(cdr ,head))))
+ ;; A very simple defstruct built on lists. It supports just slot with
+ ;; an optional default initform, and it will create a constructor,
+ ;; predicate and accessors for you.
+ (defmacro defstruct (name &rest slots)
+ (unless (symbolp name)
+ (error "It is not a full defstruct implementation."))
+ (let* ((name-string (symbol-name name))
+ (slot-descriptions
+ (mapcar (lambda (sd)
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp sd)
+ (list sd))
+ ((and (listp sd) (car sd) (cddr sd))
+ sd)
+ (t
+ (error "Bad slot accessor."))))
+ slots))
+ (predicate (intern (concat name-string "P"))))
+ `(progn
+ ;; Constructor
+ (defun ,(intern (concat "MAKE-" name-string)) (&key ,@slot-descriptions)
+ (list ',name ,@(mapcar #'car slot-descriptions)))
+ ;; Predicate
+ (defun ,predicate (x)
+ (and (consp x) (eq (car x) ',name)))
+ ;; Slot accessors
+ ,@(with-collect
+ (let ((index 1))
+ (dolist (slot slot-descriptions)
+ (let ((name (car slot)))
+ (collect `(defun ,(intern (concat name-string "-" (string name))) (x)
+ (unless (,predicate x)
+ (error ,(concat "The object is not a type " name-string)))
+ (nth ,index x)))
+ (incf index)))))
+ ',name)))
(defun map1 (func list)
(while list