-;;;; most of the DESCRIBE system -- that part which isn't derived
-;;;; from PCL code
+;;;; the DESCRIBE system
;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
;;;; more information.
;;;; provided with absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS
;;;; files for more information.
-(in-package "SB-IMPL") ;(SB-IMPL, not SB!IMPL, since we're built in warm load.)
-(declaim (ftype (function (t stream)) describe-object))
-(defgeneric describe-object (x stream))
+;;; SB-IMPL, not SB!IMPL, since we're built in warm load.
+(in-package "SB-IMPL")
+;;;; Utils, move elsewhere.
+(defun class-name-or-class (class)
+ (let ((name (class-name class)))
+ (if (eq class (find-class name nil))
+ name
+ class)))
-(defun describe (x &optional (stream-designator *standard-output*))
+(defun fun-name (x)
+ (if (typep x 'generic-function)
+ (sb-pcl:generic-function-name x)
+ (%fun-name x)))
+;;; Prints X on a single line, limiting output length by *PRINT-RIGHT-MARGIN*
+;;; -- good for printing object parts, etc.
+(defun prin1-to-line (x &key (columns 1) (reserve 0))
+ (let* ((line (write-to-string x :escape t :readably nil :lines 2 :circle t))
+ (p (position #\newline line))
+ (limit (truncate (- *print-right-margin* reserve) columns)))
+ (flet ((trunc (&optional end)
+ (let ((line-end (- limit 2)))
+ (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (write-string line s :end (if end
+ (min end line-end)
+ line-end))
+ (write-string ".." s)))))
+ (cond (p
+ (trunc p))
+ ((> (length line) limit)
+ (trunc))
+ (t
+ line)))))
+(defun describe (object &optional (stream-designator *standard-output*))
- "Print a description of the object X."
- (let ((stream (out-synonym-of stream-designator)))
+ "Print a description of OBJECT to STREAM-DESIGNATOR."
+ (let ((stream (out-synonym-of stream-designator))
+ (*print-right-margin* (or *print-right-margin* 72)))
;; Until sbcl-0.8.0.x, we did
;; here. (The example method for DESCRIBE-OBJECT does its own
;; FRESH-LINEing, which is a physical directive which works poorly
;; inside a pretty-printer logical block.)
- (describe-object x stream)
+ (describe-object object stream)
;; We don't TERPRI here either (any more since sbcl-0.8.0.x), because
;; again ANSI's specification of DESCRIBE doesn't mention it and
;; ANSI's example of DESCRIBE-OBJECT does its own final TERPRI.
- )
- (values))
+ (values)))
-;;;; miscellaneous DESCRIBE-OBJECT methods
+;;;; Style guide:
+;;;; * Each interesting class has a primary method of its own.
+;;;; * Output looks like
+;;;; object-self-string
+;;;; [object-type-string]
+;;;; Block1:
+;;;; Sublabel1: text
+;;;; Sublabel2: text
+;;;; Block2:
+;;;; ...
+;;;; * The newline policy that gets the whitespace right is for
+;;;; each block to both start and end with a newline.
-(defmethod describe-object ((x t) s)
- (format s "~&~@<~S ~_is a ~S.~:>~%" x (type-of x)))
+(defgeneric object-self-string (x))
-(defmethod describe-object ((x cons) s)
- (call-next-method)
- (when (and (legal-fun-name-p x)
- (fboundp x))
- (%describe-fun (fdefinition x) s :function x)
- ;;was: (format s "~@:_Its FDEFINITION is ~S.~@:_" (fdefinition x))
- ;; TO DO: should check for SETF documentation.
- ;; TO DO: should make it clear whether the definition is a
- ;; DEFUN (SETF FOO) or DEFSETF FOO or what.
- ))
+(defmethod object-self-string (x)
+ (prin1-to-line x))
-(defmethod describe-object ((x array) s)
- (fresh-line s)
- (pprint-logical-block (s nil)
- (cond
- ((= 1 (array-rank x))
- (format s "~S is a vector with ~D elements."
- x (car (array-dimensions x)))
- (when (array-has-fill-pointer-p x)
- (format s "~@:_It has a fill pointer value of ~S."
- (fill-pointer x))))
- (t
- (format s "~S is an array of dimension ~:S."
- x (array-dimensions x))))
- (let ((array-element-type (array-element-type x)))
- (unless (eq array-element-type t)
- (format s
- "~@:_Its element type is specialized to ~S."
- array-element-type)))
- (if (and (array-header-p x) (%array-displaced-p x))
- (format s "~@:_The array is displaced with offset ~S."
