;;;; Utilities
-;;;; Random Common Lisp code useful to use here and there.
+;;;; Random Common Lisp code useful to use here and there.
(defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest vars) &body body)
`(let ,(mapcar (lambda (var) `(,var (gensym ,(concatenate 'string (string var) "-")))) vars)
((node block &optional result &key include-sentinel-p) &body body)
`(do ((,node ,(if include-sentinel-p
`(block-entry ,block)
- `(node-next (block-entry ,block)))
+ `(node-next (block-entry ,block)))
(node-next ,node)))
(,(if include-sentinel-p
`(null ,node)
((node block &optional result &key include-sentinel-p) &body body)
`(do ((,node ,(if include-sentinel-p
`(block-exit ,block)
- `(node-prev (block-entry ,block)))
+ `(node-prev (block-entry ,block)))
(node-prev ,node)))
(,(if include-sentinel-p
`(null ,node)
;; TODO: Replace with a flags slot for indicate what
;; analysis/transformations have been carried out.
+ ;; List of natural loops in this component.
+ loops
;;; The current component.
:body (make-array size :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0))))
;; The set of nodes which belongs to this loop.
(body (natural-loop-body loop)))
+ (unless (loop-header-p header)
+ (push loop (component-loops component)))
;; The header belongs to the loop
(setf (aref body (block-order header)) 1
(block-loop header) loop)
:adjustable t
:fill-pointer t))
;; A list of nodes which have been splitted during the
- ;; reduction of the component. We apply
+ ;; reduction of the component. We apply
(nodes-to-split '()))
(flet (;; Remove an edge from a block to itself
(T1 (block)
;;;; `/ir' macro is provided, which takes a form, convert it to IR and
;;;; then print the component as above. They are useful commands if
;;;; you are hacking the front-end of the compiler.
(defun format-block-name (block)
`(convert-toplevel-and-print ',form))
+;;;; Backend [DRAFT]
+;;;; This section implements a starting point of the back-end of the
+;;;; compiler. It takes IR data as input and yield Javascript code.
+;;;; This process is conceptually comprised of several stages.
+;;;; Fistly, we do structural analysis on the flow graph to recover a
+;;;; set of nested or disjoint regions, which can be loops,
+;;;; conditionals and exit-point ones. It yields a list of Javascript
+;;;; statements.
+;;;; Then, every basic block is compiled individually in a list of
+;;;; Javascript expressions. We assume every lvar is used only once,
+;;;; so the only live lvars at the end of the basic block are
+;;;; (possibly a subset) of the toplevel lvars. In other words, no
+;;;; expression can live across basic block boundaries.
+;;; Do structural analysis of the flow graph of component to "recover"
+;;; high level control flow constructions. Particularly, it finds
+;;; loops, conditionals and forward jumps (which will be compiled to
+;;; labeled breaks).
+;;; This information is enough to generate Javascript code. In effect,
+;;; loops are defined by back-edges, which become break/continue in
+;;; the header of the loop. Moreover, the component is reducible so
+;;; they are the only retreating edges. Therefore, the remaining graph
+;;; is acyclic. Any acyclic graph is expressable with labeled
+;;; statements and conditionals. However, the resulting structure is
+;;; nicer if we looking for natural conditionals before to avoid
+;;; unnecessary breaks.
+(defstruct region
+ header
+ childs)
+(defun natural-conditional-header-p (block)
+ ;; multiple successors and dominate some of them
+ (and (not (null (cdr (block-succ block))))
+ (some (lambda (succ) (dominate-p block succ)) (block-succ block))
+ (not (loop-header-p block))))
+(defun structure-component (component)
+ (let* ((entry (unlist (block-succ (component-entry component))))
+ ;; Root of the tree of regions
+ (top (make-region :header entry)))
+ ;; Process the natural loops from outermost to innermost, creating
+ ;; a hierarchy of regions for them.
+ (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
+ (labels ((process-loop (loop)
+ (multiple-value-bind (region existp)
+ (gethash loop table)
+ (when existp (return-from process-loop region))
+ (let* ((parent-loop (natural-loop-parent loop))
+ (parent-region
+ (if parent-loop
+ (process-loop parent-loop)
+ top)))
+ (push (make-region :header (natural-loop-header loop))
+ (region-childs parent-region))
+ region))))
+ (dolist (loop (component-loops component))
+ (process-loop loop))))
+ ;; Process "natural" conditionals.
+ (dolist (block (component-blocks component))
+ (when (natural-conditional-header-p block)
+ (make-region :header block :childs nil)
+ ))
+ top))
;;;; Primitives
;;;; the declarations allow it, a primitive call is inserted in the
;;;; IR. The back-end of the compiler knows how to compile primitive
;;;; calls.
(defvar *primitive-function-table* nil)