+++ /dev/null
-;;; A little backquote implementation without optimizations of any
-;;; kind for lispstrack.
-(defun backquote-expand-1 (form)
- (cond
- ((symbolp form)
- (list 'quote form))
- ((atom form)
- form)
- ((eq (car form) 'unquote)
- (car form))
- ((eq (car form) 'backquote)
- (backquote-expand-1 (backquote-expand-1 (cadr form))))
- (t
- (cons 'append
- (mapcar (lambda (s)
- (cond
- ((and (listp s) (eq (car s) 'unquote))
- (list 'list (cadr s)))
- ((and (listp s) (eq (car s) 'unquote-splicing))
- (cadr s))
- (t
- (list 'list (backquote-expand-1 s)))))
- form)))))
-(defun backquote-expand (form)
- (if (and (listp form) (eq (car form) 'backquote))
- (backquote-expand-1 (cadr form))
- form))
-(defmacro backquote (form)
- (backquote-expand-1 form))
-;;; Tests. Compare backquote agains the backquote of the host Lisp.
-(macrolet ((test (form1 form2)
- `(assert (equal ,form1 ,form2))))
- (test (backquote (1 2 3 4))
- `(1 2 3 4))
- (test (backquote (1 2 (+ 3 4)))
- `(1 2 (+ 3 4)))
- (test (backquote (1 2 (unquote (+ 3 4))))
- `(1 2 ,(+ 3 4)))
- (test (backquote (1 2 (unquote-splicing '(3 4))))
- `(1 2 ,@'(3 4)))
- (test (backquote (backquote x))
- ``x)
- (let ((x 10))
- (test `',x
- (backquote (quote (unquote x)))))
- (let ((x 10))
- (test (eval ``(,,x))
- (eval (backquote (backquote ((unquote (unquote x)))))))))
:initial-value ""))
+;;; Concatenate a list of strings, with a separator
+(defun join (list separator)
+ (cond
+ ((null list)
+ "")
+ ((null (cdr list))
+ (car list))
+ (t
+ (concat (car list)
+ separator
+ (join (cdr list) separator)))))
-;;;; READER
+;;;; Reader
;;; It is a basic Lisp reader. It does not use advanced stuff
;;; intentionally, because we want to use it to bootstrap a simple
(defun make-func-binding (symbol)
(cons symbol (format nil "f~d" (incf counter)))))
-;;; Concatenate a list of strings, with a separator
-(defun join (list separator)
- (cond
- ((null list)
- "")
- ((null (cdr list))
- (car list))
- (t
- (concat (car list)
- separator
- (join (cdr list) separator)))))
-;;; Compiler
(defvar *compilations* nil)
(defun ls-compile-block (sexps env fenv)
(defmacro define-transformation (name args form)
`(define-compilation ,name ,args
(ls-compile ,form env fenv)))
`((lambda ,(mapcar 'car bindings) ,@body)
,@(mapcar 'cadr bindings)))
-;;; aritmetic primitives
+;;; A little backquote implementation without optimizations of any
+;;; kind for lispstrack.
+(defun backquote-expand-1 (form)
+ (cond
+ ((symbolp form)
+ (list 'quote form))
+ ((atom form)
+ form)
+ ((eq (car form) 'unquote)
+ (car form))
+ ((eq (car form) 'backquote)
+ (backquote-expand-1 (backquote-expand-1 (cadr form))))
+ (t
+ (cons 'append
+ (mapcar (lambda (s)
+ (cond
+ ((and (listp s) (eq (car s) 'unquote))
+ (list 'list (cadr s)))
+ ((and (listp s) (eq (car s) 'unquote-splicing))
+ (cadr s))
+ (t
+ (list 'list (backquote-expand-1 s)))))
+ form)))))
+(defun backquote-expand (form)
+ (if (and (listp form) (eq (car form) 'backquote))
+ (backquote-expand-1 (cadr form))
+ form))
+;;; Some Tests comparing backquote agains the backquote of the host
+;;; Lisp. It is not very exhaustive, but we just want a working
+;;; backquotation to be able bootstrap this program.
+(macrolet ((test (form1 form2)
+ `(assert (equal ,form1 ,form2))))
+ (test (backquote (1 2 3 4))
+ `(1 2 3 4))
+ (test (backquote (1 2 (+ 3 4)))
+ `(1 2 (+ 3 4)))
+ (test (backquote (1 2 (unquote (+ 3 4))))
+ `(1 2 ,(+ 3 4)))
+ (test (backquote (1 2 (unquote-splicing '(3 4))))
+ `(1 2 ,@'(3 4)))
+ (test (backquote (backquote x))
+ ``x)
+ (let ((x 10))
+ (test `',x
+ (backquote (quote (unquote x)))))
+ (let ((x 10))
+ (test (eval ``(,,x))
+ (eval (backquote (backquote ((unquote (unquote x)))))))))
+(define-transformation backquote (form)
+ (backquote-expand-1 form))
+;;; Primitives
(define-compilation + (x y)
(concat "((" (ls-compile x env fenv) ") + (" (ls-compile y env fenv) "))"))