- (%array-displacement x))))
- (terpri s))
+(defmethod object-self-string ((x symbol))
+ (let ((*package* (find-package :keyword)))
+ (prin1-to-string x)))
-(defmethod describe-object ((x hash-table) s)
- (declare (type stream s))
- (format s "~&~@<~S ~_is an ~S hash table.~:>" x (hash-table-test x))
- (format s "~&Its SIZE is ~S." (hash-table-size x))
- (format s
- "~&~@<Its REHASH-SIZE is ~S. ~_Its REHASH-THRESHOLD is ~S.~:>"
- (hash-table-rehash-size x)
- (hash-table-rehash-threshold x))
- (fresh-line s)
- (pprint-logical-block (s nil)
- (let ((count (hash-table-count x)))
- (format s "It holds ~S key/value pair~:P~:[: ~2I~_~;.~]"
- count (zerop count))
- (let ((n 0))
- (declare (type index n))
- (dohash ((k v) x :locked t)
- (unless (zerop n)
- (write-char #\space s))
- (incf n)
- (when (and *print-length* (> n *print-length*))
- (format s "~:_...")
- (return))
- (format s "~:_(~@<~S ~:_~S~:>)" k v)))))
- (terpri s))
+(defgeneric object-type-string (x))
-(defmethod describe-object ((condition condition) s)
- (sb-kernel:describe-condition condition s))
-;;;; DESCRIBE-OBJECT methods for symbols and functions, including all
-;;;; sorts of messy stuff about documentation, type information,
-;;;; packaging, function implementation, etc...
-;;; Print the specified kind of documentation about the given NAME. If
-;;; NAME is null, or not a valid name, then don't print anything.
-(declaim (ftype (function (t stream t t) (values)) %describe-doc))
-(defun %describe-doc (name s kind kind-doc)
- (when (and name (typep name '(or symbol cons)))
- (let ((doc (documentation name kind)))
- (when doc
- (format s "~&~@(~A documentation:~)~% ~A"
- (or kind-doc kind) doc))))
- (values))
+(defmethod object-type-string (x)
+ (let ((type (class-name-or-class (class-of x))))
+ (if (symbolp type)
+ (string-downcase type)
+ (prin1-to-string type))))
-;;; Describe various stuff about the functional semantics attached to
-;;; the specified NAME, if NAME is the kind of thing you can look
-;;; up as a name. (In the case of anonymous closures and other
-;;; things, it might not be.) TYPE-SPEC is the function type specifier
-;;; extracted from the definition, or NIL if none.
-(declaim (ftype (function (t stream t)) %describe-fun-name))
-(defun %describe-fun-name (name s type-spec)
- (when (and name (typep name '(or symbol cons)))
- (multiple-value-bind (type where)
- (if (legal-fun-name-p name)
- (values (type-specifier (info :function :type name))
- (info :function :where-from name))
- (values type-spec :defined))
- (when (consp type)
- (format s "~&Its ~(~A~) argument types are:~% ~S"
- where (second type))
- (format s "~&Its result type is:~% ~S" (third type))))
- (let ((inlinep (info :function :inlinep name)))
- (when inlinep
- (format s
- "~&It is currently declared ~(~A~);~
- ~:[no~;~] expansion is available."
- inlinep (info :function :inline-expansion-designator name))))))
-;;; Print information from the debug-info about where CODE-OBJ was
-;;; compiled from.
-(defun %describe-compiled-from (code-obj s)
- (declare (type stream s))
- (let ((info (sb-kernel:%code-debug-info code-obj)))
- (when info
- (let ((source (sb-c::debug-info-source info)))
- (when source
- (format s "~&On ~A it was compiled from:"
- ;; FIXME: The FORMAT-UNIVERSAL-TIME calls in the system
- ;; should become more consistent, probably not using
- ;; any nondefault options.
- (format-universal-time nil (sb-c::debug-source-compiled source)
- :style :abbreviated))
- (let ((name (sb-c::debug-source-namestring source)))
- (cond (name
- (format s "~&~A~@:_ Created: " name)
- (format-universal-time s (sb-c::debug-source-created source)))
- ((sb-di:debug-source-form source)
- (format s "~& ~S" (sb-di:debug-source-form source)))
- (t (bug "Don't know how to use a DEBUG-SOURCE without ~
- a namestring or a form.")))))))))
-;;; Describe a compiled function. The closure case calls us to print
-;;; the guts.
