the bad VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND frame causes GC problems, though that may
not be the actual problem. (CMU CL 18c doesn't have problems with this.)
+217: "Bad type operations with FUNCTION types"
In sbcl.0.7.7:
* (values-type-union (specifier-type '(function (base-char)))
+ It causes insertion of wrong type assertions into generated
+ code. E.g.
+ (defun foo (x s)
+ (let ((f (etypecase x
+ (character #'write-char)
+ (integer #'write-byte))))
+ (funcall f x s)
+ (etypecase x
+ (character (write-char x s))
+ (integer (write-byte x s)))))
+ Then (FOO #\1 *STANDARD-OUTPUT*) signals type error.
+ (In the result type is (FUNCTION * *), so Python does not
+ produce invalid code, but type checking is not accurate. Similar
+ problems exist with VALUES-TYPE-INTERSECTION.)
;; The map file is not needed by the system, but can
;; be very handy when debugging cold init problems.
:map-file-name "output/")
+ #+cmu (ext:quit)
echo //testing for consistency of first and second GENESIS passes
(load "tests/info.before-xc.lisp"))
(host-cload-stem "src/compiler/generic/genesis")
(sb!vm:genesis :c-header-file-name "src/runtime/sbcl.h")
+ #+cmu (ext:quit)
#+cmu (ext:save-lisp "output/after-xc.core" :load-init-file nil)
#+sbcl (sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "output/after-xc.core")
+ #+cmu (ext:quit)
# Run GENESIS (again) in order to create cold-sbcl.core. (The first
;; If TYPE2 might be concealing something related to our class
;; hierarchy
(if (type-might-contain-other-types-p type2)
- ;; too confusing, gotta punt
+ ;; too confusing, gotta punt
(values nil nil)
;; ordinary case expected by old CMU CL code, where the taxonomy
;; of TYPE2's representation accurately reflects the taxonomy of
;;; Since all function types are equivalent to FUNCTION, they are all
;;; subtypes of each other.
(!define-type-method (function :simple-subtypep) (type1 type2)
- (declare (ignore type1 type2))
- (values t t))
+ (flet ((fun-type-simple-p (type)
+ (not (or (fun-type-rest type)
+ (fun-type-keyp type))))
+ (every-csubtypep (types1 types2)
+ (loop
+ for a1 in types1
+ for a2 in types2
+ do (multiple-value-bind (res sure-p)
+ (csubtypep a1 a2)
+ (unless res (return (values res sure-p))))
+ finally (return (values t t)))))
+ (macrolet ((3and (x y)
+ `(multiple-value-bind (val1 win1)
+ ,x
+ (if (and (not val1) win1)
+ (values nil t)
+ (multiple-value-bind (val2 win2)
+ ,y
+ (if (and val1 val2)
+ (values t t)
+ (values nil (or win1 win2))))))))
+ (3and (csubtypep (fun-type-returns type1)
+ (fun-type-returns type2))
+ (cond ((fun-type-wild-args type2)
+ (values t t))
+ ((fun-type-wild-args type1)
+ (values nil t))
+ ((not (or (fun-type-simple-p type1)
+ (fun-type-simple-p type2)))
+ (values nil nil))
+ ((not (and (= (length (fun-type-required type1))
+ (length (fun-type-required type2)))
+ (= (length (fun-type-optional type1))
+ (length (fun-type-optional type2)))))
+ (values nil t))
+ (t (3and (every-csubtypep (fun-type-required type1)
+ (fun-type-required type2))
+ (every-csubtypep (fun-type-optional type1)
+ (fun-type-optional type2)))))))))
(!define-superclasses function ((function)) !cold-init-forms)
(assert failure-p)
(assert (raises-error? (funcall result) program-error))))
+;;; bug 217: wrong type inference
+(defun bug217-1 (x s)
+ (let ((f (etypecase x
+ (character #'write-char)
+ (integer #'write-byte))))
+ (funcall f x s)
+ (etypecase x
+ (character (write-char x s))
+ (integer (write-byte x s)))))
+(bug217-1 #\1 *standard-output*)
;;;; tests not in the problem domain, but of the consistency of the
;;;; compiler machinery itself
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)