Complex array type does not have corresponding type specifier.
+ This is a problem because the compiler emits optimization notes when
+ you use a non-simple array, and without a type specifier for hairy
+ array types, there's no good way to tell it you're doing it
+ intentionally so that it should shut up and just compile the code.
+258: "TYPE-ERROR when recursive LABELS function is declared INLINE"
+ The compiler does emit a helpful
+ ; note: couldn't inline expand because expansion calls this
+ ; LET-converted local function:
+ but still shouldn't fail with a TYPE-ERROR
+ The value NIL is not of type SB-C::NODE.
+ when compiling
+ (cl:in-package :cl-user)
+ (declaim (optimize (safety 3) (speed 2) (space 1)))
+ (defvar *foo*)
+ (defvar *bar*)
+ (defun u-b-sra (x r ad0 &optional ad1 &rest ad-list)
+ (labels ((c.frob (c0)
+ (let ()
+ (when *foo*
+ (vector-push-extend c0 *bar*))))
+ (ad.frob (ad)
+ (if *foo*
+ (map nil #'ad.frob (the (vector t) *bar*))
+ (dolist (b *bar*)
+ (c.frob b)))))
+ (declare (inline c.frob ad.frob)) ; 'til DYNAMIC-EXTENT
+ (ad.frob ad0)))
These labels were used for bugs related to the old IR1 interpreter.
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)