-(defun %describe-fun-compiled (x s kind name)
- (declare (type stream s))
- (let ((args (%simple-fun-arglist x)))
- (cond ((not args)
- (write-string " There are no arguments." s))
- (t
- (format s "~&~@(The ~@[~A's ~]arguments are:~@:_~)" kind)
- (write-string " " s)
- (let ((*print-pretty* t)
- (*print-escape* t)
- (*print-base* 10)
- (*print-radix* nil))
- (pprint-logical-block (s nil)
- (pprint-indent :current 2)
- (format s "~A" args))))))
- (let ((name (or name (%simple-fun-name x))))
- (%describe-doc name s 'function kind)
- (unless (eq kind :macro)
- (%describe-fun-name name s (%simple-fun-type x))))
- (%describe-compiled-from (sb-kernel:fun-code-header x) s))
-(defun %describe-fun (x s &optional (kind :function) (name nil))
- (etypecase x
+(defmethod object-type-string ((x cons))
+ (if (listp (cdr x)) "list" "cons"))
+(defmethod object-type-string ((x hash-table))
+ "hash-table")
+(defmethod object-type-string ((x condition))
+ "condition")
+(defmethod object-type-string ((x structure-object))
+ "structure-object")
+(defmethod object-type-string ((x standard-object))
+ "standard-object")
+(defmethod object-type-string ((x function))
+ (typecase x
+ (simple-fun "compiled function")
+ (closure "compiled closure")
- (%describe-interpreted-fun x s kind name))
- (function
- (%describe-compiled-fun x s kind name))))
-;;; Describe a function object. KIND and NAME provide some information
-;;; about where the function came from.
-(defun %describe-compiled-fun (x s &optional (kind :function) (name nil))
- (declare (type function x))
- (declare (type stream s))
- (declare (type (member :macro :function) kind))
- (fresh-line s)
- (pprint-logical-block (s nil)
- (ecase kind
- (:macro (format s "Macro-function: ~S" x))
- (:function (if name
- (format s "Function: ~S" x)
- (format s "~S is a function." x))))
- (format s "~@:_~@<Its associated name (as in ~S) is ~2I~_~S.~:>"
- 'function-lambda-expression
- (nth-value 2 (function-lambda-expression x)))
- (typecase x
- (closure
- (%describe-fun-compiled (%closure-fun x) s kind name)
- (format s "~&Its closure environment is:")
- (let ((i -1))
- (do-closure-values (value x)
- (format s "~& ~S: ~S" (incf i) value))))
- (simple-fun
- (%describe-fun-compiled x s kind name))
- (funcallable-instance
- ;; Only STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION would be handled here, but
- ;; since it has its own DESCRIBE-OBJECT method, it should've been
- ;; picked off before getting here. So hopefully we never get here.
- (format s "~@:_It is an unknown type of funcallable instance."))
- (t
- (format s "~@:_It is an unknown type of function."))))
- (terpri s))
+ "interpreted function")
+ (generic-function
+ "generic-function")
+ (t
+ "funcallable-instance")))
-;; Describe an interpreted function.
-(defun %describe-interpreted-fun (x s &optional (kind :function) (name nil))
- (declare (type sb-eval:interpreted-function x))
- (declare (type stream s))
- (declare (type (member :macro :function) kind))
- (fresh-line s)
- (pprint-logical-block (s nil)
- (ecase kind
- (:macro (format s "Macro-function: ~S" x))
- (:function (if name
- (format s "Function: ~S" x)
- (format s "~S is a function." x))))
- (format s "~@:_~@<Its associated name (as in ~S) is ~2I~_~S.~:>"
- 'function-lambda-expression
- (nth-value 2 (function-lambda-expression x)))
- (format s "~&It is an interpreted function.~%")
- (let ((args (sb-eval:interpreted-function-debug-lambda-list x)))
- (format s "Its lambda-list is: ")
- (let ((*print-pretty* t)
- (*print-escape* t)
- (*print-base* 10)
- (*print-radix* nil))
- (pprint-logical-block (s nil)
- (pprint-indent :current 2)
- (format s "~A" args)))
- (format s "~&It was defined as:~% ")
- (let ((*print-pretty* t)
- (*print-escape* t)
- (*print-base* 10)
- (*print-radix* nil))
- (pprint-logical-block (s nil)
- (pprint-indent :current 2)
- (format s "~S" (function-lambda-expression x))))))
- (terpri s))
+(defmethod object-type-string ((x stream))
+ "stream")
+(defmethod object-type-string ((x sb-gray:fundamental-stream))
+ "gray stream")
+(defmethod object-type-string ((x package))
+ "package")
+(defmethod object-type-string ((x array))
+ (cond ((or (stringp x) (bit-vector-p x))
+ (format nil "~@[simple-~*~]~A"
+ (typep x 'simple-array)
+ (typecase x
+ (base-string "base-string")
+ (string "string")
+ (t "bit-vector"))))
+ (t
+ (if (simple-vector-p x)
+ "simple-vector"
+ (format nil "~@[simple ~*~]~@[specialized ~*~]~:[array~;vector~]"
+ (typep x 'simple-array)
+ (neq t (array-element-type x))
+ (vectorp x))))))
+(defmethod object-type-string ((x character))
+ (typecase x
+ (standard-char "standard-char")
+ (base-char "base-char")
+ (t "character")))
+(declaim (ftype (function (t stream)) describe-object))
+(defgeneric describe-object (x stream))
+(defvar *in-describe* nil)
+(defmethod describe-object :around (x s)
+ (cond (*in-describe*
+ (call-next-method))
+ (t
+ (format s "~&~A~% [~A]~%"
+ (object-self-string x)
+ (object-type-string x))
+ (pprint-logical-block (s nil)
+ (call-next-method x s)))))
+;;; Catch-all.
