(assert (matchp-name :function 'cl-user::one 2))
(sb-profile:unprofile cl-user::one)
-;;; Test the xref facility
+;;;; Check correctness of FUNCTION-ARGLIST.
+(assert (equal (function-arglist 'cl-user::one)
+ '(cl-user::a cl-user::b cl-user::c)))
+(assert (equal (function-arglist 'the)
+ '(type sb-c::value)))
+;;; Check wrt. interplay of generic functions and their methods.
+(defgeneric xuuq (gf.a gf.b &rest gf.rest &key gf.k-X))
+(defmethod xuuq ((m1.a number) m1.b &rest m1.rest &key gf.k-X m1.k-Y m1.k-Z)
+ (declare (ignore m1.a m1.b m1.rest gf.k-X m1.k-Y m1.k-Z))
+ 'm1)
+(defmethod xuuq ((m2.a string) m2.b &rest m2.rest &key gf.k-X m1.k-Y m2.k-Q)
+ (declare (ignore m2.a m2.b m2.rest gf.k-X m1.k-Y m2.k-Q))
+ 'm2)
+;; XUUQ's lambda list should look similiar to
+(multiple-value-bind (required optional restp rest keyp keys allowp
+ auxp aux morep more-context more-count)
+ (sb-int:parse-lambda-list (function-arglist #'xuuq))
+ (assert (equal required '(gf.a gf.b)))
+ (assert (null optional))
+ (assert (and restp (eql rest 'gf.rest)))
+ (assert (and keyp
+ (member 'gf.k-X keys)
+ (member 'm1.k-Y keys)
+ (member 'm1.k-Z keys)
+ (member 'm2.k-Q keys)))
+ (assert (not allowp))
+ (assert (and (not auxp) (null aux)))
+ (assert (and (not morep) (null more-context) (not more-count))))
+;;; Check what happens when there's no explicit DEFGENERIC.
+(defmethod kroolz (r1 r2 &optional opt &aux aux)
+ (declare (ignore r1 r2 opt aux))
+ 'kroolz)
+(assert (equal (function-arglist #'kroolz) '(r1 r2 &optional opt)))
+;;;; Test the xref facility
(load (merge-pathnames "xref-test.lisp" *load-pathname*))
-;;; Unix success convention for exit codes
+;;;; Unix success convention for exit codes
(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 0)
(reinitialize-instance generic-function :name new-value)
-(defmethod function-keywords ((method standard-method))
- (multiple-value-bind (nreq nopt keysp restp allow-other-keys-p keywords)
+(defmethod function-keyword-parameters ((method standard-method))
+ (multiple-value-bind (nreq nopt keysp restp allow-other-keys-p
+ keywords keyword-parameters)
(analyze-lambda-list (if (consp method)
(early-method-lambda-list method)
(method-lambda-list method)))
- (declare (ignore nreq nopt keysp restp))
- (values keywords allow-other-keys-p)))
+ (declare (ignore nreq nopt keysp restp keywords))
+ (values keyword-parameters allow-other-keys-p)))
(defun method-ll->generic-function-ll (ll)
(eq s '&allow-other-keys)))
-;;; This is based on the rules of method lambda list congruency defined in
-;;; the spec. The lambda list it constructs is the pretty union of the
-;;; lambda lists of all the methods. It doesn't take method applicability
-;;; into account at all yet.
+;;; This is based on the rules of method lambda list congruency
+;;; defined in the spec. The lambda list it constructs is the pretty
+;;; union of the lambda lists of the generic function and of all its
+;;; methods. It doesn't take method applicability into account at all
+;;; yet.
+;;; (Notice that we ignore &AUX variables as they're not part of the
+;;; "public interface" of a function.)
