (let* ((index (aref ref-ordering i))
+ (ref (aref refs index)))
+ (if (or (= index last-arg) (= index last-result))
+ (do ((ref ref (tn-ref-across ref)))
+ ((null ref))
+ (add-ref ref))
+ (add-ref ref)))))
+ (setf (vop-refs vop) prev))
+ (let ((targets (vop-info-targets template)))
+ (when targets
+ (dotimes (i (length targets))
+ (let ((target (aref targets i)))
+ (target-if-desirable
+ (aref refs (ldb (byte 8 8) target))
+ (aref refs (ldb (byte 8 0) target)))))))
+ (values vop vop))
+ (fill *vop-tn-refs* nil))))
;;;; function translation stuff