(and (alien-value-p object)
(alien-subtype-p (alien-value-type object) type)))))
-;;;; An alien callback has 4 parts / stages:
+;;;; An alien callback sequence has 4 parts / stages / bounces:
;;;; * ASSEMBLER WRAPPER that saves the arguments from the C-call
;;;; according to the alien-fun-type of the callback, and calls
;;;; the callbacks with the same alien-fun-type. This would amortize
;;;; most of the static allocation costs between multiple callbacks.
+(defvar *alien-callback-info* nil
+ "Maps SAPs to corresponding CALLBACK-INFO structures: contains all the
+information we need to manipulate callbacks after their creation. Used for
+changing the lisp-side function they point to, invalidation, etc.")
+(defstruct callback-info
+ specifier
+ function ; NULL if invalid
+ wrapper
+ index)
+(defun callback-info-key (info)
+ (cons (callback-info-specifier info) (callback-info-function info)))
+(defun alien-callback-info (alien)
+ (cdr (assoc (alien-sap alien) *alien-callback-info* :test #'sap=)))
(defvar *alien-callbacks* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
- "Maps (SPECIFIER . FUNCTION) to callbacks.")
+ "Cache of existing callback SAPs, indexed with (SPECIFER . FUNCTION). Used for
+memoization: we don't create new callbacks if one pointing to the correct
+function with the same specifier already exists.")
-(defvar *alien-callback-trampolines* (make-array 32 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)
- "Maps alien callback indexes to lisp trampolines.")
+(defvar *alien-callback-wrappers* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+ "Cache of existing lisp weappers, indexed with SPECIFER. Used for memoization:
+we don't create new wrappers if one for the same specifier already exists.")
-(defparameter *alien-callback-wrappers* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
- "Maps SPECIFIER to lisp wrappers.")
+(defvar *alien-callback-trampolines* (make-array 32 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)
+ "Lisp trampoline store: assembler wrappers contain indexes to this, and
+ENTER-ALIEN-CALLBACK pulls the corresponsing trampoline out and calls it.")
+(defun %alien-callback-sap (specifier result-type argument-types function wrapper)
+ (let ((key (cons specifier function)))
+ (or (gethash key *alien-callbacks*)
+ (setf (gethash key *alien-callbacks*)
+ (let* ((index (fill-pointer *alien-callback-trampolines*))
+ ;; Aside from the INDEX this is known at
+ ;; compile-time, which could be utilized by
+ ;; having the two-stage assembler tramp &
+ ;; wrapper mentioned in [1] above: only the
+ ;; per-function tramp would need assembler at
+ ;; runtime. Possibly we could even pregenerate
+ ;; the code and just patch the index in later.
+ (assembler-wrapper (alien-callback-assembler-wrapper
+ index result-type argument-types)))
+ (vector-push-extend
+ (alien-callback-lisp-trampoline wrapper function)
+ *alien-callback-trampolines*)
+ (let ((sap (vector-sap assembler-wrapper)))
+ (push (cons sap (make-callback-info :specifier specifier
+ :function function
+ :wrapper wrapper
+ :index index))
+ *alien-callback-info*)
+ sap))))))
+(defun alien-callback-lisp-trampoline (wrapper function)
+ (declare (function wrapper) (optimize speed))
+ (lambda (args-pointer result-pointer)
+ (funcall wrapper args-pointer result-pointer function)))
+(defun alien-callback-lisp-wrapper-lambda (specifier result-type argument-types env)
+ (let* ((arguments (make-gensym-list (length argument-types)))
+ (argument-names arguments)
+ (argument-specs (cddr specifier)))
+ `(lambda (args-pointer result-pointer function)
+ (let ((args-sap (int-sap
+ (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address args-pointer)))
+ (res-sap (int-sap
+ (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address result-pointer))))
+ (with-alien
+ ,(loop
+ for spec in argument-specs
+ for offset = 0 ; FIXME: Should this not be AND OFFSET ...?
+ then (+ offset (alien-callback-argument-bytes spec env))
+ collect `(,(pop argument-names) ,spec
+ :local ,(alien-callback-accessor-form
+ spec 'args-sap offset)))
+ ,(flet ((store (spec)
+ (if spec
+ `(setf (deref (sap-alien res-sap (* ,spec)))
+ (funcall function ,@arguments))
+ `(funcall function ,@arguments))))
+ (cond ((alien-void-type-p result-type)
+ (store nil))
+ ((alien-integer-type-p result-type)
+ (if (alien-integer-type-signed result-type)
+ (store `(signed
+ ,(alien-type-word-aligned-bits result-type)))
+ (store
+ `(unsigned
+ ,(alien-type-word-aligned-bits result-type)))))
+ (t
+ (store (unparse-alien-type result-type)))))))
+ (values))))
+(defun invalid-alien-callback (&rest arguments)
+ (declare (ignore arguments))
+ (error "Invalid alien callback called."))
