;;;; -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
changes in sbcl-1.0.4 relative to sbcl-1.0.3:
* bug fix: >= and <= gave wrong results when used with NaNs.
+ * bug fix: the #= and ## reader macros now interact reasonably with
+ funcallable instances.
changes in sbcl-1.0.3 relative to sbcl-1.0.2:
* new platform: NetBSD/PPC. (thanks to Aymeric Vincent)
;; substitutes in arrays and structures as well as lists. The first arg is an
;; alist of the things to be replaced assoc'd with the things to replace them.
(defun circle-subst (old-new-alist tree)
- (cond ((not (typep tree
- '(or cons (array t) structure-object standard-object)))
+ (cond ((not (typep tree '(or cons (array t) instance funcallable-instance)))
(let ((entry (find tree old-new-alist :key #'second)))
(if entry (third entry) tree)))
((null (gethash tree *sharp-equal-circle-table*))
(setf (gethash tree *sharp-equal-circle-table*) t)
- (cond ((typep tree '(or structure-object standard-object))
- (do ((i 1 (1+ i))
- (end (%instance-length tree)))
- ((= i end))
- (let* ((old (%instance-ref tree i))
- (new (circle-subst old-new-alist old)))
- (unless (eq old new)
- (setf (%instance-ref tree i) new)))))
+ (cond ((consp tree)
+ (let ((a (circle-subst old-new-alist (car tree)))
+ (d (circle-subst old-new-alist (cdr tree))))
+ (unless (eq a (car tree))
+ (rplaca tree a))
+ (unless (eq d (cdr tree))
+ (rplacd tree d))))
((arrayp tree)
(with-array-data ((data tree) (start) (end))
(declare (fixnum start end))
(new (circle-subst old-new-alist old)))
(unless (eq old new)
(setf (aref data i) new))))))
- (t
- (let ((a (circle-subst old-new-alist (car tree)))
- (d (circle-subst old-new-alist (cdr tree))))
- (unless (eq a (car tree))
- (rplaca tree a))
- (unless (eq d (cdr tree))
- (rplacd tree d)))))
+ ((typep tree 'instance)
+ (do ((i 1 (1+ i))
+ (end (%instance-length tree)))
+ ((= i end))
+ (let* ((old (%instance-ref tree i))
+ (new (circle-subst old-new-alist old)))
+ (unless (eq old new)
+ (setf (%instance-ref tree i) new)))))
+ ((typep tree 'funcallable-instance)
+ (do ((i 1 (1+ i))
+ (end (- (1+ (get-closure-length tree)) sb!vm:funcallable-instance-info-offset)))
+ ((= i end))
+ (let* ((old (%funcallable-instance-info tree i))
+ (new (circle-subst old-new-alist old)))
+ (unless (eq old new)
+ (setf (%funcallable-instance-info tree i) new))))))
(t tree)))
(read-from-string "#1=[#1#]")
(assert (eq (value res) res))
(assert (= pos 8)))
+;;; much, much, later (in Feb 2007), CSR noticed that the problem
+;;; still exists for funcallable instances.
+(defclass funcallable-box (box sb-mop:funcallable-standard-object) ()
+ (:metaclass sb-mop:funcallable-standard-class))
+(defun read-funcallable-box (stream char)
+ (declare (ignore char))
+ (let ((objects (read-delimited-list #\} stream t)))
+ (unless (= 1 (length objects))
+ (error "Unknown box reader syntax"))
+ (make-instance 'funcallable-box :value (first objects))))
+(set-macro-character #\{ 'read-funcallable-box)
+(set-syntax-from-char #\} #\))
+(multiple-value-bind (res pos)
+ (read-from-string "#1={#1#}")
+ (assert (eq (value res) res))
+ (assert (= pos 8)))
;;; CSR managed to break the #S reader macro in the process of merging
;;; SB-PCL:CLASS and CL:CLASS -- make sure it works