(define-builtin char-code (x)
(type-check (("x" "string" x))
- "x.charCodeAt(0)"))
+ "char_to_codepoint(x)"))
(define-builtin code-char (x)
(type-check (("x" "number" x))
- "String.fromCharCode(x)"))
+ "char_from_codepoint(x)"))
(define-builtin characterp (x)
"var x = " x ";" *newline*
- "return (typeof(" x ") == \"string\") && x.length == 1;")))
+ "return (typeof(" x ") == \"string\") && (x.length == 1 || x.length == 2);")))
(define-builtin char-to-string (x)
"return r"))
(define-builtin char-upcase (x)
- (code x ".toUpperCase()"))
+ (code "safe_char_upcase(" x ")"))
(define-builtin char-downcase (x)
- (code x ".toLowerCase()"))
+ (code "safe_char_downcase(" x ")"))
(define-builtin stringp (x)
+// Return a new Array of strings, each either length-1, or length-2 (a UTF-16 surrogate pair).
+function codepoints(string) {
+ return string.split(/(?![\udc00-\udfff])/);
// Create and return a lisp string for the Javascript string STRING.
function make_lisp_string (string){
- var array = string.split("");
+ var array = codepoints(string);
array.type = 'character'
return array;
+function char_to_codepoint(ch) {
+ if (ch.length == 1) {
+ return ch.charCodeAt(0);
+ } else {
+ var xh = ch.charCodeAt(0) - 0xD800;
+ var xl = ch.charCodeAt(1) - 0xDC00;
+ return 0x10000 + (xh << 10) + (xl);
+ }
+function char_from_codepoint(x) {
+ if (x <= 0xFFFF) {
+ return String.fromCharCode(x);
+ } else {
+ x -= 0x10000;
+ var xh = x >> 10;
+ var xl = x & 0x3FF;
+ return String.fromCharCode(0xD800 + xh) + String.fromCharCode(0xDC00 + xl);
+ }
+// if a char (JS string) has the same number of codepoints after .toUpperCase(), return that, else the original.
+function safe_char_upcase(x) {
+ var xu = x.toUpperCase();
+ if (codepoints(xu).length == 1) {
+ return xu;
+ } else {
+ return x;
+ }
+function safe_char_downcase(x) {
+ var xl = x.toLowerCase();
+ if (codepoints(xl).length == 1) {
+ return xl;
+ } else {
+ return x;
+ }
function xstring(x){ return x.join(''); }
--- /dev/null
+;; CHAR=
+(test (char= (code-char 127744) (code-char 127744)))
+(test (characterp #\a))
+(test (characterp (code-char 65)))
+(test (char= #\A (code-char 65)))
+(test (not (characterp 10)))
+(test (not (characterp "a")))
+(test (not (characterp "ab")))
+(test (characterp (code-char 127744)))
+(test (char= #\A (code-char 65)))
+(test (= 65 (char-code #\A)))
+(test (= 127744 (char-code (code-char 127744))))
+(test (= 1 (string-length (char-to-string (code-char 127744)))))
+(test (char= #\A (char-upcase #\a)))
+(test (char= #\A (char-upcase #\A)))
+(test (char= (code-char 223) (char-upcase (code-char 223)))) ;; changes length, so you get the original back
+(test (char= (code-char 127744) (char-upcase (code-char 127744)))) ;; no upper case
+(test (char= #\a (char-downcase #\a)))
+(test (char= #\a (char-downcase #\A)))
+(test (char= (code-char 223) (char-downcase (code-char 223)))) ;; already lower case
+(test (char= (code-char 127744) (char-downcase (code-char 127744)))) ;; no lower case