(let ((assign (make-assignment :variable var :value value-lvar :lvar (result-lvar))))
(insert-node assign))))
+(define-ir-translator progn (&body body)
+ (dolist (form (butlast body))
+ (ir-convert form))
+ (ir-convert (car (last body)) (result-lvar)))
(define-ir-translator if (test then &optional else)
(when (conditional-p (cursor-next *cursor*))
(error "Impossible to insert a conditional after another conditional."))
;; Split the basic block if we are in the middle of one.
(unless (end-of-block-p) (split-block))
- (let* ((block (cursor-block *cursor*))
- (test-lvar (make-lvar))
+ (let ((test-lvar (make-lvar))
(then-block (make-empty-block))
(else-block (make-empty-block))
- (join-block (make-empty-block))
- (tail-block (unlist (block-succ block))))
- ;; Insert conditional IR
+ (join-block (make-empty-block)))
(ir-convert test test-lvar)
(insert-node (make-conditional :test test-lvar :consequent then-block :alternative else-block))
- ;; Link together the different created basic blocks.
- (setf (block-succ block) (list else-block then-block)
- (block-pred else-block) (list block)
- (block-pred then-block) (list block)
- (block-succ then-block) (list join-block)
- (block-succ else-block) (list join-block)
- (block-pred join-block) (list else-block then-block)
- (block-succ join-block) (list tail-block)
- (block-pred tail-block) (substitute join-block block (block-pred tail-block)))
+ (let* ((block (cursor-block *cursor*))
+ (tail-block (unlist (block-succ block))))
+ ;; Link together the different created basic blocks.
+ (setf (block-succ block) (list else-block then-block)
+ (block-pred else-block) (list block)
+ (block-pred then-block) (list block)
+ (block-succ then-block) (list join-block)
+ (block-succ else-block) (list join-block)
+ (block-pred join-block) (list else-block then-block)
+ (block-succ join-block) (list tail-block)
+ (block-pred tail-block) (substitute join-block block (block-pred tail-block))))
;; Convert he consequent and alternative forms and update cursor.
(ir-convert then (result-lvar) (cursor :block then-block))
(ir-convert else (result-lvar) (cursor :block else-block))