+(defmethod describe-object ((x t) s)
+ (values))
+(defmethod describe-object ((x cons) s)
+ (describe-function x nil s))
(defmethod describe-object ((x function) s)
- (%describe-fun x s :function))
-(defgeneric describe-symbol-fdefinition (function stream &key name))
-(defmethod describe-symbol-fdefinition ((fun function) stream &key name)
- (%describe-fun fun stream :function name))
-(defmethod describe-symbol-fdefinition ((fun standard-generic-function) stream
- &key name)
- (declare (ignore name))
- ;; Just delegate.
- (describe-object fun stream))
-(defmethod describe-object ((x symbol) s)
- (declare (type stream s))
- ;; Describe the packaging.
- (let ((package (symbol-package x)))
- (if package
- (multiple-value-bind (symbol status)
- (find-symbol (symbol-name x) package)
- (declare (ignore symbol))
- (format s "~&~@<~S is ~_an ~(~A~) symbol ~_in ~S.~:>"
- x status (symbol-package x)))
- (format s "~&~@<~S is ~_an uninterned symbol.~:>" x)))
- ;; TO DO: We could grovel over all packages looking for and
- ;; reporting other phenomena, e.g. IMPORT and SHADOW, or
- ;; availability in some package even after (SYMBOL-PACKAGE X) has
- ;; been set to NIL.
+ (describe-function nil x s))
+(defmethod describe-object ((x class) s)
+ (describe-class nil x s)
+ (describe-instance x s))
+(defmethod describe-object ((x sb-pcl::slot-object) s)
+ (describe-instance x s))
+(defmethod describe-object ((x character) s)
+ (format s "~%:_Char-code: ~S" (char-code x))
+ (format s "~%:_Char-name: ~A~%_" (char-name x)))
+(defmethod describe-object ((x array) s)
+ (format s "~%Element-type: ~S" (array-element-type x))
+ (if (vectorp x)
+ (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p x)
+ (format s "~%Fill-pointer: ~S~%Size: ~S"
+ (fill-pointer x)
+ (array-total-size x))
+ (format s "~%Length: ~S" (length x)))
+ (format s "~%Dimensions: ~S" (array-dimensions x)))
+ (let ((*print-array* nil))
+ (unless (typep x 'simple-array)
+ (format s "~%Adjustable: ~A" (if (adjustable-array-p x) "yes" "no"))
+ (multiple-value-bind (to offset) (array-displacement x)
+ (if (format s "~%Displaced-to: ~A~%Displaced-offset: ~S"
+ (prin1-to-line to)
+ offset)
+ (format s "~%Displaced: no"))))
+ (when (and (not (array-displacement x)) (array-header-p x))
+ (format s "~%Storage vector: ~A"
+ (prin1-to-line (array-storage-vector x))))
+ (terpri s)))
+(defmethod describe-object ((x hash-table) s)
+ ;; Don't print things which are already apparent from the printed representation
+ (format s "~%Occupancy: ~,1F" (float (/ (hash-table-count x) (hash-table-size x))))
+ (format s "~%Rehash-threshold: ~S" (hash-table-rehash-threshold x))
+ (format s "~%Rehash-size: ~S" (hash-table-rehash-size x))
+ (format s "~%Size: ~S" (hash-table-size x))
+ (format s "~%Synchronized: ~A" (if (hash-table-synchronized-p x) "yes" "no"))
+ (terpri s))
+(defmethod describe-object ((symbol symbol) stream)
;; Describe the value cell.
