- ;; FIXME: These old names don't match the DEFFOO - vs. -
- ;; DEFINE-FOO convention used in the ANSI spec, and so
- ;; were deprecated in sbcl-0.7.0. After a year or so
- ;; they can go away completely.
`((%def-auxiliary-alien-types ',*new-auxiliary-types*)))
,@(when name
`((%define-alien-type ',name ',alien-type)))))))
-(def!macro def-alien-type (&rest rest)
- (deprecation-warning 'def-alien-type 'define-alien-type)
- `(define-alien-type ,@rest))
(eval-when (#-sb-xc :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun %def-auxiliary-alien-types (types)
-(defmacro def-alien-variable (&rest rest)
- (deprecation-warning 'def-alien-variable 'define-alien-variable)
- `(define-alien-variable ,@rest))
;;; Do the actual work of DEFINE-ALIEN-VARIABLE.
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun %define-alien-variable (lisp-name alien-name type)
(values ,@temps ,@(results))))
(values (alien-funcall ,lisp-name ,@(alien-args))
-(defmacro def-alien-routine (&rest rest)
- (deprecation-warning 'def-alien-routine 'define-alien-routine)
- `(define-alien-routine ,@rest))
(defun alien-typep (object type)
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)