-;;; FIXME: This involves a call to both the compiler and assembler, so
-;;; should either be macroized to do more of the work at compile-time,
-;;; or perhaps named COMPILE-ALIEN, or somesuch.
-;;; FIXME: It is also probably worth our while to optimize cases like
-;;; (alien-funcall spec 'symbol).
-(defun alien-callback (specifier function &optional env)
- "Returns an alien-value with of alien type SPECIFIER, that can be passed to an
-alien function as a pointer to the FUNCTION."
- (multiple-value-bind (result-type argument-types) (parse-alien-ftype specifier env)
- (let ((key (cons specifier function)))
- (or (gethash key *alien-callbacks*)
- (setf (gethash key *alien-callbacks*)
- (let* ((index (fill-pointer *alien-callback-trampolines*))
- ;;; Aside from the INDEX this is known at
- ;;; compile-time, which could be utilized by
- ;;; having the two-stage assembler tramp &
- ;;; wrapper mentioned in [1] above: only the
- ;;; per-function tramp would need assembler at
- ;;; runtime. Possibly we could even pregenerate
- ;;; the code and just patch the index in later.
- (assembler-wrapper (alien-callback-assembler-wrapper
- index result-type argument-types))
- ;;; For normal use-cases this at least could be
- ;;; done at compile-time.
- (lisp-wrapper (alien-callback-lisp-wrapper
- specifier result-type argument-types env)))
- (vector-push-extend
- (lambda (args-pointer result-pointer)
- (funcall lisp-wrapper args-pointer result-pointer function))
- *alien-callback-trampolines*)
- (%sap-alien (vector-sap assembler-wrapper)
- (parse-alien-type specifier env))))))))
(defun parse-callback-specification (result-type lambda-list)
`(function ,result-type ,@(mapcar #'second lambda-list))
(mapcar #'first lambda-list)))
-;;; FIXME: This calls compiler every single time, which really sucks.
-;;; The problem is that we need to return a pointer to the right closure,
-;;; even though the underlying function gets shared. What to do?
-(defmacro alien-lambda (result-type typed-lambda-list &body forms)
- (multiple-value-bind (specifier lambda-list)
- (parse-callback-specification result-type typed-lambda-list)
- `(alien-callback ',specifier (lambda ,lambda-list ,@forms))))
-(defmacro define-alien-callback (name result-type typed-lambda-list &body forms)
- "Defines #'NAME as a function with the given body and lambda-list, and NAME as
-the alien callback for that function with the given alien type."
- (multiple-value-bind (specifier lambda-list)
- (parse-callback-specification result-type typed-lambda-list)
- `(progn
- (defun ,name ,lambda-list ,@forms)
- (defparameter ,name (alien-callback ',specifier #',name)))))
-(defun alien-callback-lisp-wrapper (specifier result-type argument-types env)
- (or (gethash specifier *alien-callback-wrappers*)
- (setf (gethash specifier *alien-callback-wrappers*)
- (compile
- nil
- (let* ((arguments (make-gensym-list (length argument-types)))
- (argument-names arguments)
- (argument-specs (cddr specifier)))
- `(lambda (args-pointer result-pointer function)
- (let ((args-sap (int-sap
- (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address args-pointer)))
- (res-sap (int-sap
- (sb!kernel:get-lisp-obj-address result-pointer))))
- (with-alien
- ,(loop
- for spec in argument-specs
- for offset = 0 ; FIXME: Should this not be AND OFFSET ...?