- (let* ((kind (info :variable :kind x))
+ (let* ((kind (info :variable :kind symbol))
(wot (ecase kind
- (:special "special variable")
- (:macro "symbol macro")
- (:constant "constant")
- (:global "global variable")
- (:unknown "undefined variable")
- (:alien nil))))
- (pprint-logical-block (s nil)
- (cond
- ((eq kind :alien)
- (let ((info (info :variable :alien-info x)))
- (format s "~&~@<It is an alien at #X~8,'0X of type ~3I~:_~S.~:>"
- (sap-int (eval (sb-alien::heap-alien-info-sap-form info)))
- (sb-alien-internals:unparse-alien-type
- (sb-alien::heap-alien-info-type info)))
- (format s "~&~@<Its current value is ~3I~:_~S.~:>"
- (eval x))))
- ((eq kind :macro)
- (let ((expansion (info :variable :macro-expansion x)))
- (format s "~&It is a ~A with expansion ~S." wot expansion)))
- ((boundp x)
- (format s "~&~@<It is a ~A; its ~_value is ~S.~:>"
- wot (symbol-value x)))
- ((not (eq kind :unknown))
- (format s "~&~@<It is a ~A; no current value.~:>" wot)))
- (when (eq (info :variable :where-from x) :declared)
- (format s "~&~@<Its declared type ~_is ~S.~:>"
- (type-specifier (info :variable :type x)))))
- (%describe-doc x s 'variable kind))
+ (:special "a special variable")
+ (:macro "a symbol macro")
+ (:constant "a constant variable")
+ (:global "a global variable")
+ (:unknown "an undefined variable")
+ (:alien "an alien variable"))))
+ (when (or (not (eq :unknown kind)) (boundp symbol))
+ (pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
+ (format stream "~%~A names ~A:" symbol wot)
+ (pprint-indent :block 2 stream)
+ (when (eq (info :variable :where-from symbol) :declared)
+ (format stream "~@:_Declared type: ~S"
+ (type-specifier (info :variable :type symbol))))
+ (cond
+ ((eq kind :alien)
+ (let ((info (info :variable :alien-info symbol)))
+ (format stream "~@:_Value: ~S" (eval symbol))
+ (format stream "~@:_Type: ~S"
+ (sb-alien-internals:unparse-alien-type
+ (sb-alien::heap-alien-info-type info)))
+ (format stream "~@:_Address: #x~8,'0X"
+ (sap-int (eval (sb-alien::heap-alien-info-sap-form info))))))
+ ((eq kind :macro)
+ (let ((expansion (info :variable :macro-expansion symbol)))
+ (format stream "~@:_Expansion: ~S" expansion)))
+ ((boundp symbol)
+ (format stream "~:@_Value: ~S" (symbol-value symbol)))
+ ((not (eq kind :unknown))
+ (format stream "~:@_Currently unbound.")))
+ (describe-documentation symbol 'variable stream)
+ (terpri stream))))
- ;; Print out properties.
- (format s "~@[~&Its SYMBOL-PLIST is ~@<~2I~_~S~:>.~]" (symbol-plist x))
- ;; Describe the function cell.
- (cond ((macro-function x)
- (%describe-fun (macro-function x) s :macro x))
- ((special-operator-p x)
- (%describe-doc x s :function "Special form"))
- ((fboundp x)
- (describe-symbol-fdefinition (fdefinition x) s :name x)))
- ;; Describe deftype lambda-list and doc
- (when (info :type :expander x)
- (format s "~&DEFTYPE lambda-list: ~A" (info :type :lambda-list x))
- (%describe-doc x s 'type "Type"))
- ;; Print other documentation.
- (%describe-doc x s 'structure "Structure")
- (%describe-doc x s 'setf "Setf macro")
- (dolist (assoc (info :random-documentation :stuff x))
- (let ((type (car assoc)))
- (format s
- "~&~@<Documentation on the ~(~A~):~@:_~A~:>"
- (case type
- ((optimize) "optimize quality")
- (t (car assoc)))
- (cdr assoc))))
- ;; Mention the associated type information, if any.
+ ;; TODO: We could grovel over all packages looking for and
+ ;; reporting other phenomena, e.g. IMPORT and SHADOW, or
+ ;; availability in some package even after (SYMBOL-PACKAGE SYMBOL) has
+ ;; been set to NIL.
- ;; As of sbcl-0.7.2, (INFO :TYPE :KIND X) might be
- ;; * :PRIMITIVE, which is handled by the FIND-CLASS case.
- ;; * :DEFINED, which is handled specially.
- ;; * :INSTANCE, which is handled by the FIND-CLASS case.
- ;; * :FORTHCOMING-DEFCLASS-TYPE, which is an internal-to-the-compiler
- ;; note that we don't try to report.
- ;; * NIL, in which case there's nothing to see here, move along.