(defmethod generic-function-pretty-arglist
((generic-function standard-generic-function))
- (let ((methods (generic-function-methods generic-function)))
- (if methods
- (let ((arglist ()))
- ;; arglist is constructed from the GF's methods - maybe with
- ;; keys and rest stuff added
- (multiple-value-bind (required optional rest key allow-other-keys)
- (method-pretty-arglist (car methods))
- (dolist (m (cdr methods))
- (multiple-value-bind (method-key-keywords
- method-allow-other-keys
- method-key)
- (function-keywords m)
- ;; we've modified function-keywords to return what we want as
- ;; the third value, no other change here.
- (declare (ignore method-key-keywords))
- (setq key (union key method-key))
- (setq allow-other-keys (or allow-other-keys
- method-allow-other-keys))))
- (when allow-other-keys
- (setq arglist '(&allow-other-keys)))
- (when key
- (setq arglist (nconc (list '&key) key arglist)))
- (when rest
- (setq arglist (nconc (list '&rest rest) arglist)))
- (when optional
- (setq arglist (nconc (list '&optional) optional arglist)))
- (nconc required arglist)))
- ;; otherwise we take the lambda-list from the GF directly, with no
- ;; other 'keys' added ...
- (let ((lambda-list (generic-function-lambda-list generic-function)))
- lambda-list))))
-(defmethod method-pretty-arglist ((method standard-method))
- (let ((required ())
- (optional ())
- (rest nil)
- (key ())
- (allow-other-keys nil)
- (state 'required)
- (arglist (method-lambda-list method)))
- (dolist (arg arglist)
- (cond ((eq arg '&optional) (setq state 'optional))
- ((eq arg '&rest) (setq state 'rest))
- ((eq arg '&key) (setq state 'key))
- ((eq arg '&allow-other-keys) (setq allow-other-keys t))
- ((memq arg lambda-list-keywords))
- (t
- (ecase state
- (required (push arg required))
- (optional (push arg optional))
- (key (push arg key))
- (rest (setq rest arg))))))
- (values (nreverse required)
- (nreverse optional)
- rest
- (nreverse key)
- allow-other-keys)))
+ (let ((gf-lambda-list (generic-function-lambda-list generic-function))
+ (methods (generic-function-methods generic-function)))
+ (if (null methods)
+ gf-lambda-list
+ (multiple-value-bind (gf.required gf.optional gf.rest gf.keys gf.allowp)
+ (%split-arglist gf-lambda-list)
+ ;; Possibly extend the keyword parameters of the gf by
+ ;; additional key parameters of its methods:
+ (let ((methods.keys nil) (methods.allowp nil))
+ (dolist (m methods)
+ (multiple-value-bind (m.keyparams m.allow-other-keys)
+ (function-keyword-parameters m)
+ (setq methods.keys (union methods.keys m.keyparams :key #'maybe-car))
+ (setq methods.allowp (or methods.allowp m.allow-other-keys))))
+ (let ((arglist '()))
+ (when (or gf.allowp methods.allowp)
+ (push '&allow-other-keys arglist))
+ (when (or gf.keys methods.keys)
+ ;; We make sure that the keys of the gf appear before
+ ;; those of its methods, since they're probably more
+ ;; generally appliable.
+ (setq arglist (nconc (list '&key) gf.keys
+ (nset-difference methods.keys gf.keys)
+ arglist)))
+ (when gf.rest
+ (setq arglist (nconc (list '&rest gf.rest) arglist)))
+ (when gf.optional
+ (setq arglist (nconc (list '&optional) gf.optional arglist)))
+ (nconc gf.required arglist)))))))
+(defun maybe-car (thing)
+ (if (listp thing)
+ (car thing)
+ thing))
+(defun %split-arglist (lambda-list)
+ ;; This function serves to shrink the number of returned values of
+ ;; PARSE-LAMBDA-LIST to something handier.
+ (multiple-value-bind (required optional restp rest keyp keys allowp
+ auxp aux morep more-context more-count)
+ (parse-lambda-list lambda-list)
+ (declare (ignore restp keyp auxp aux morep))
+ (declare (ignore more-context more-count))
+ (values required optional rest keys allowp)))
\ No newline at end of file