- then (+ offset (alien-callback-argument-bytes spec env))
- collect `(,(pop argument-names) ,spec
- :local ,(alien-callback-accessor-form
- spec 'args-sap offset)))
- ,(flet ((store (spec)
- (if spec
- `(setf (deref (sap-alien res-sap (* ,spec)))
- (funcall function ,@arguments))
- `(funcall function ,@arguments))))
- (cond ((alien-void-type-p result-type)
- (store nil))
- ((alien-integer-type-p result-type)
- (if (alien-integer-type-signed result-type)
- (store `(signed
- ,(alien-type-word-aligned-bits result-type)))
- (store
- `(unsigned
- ,(alien-type-word-aligned-bits result-type)))))
- (t
- (store (unparse-alien-type result-type)))))))
- (values)))))))
(defun parse-alien-ftype (specifier env)
(destructuring-bind (function result-type &rest argument-types)
(funcall (aref *alien-callback-trampolines* index)
+;;;; interface (not public, yet) for alien callbacks
+(defmacro alien-callback (specifier function &environment env)
+ "Returns an alien-value with of alien ftype SPECIFIER, that can be passed to
+an alien function as a pointer to the FUNCTION. If a callback for the given
+SPECIFIER and FUNCTION already exists, it is returned instead of consing a new
+ ;; Pull out as much work as is convenient to macro-expansion time, specifically
+ ;; everything that can be done given just the SPECIFIER and ENV.
+ (multiple-value-bind (result-type argument-types) (parse-alien-ftype specifier env)
+ `(%sap-alien
+ (%alien-callback-sap ',specifier ',result-type ',argument-types
+ ,function
+ (or (gethash ',specifier *alien-callback-wrappers*)
+ (setf (gethash ',specifier *alien-callback-wrappers*)
+ ,(alien-callback-lisp-wrapper-lambda
+ specifier result-type argument-types env))))
+ ',(parse-alien-type specifier env))))
+(defun alien-callback-p (alien)
+ "Returns true if the alien is associated with a lisp-side callback,
+and a secondary return value of true if the callback is still valid."
+ (let ((info (alien-callback-info alien)))
+ (when info
+ (values t (and (callback-info-function info) t)))))
+(defun alien-callback-function (alien)
+ "Returns the lisp function designator associated with the callback."
+ (let ((info (alien-callback-info alien)))
+ (when info
+ (callback-info-function info))))
+(defun (setf alien-callback-function) (function alien)
+ "Changes the lisp function designated by the callback."
+ (let ((info (alien-callback-info alien)))
+ (unless info
+ (error "Not an alien callback: ~S" alien))
+ ;; sap cache
+ (let ((key (callback-info-key info)))
+ (remhash key *alien-callbacks*)
+ (setf (gethash key *alien-callbacks*) (alien-sap alien)))
+ ;; trampoline
+ (setf (aref *alien-callback-trampolines* (callback-info-index info))
+ (alien-callback-lisp-trampoline (callback-info-wrapper info) function))
+ ;; metadata
+ (setf (callback-info-function info) function)
+ function))
+(defun invalidate-alien-callback (alien)
+ "Invalidates the callback designated by the alien, if any, allowing the
+associated lisp function to be GC'd, and causing further calls to the same
+callback signal an error."
+ (let ((info (alien-callback-info alien)))
+ (when (and info (callback-info-function info))
+ ;; sap cache
+ (remhash (callback-info-key info) *alien-callbacks*)
+ ;; trampoline
+ (setf (aref *alien-callback-trampolines* (callback-info-index info))
+ #'invalid-alien-callback)
+ ;; metadata
+ (setf (callback-info-function info) nil)
+ t)))
+;;; FIXME: This calls assembles a new callback for every closure,
+;;; which suck hugely. ...not that I can think of an obvious
+;;; solution. Possibly maybe we could write a generalized closure
+;;; callback analogous to closure_tramp, and share the actual wrapper?
+;;; For lambdas that result in simple-funs we get the callback from
+;;; the cache on subsequent calls.
+(defmacro alien-lambda (result-type typed-lambda-list &body forms)
+ (multiple-value-bind (specifier lambda-list)
+ (parse-callback-specification result-type typed-lambda-list)
+ `(alien-callback ,specifier (lambda ,lambda-list ,@forms))))
+;;; FIXME: Should subsequent (SETF FDEFINITION) affect the callback or not?
+;;; What about subsequent DEFINE-ALIEN-CALLBACKs? My guess is that changing
+;;; the FDEFINITION should invalidate the callback, and redefining the
+;;; callback should change existing callbacks to point to the new defintion.
+(defmacro define-alien-callback (name result-type typed-lambda-list &body forms)
+ "Defines #'NAME as a function with the given body and lambda-list, and NAME as
+the alien callback for that function with the given alien type."
+ (declare (symbol name))
+ (multiple-value-bind (specifier lambda-list)
+ (parse-callback-specification result-type typed-lambda-list)
+ `(progn
+ (defun ,name ,lambda-list ,@forms)
+ (defparameter ,name (alien-callback ,specifier #',name)))))