- (when (eq (info :type :kind x) :defined)
- (format s "~&It names a type specifier."))
- (let ((symbol-named-class (find-class x nil)))
- (when symbol-named-class
- (format s "~&It names a class ~A." symbol-named-class)
- (describe symbol-named-class s)))
+ ;; TODO: It might also be nice to describe (find-package symbol)
+ ;; if one exists. Maybe not all the exports, etc, but the package
+ ;; documentation.
+ (describe-function symbol nil stream)
+ (describe-class symbol nil stream)
- (terpri s))
+ ;; Type specifier
+ (let* ((kind (info :type :kind symbol))
+ (fun (case kind
+ (:defined
+ (or (info :type :expander symbol) t))
+ (:primitive
+ (or (info :type :translator symbol) t)))))
+ (when fun
+ (pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
+ (pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
+ (pprint-indent :block 2 stream)
+ (format stream "~A names a ~@[primitive~* ~]type-specifier:"
+ symbol
+ (eq kind :primitive))
+ (describe-documentation symbol 'type stream (eq t fun))
+ (unless (eq t fun)
+ (describe-lambda-list (if (eq :primitive kind)
+ (%fun-lambda-list fun)
+ (info :type :lambda-list symbol))
+ stream)
+ (when (eq (%fun-fun fun) (%fun-fun (constant-type-expander t)))
+ (format stream "~@:_Expansion: ~S" (funcall fun (list symbol))))))
+ (terpri stream)))
+ ;; Print out properties.
+ (let ((plist (symbol-plist symbol)))
+ (when plist
+ (pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
+ (format stream "~%Symbol-plist:")
+ (pprint-indent :block 2 stream)
+ (sb-pcl::doplist (key value) plist
+ (format stream "~@:_~A -> ~A"
+ (prin1-to-line key :columns 2 :reserve 5)
+ (prin1-to-line value :columns 2 :reserve 5))))
+ (terpri stream))))
+(defmethod describe-object ((package package) stream)
+ (describe-documentation package t stream)
+ (flet ((humanize (list)
+ (sort (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (if (packagep x)
+ (package-name x)
+ x))
+ list)
+ #'string<))
+ (out (label list)
+ (describe-stuff label list stream :escape nil)))
+ (let ((implemented (humanize (package-implemented-by-list package)))
+ (implements (humanize (package-implements-list package)))
+ (nicks (humanize (package-nicknames package)))
+ (uses (humanize (package-use-list package)))
+ (used (humanize (package-used-by-list package)))
+ (shadows (humanize (package-shadowing-symbols package)))
+ (this (list (package-name package)))
+ (exports nil))
+ (do-external-symbols (ext package)
+ (push ext exports))
+ (setf exports (humanize exports))
+ (when (package-locked-p package)
+ (format stream "~@:_Locked."))
+ (when (set-difference implemented this :test #'string=)
+ (out "Implemented-by-list" implemented))
+ (when (set-difference implements this :test #'string=)
+ (out "Implements-list" implements))
+ (out "Nicknames" nicks)
+ (out "Use-list" uses)
+ (out "Used-by-list" used)
+ (out "Shadows" shadows)
+ (out "Exports" exports)
+ (format stream "~@:_~S internal symbols."
+ (package-internal-symbol-count package))))
+ (terpri stream))
+;;;; Helpers to deal with shared functionality
+(defun describe-class (name class stream)
+ (let* ((by-name (not class))
+ (name (if class (class-name class) name))
+ (class (if class class (find-class name nil))))
+ (when class
+ (let ((metaclass-name (class-name (class-of class))))
+ (pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
+ (when by-name
+ (format stream "~%~A names the ~(~A~) ~S:"
+ name
+ metaclass-name
+ class)
+ (pprint-indent :block 2 stream))
+ (describe-documentation class t stream)
+ (when (sb-mop:class-finalized-p class)
+ (describe-stuff "Class precedence-list"
+ (mapcar #'class-name-or-class (sb-mop:class-precedence-list class))
+ stream))
+ (describe-stuff "Direct superclasses"
+ (mapcar #'class-name-or-class (sb-mop:class-direct-superclasses class))
+ stream)
+ (let ((subs (mapcar #'class-name-or-class (sb-mop:class-direct-subclasses class))))
+ (if subs
+ (describe-stuff "Direct subclasses" subs stream)
+ (format stream "~@:_No subclasses.")))
+ (unless (sb-mop:class-finalized-p class)
+ (format stream "~@:_Not yet finalized."))
+ (if (eq 'structure-class metaclass-name)
+ (let* ((dd (find-defstruct-description name))
+ (slots (dd-slots dd)))
+ (if slots
+ (format stream "~@:_Slots:~:{~@:_ ~S~
+ ~@:_ Type: ~A ~@[~A~]~
+ ~@:_ Initform: ~S~}"
+ (mapcar (lambda (dsd)
+ (list
+ (dsd-name dsd)
+ (dsd-type dsd)
+ (unless (eq t (dsd-raw-type dsd))
+ "(unboxed)")
+ (dsd-default dsd)))
+ slots))
+ (format stream "~@:_No slots.")))
+ (let ((slots (sb-mop:class-direct-slots class)))
+ (if slots
+ (format stream "~@:_Direct slots:~:{~@:_ ~S~
+ ~@[~@:_ Type: ~S~]~
+ ~@[~@:_ Allocation: ~S~]~
+ ~@[~@:_ Initargs: ~{~S~^, ~}~]~
+ ~@[~@:_ Initform: ~S~]~
+ ~@[~@:_ Readers: ~{~S~^, ~}~]~
+ ~@[~@:_ Writers: ~{~S~^, ~}~]~
+ ~@[~@:_ Documentation:~@:_ ~@<~@;~A~:>~]~}"
+ (mapcar (lambda (slotd)
+ (list (sb-mop:slot-definition-name slotd)
+ (let ((type (sb-mop:slot-definition-type slotd)))
+ (unless (eq t type) type))
+ (let ((alloc (sb-mop:slot-definition-allocation slotd)))
+ (unless (eq :instance alloc) alloc))
+ (sb-mop:slot-definition-initargs slotd)
+ (sb-mop:slot-definition-initform slotd)
+ (sb-mop:slot-definition-readers slotd)
+ (sb-mop:slot-definition-writers slotd)
+ ;; FIXME: does this get the prefix right?
+ (quiet-doc slotd t)))
+ slots))
+ (format stream "~@:_No direct slots."))))
+ (pprint-newline :mandatory stream))))))
+(defun describe-instance (object stream)
+ (let* ((class (class-of object))
+ (slotds (sb-mop:class-slots class))
+ (max-slot-name-length 0)
+ (plist nil))
+ ;; Figure out a good width for the slot-name column.
+ (flet ((adjust-slot-name-length (name)
+ (setf max-slot-name-length
+ (max max-slot-name-length (length (symbol-name name))))))
+ (dolist (slotd slotds)
+ (adjust-slot-name-length (sb-mop:slot-definition-name slotd))
+ (push slotd (getf plist (sb-mop:slot-definition-allocation slotd))))
+ (setf max-slot-name-length (min (+ max-slot-name-length 3) 30)))
+ ;; Now that we know the width, we can print.
+ (flet ((describe-slot (name value)
+ (format stream "~% ~A~VT = ~A" name max-slot-name-length
+ (prin1-to-line value))))
+ (sb-pcl::doplist (allocation slots) plist
+ (format stream "~%Slots with ~S allocation:" allocation)
+ (dolist (slotd (nreverse slots))
+ (describe-slot
+ (sb-mop:slot-definition-name slotd)
+ (sb-pcl::slot-value-or-default object (sb-mop:slot-definition-name slotd))))))
+ (unless slotds
+ (format stream "~@:_No slots."))
+ (terpri stream)))
+(defun quiet-doc (object type)
+ (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
+ (documentation object type)))
+(defun describe-documentation (object type stream &optional undoc newline)
+ (let ((doc (quiet-doc object type)))
+ (cond (doc
+ (format stream "~@:_Documentation:~@:_")
+ (pprint-logical-block (stream nil :per-line-prefix " ")
+ (princ doc stream)))
+ (undoc
+ (format stream "~@:_(undocumented)")))
+ (when newline
+ (pprint-newline :mandatory stream))))
+(defun describe-stuff (label list stream &key (escape t))
+ (when list
+ (if escape
+ (format stream "~@:_~A:~@<~;~{ ~S~^,~:_~}~;~:>" label list)
+ (format stream "~@:_~A:~@<~;~{ ~A~^,~:_~}~;~:>" label list))))
+(defun describe-lambda-list (lambda-list stream)
+ (format stream "~@:_Lambda-list: ~:A" lambda-list))
+(defun describe-function-source (function stream)
+ (if (compiled-function-p function)
+ (let* ((code (fun-code-header (%fun-fun function)))
+ (info (sb-kernel:%code-debug-info code)))
+ (when info
+ (let ((source (sb-c::debug-info-source info)))
+ (when source
+ (let ((namestring (sb-c::debug-source-namestring source)))
+ ;; This used to also report the times the source was created
+ ;; and compiled, but that seems more like noise than useful
+ ;; information -- but FWIW that are to be had as
+ (cond (namestring
+ (format stream "~@:_Source file: ~A" namestring))
+ ((sb-di:debug-source-form source)
+ (format stream "~@:_Source form:~@:_ ~S"
+ (sb-di:debug-source-form source)))
+ (t (bug "Don't know how to use a DEBUG-SOURCE without ~
+ a namestring or a form."))))))))
+ #+sb-eval
+ (let ((source (sb-eval:interpreted-function-source-location function)))
+ (when source
+ (let ((namestring (sb-c:definition-source-location-namestring source)))
+ (when namestring
+ (format stream "~@:_Source file: ~A" namestring)))))))
+(defun describe-function (name function stream)
+ (let ((name (if function (fun-name function) name)))
+ (when (or function (and (legal-fun-name-p name) (fboundp name)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (fun what lambda-list ftype from inline
+ methods)
+ (cond ((and (not function) (symbolp name) (special-operator-p name))
+ (let ((fun (symbol-function name)))
+ (values fun "a special operator" (%fun-lambda-list fun))))
+ ((and (not function) (symbolp name) (macro-function name))
+ (let ((fun (macro-function name)))
+ (values fun "a macro" (%fun-lambda-list fun))))
+ (t
+ (let ((fun (or function (fdefinition name))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (ftype from)
+ (if function
+ (values (%fun-type function) "Derived")
+ (let ((ctype (info :function :type name)))
+ (values (when ctype (type-specifier ctype))
+ (when ctype
+ (ecase (info :function :where-from name)
+ (:declared "Declared")
+ ;; This is hopefully clearer to users
+ ((:defined-method :defined) "Derived"))))))
+ (if (typep fun 'generic-function)
+ (values fun
+ "a generic function"
+ (sb-mop:generic-function-lambda-list fun)
+ ftype
+ from
+ nil
+ (or (sb-mop:generic-function-methods fun)
+ :none))
+ (values fun
+ (if (compiled-function-p fun)
+ "a compiled function"
+ "an interpreted function")
+ (%fun-lambda-list fun)
+ ftype
+ from
+ (unless function
+ (cons
+ (info :function :inlinep name)
+ (info :function :inline-expansion-designator name)))))))))
+ (pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
+ (unless function
+ (format stream "~%~A names ~A:" name what)
+ (pprint-indent :block 2 stream))
+ (describe-lambda-list lambda-list stream)
+ (when ftype
+ (format stream "~@:_~A type: ~S" from ftype))
+ (describe-documentation name 'function stream)
+ (when (car inline)
+ (format stream "~@:_Inline proclamation: ~A (~:[no ~;~]inline expansion available)"
+ (car inline)
+ (cdr inline)))
+ (when methods
+ (format stream "~@:_Method-combination: ~S"
+ (sb-pcl::method-combination-type-name
+ (sb-pcl:generic-function-method-combination fun)))
+ (cond ((eq :none methods)
+ (format stream "~@:_No methods."))
+ (t
+ (pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
+ (pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
+ (format stream "Methods:")
+ (dolist (method methods)
+ (pprint-indent :block 2 stream)
+ (format stream "~@:_(~A ~{~S ~}~:S)"
+ name
+ (method-qualifiers method)
+ (sb-pcl::unparse-specializers fun (sb-mop:method-specializers method)))
+ (pprint-indent :block 4 stream)
+ (describe-documentation method t stream nil))))))
+ (describe-function-source fun stream)
+ (terpri stream)))))
+ (unless function
+ (awhen (and (legal-fun-name-p name) (compiler-macro-function name))
+ (pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
+ (format stream "~@:_~A has a compiler-macro:" name)
+ (pprint-indent :block 2 stream)
+ (describe-documentation it t stream)
+ (describe-function-source it stream))
+ (terpri stream))
+ (when (and (consp name) (eq 'setf (car name)) (not (cddr name)))
+ (let* ((name2 (second name))
+ (inverse (info :setf :inverse name2))
+ (expander (info :setf :expander name2)))
+ (cond (inverse
+ (pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
+ (format stream "~&~A has setf-expansion: ~S"
+ name inverse)
+ (pprint-indent :block 2 stream)
+ (describe-documentation name2 'setf stream))
+ (terpri stream))
+ (expander
+ (pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
+ (format stream "~&~A has a complex setf-expansion:"
+ name)
+ (pprint-indent :block 2 stream)
+ (describe-documentation name2 'setf stream t))
+ (terpri stream)))))
+ (when (symbolp name)
+ (describe-function `(setf ,name) nil stream))))