;;; deal with it.
(defvar *constants-being-created* nil)
(defvar *constants-created-since-last-init* nil)
-;;; FIXME: Shouldn't these^ variables be bound in LET forms?
+;;; FIXME: Shouldn't these^ variables be unbound outside LET forms?
(defun emit-make-load-form (constant)
(aver (fasl-output-p *compile-object*))
(unless (or (fasl-constant-already-dumped-p constant *compile-object*)
(loop for (name form) on (cdr info) by #'cddr
collect name into names
collect form into forms
- finally
- (compile-make-load-form-init-forms
- forms
- (format nil "init form~:[~;s~] for ~{~A~^, ~}"
- (cdr forms) names)))
+ finally (compile-make-load-form-init-forms forms))
(when circular-ref
(setf (cdr circular-ref)
(+ i f)))
(assert (= (exercise-valuesify 1.25) 2.25))
-;;; Don Geddis reported this test case 25 December 1999 on a CMU CL
-;;; mailing list: dumping circular lists caused the compiler to enter
-;;; an infinite loop. Douglas Crosher reported a patch 27 Dec 1999.
-;;; The patch was tested on SBCL by Martin Atzmueller 2 Nov 2000, and
-;;; merged in sbcl-
-(defun q-dg1999-1 () (dolist (x '#1=("A" "B" . #1#)) x))
-(defun q-dg1999-2 () (dolist (x '#1=("C" "D" . #1#)) x))
-(defun q-dg1999-3 () (dolist (x '#1=("E" "F" . #1#)) x))
-(defun q-dg1999-4 () (dolist (x '#1=("C" "D" . #1#)) x))
-(defun useful-dg1999 (keys)
- (declare (type list keys))
- (loop
- for c in '#1=("Red" "Blue" . #1#)
- for key in keys ))
;;; An early version (sbcl- of code to check FTYPEs from DEFUN
;;; against DECLAIMed FTYPEs blew up when an FTYPE was DECLAIMed
;;; to be pure FUNCTION, because the internal representation of
--- /dev/null
+;;;; tests related to the way objects are dumped into fasl files
+;;;; This software is part of the SBCL system. See the README file for
+;;;; more information.
+;;;; While most of SBCL is derived from the CMU CL system, the test
+;;;; files (like this one) were written from scratch after the fork
+;;;; from CMU CL.
+;;;; This software is in the public domain and is provided with
+;;;; absolutely no warranty. See the COPYING and CREDITS files for
+;;;; more information.
+(cl:in-package :cl-user)
+(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 2) (space 1)))
+;;; Don Geddis reported this test case 25 December 1999 on a CMU CL
+;;; mailing list: dumping circular lists caused the compiler to enter
+;;; an infinite loop. Douglas Crosher reported a patch 27 Dec 1999.
+;;; The patch was tested on SBCL by Martin Atzmueller 2 Nov 2000, and
+;;; merged in sbcl-
+(defun q-dg1999-1 () (dolist (x '#1=("A" "B" . #1#)) x))
+(defun q-dg1999-2 () (dolist (x '#1=("C" "D" . #1#)) x))
+(defun q-dg1999-3 () (dolist (x '#1=("E" "F" . #1#)) x))
+(defun q-dg1999-4 () (dolist (x '#1=("C" "D" . #1#)) x))
+(defun useful-dg1999 (keys)
+ (declare (type list keys))
+ (loop
+ for c in '#1=("Red" "Blue" . #1#)
+ for key in keys ))
+;;; sbcl- or so had DEF!STRUCT/MAKE-LOAD-FORM/HOST screwed up
+;;; so that the compiler couldn't dump pathnames.
+(format t "Now the compiler can dump pathnames again: ~S ~S~%" #p"" #p"/x/y/z")
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+ (defstruct foo x y)
+ (defmethod make-load-form ((foo foo) &optional env)
+ (declare (ignore env))
+ ;; an extremely meaningless MAKE-LOAD-FORM method whose only point
+ ;; is to exercise the mechanism a little bit
+ (values `(make-foo :x (list ',(foo-x foo)))
+ `(setf (foo-y ,foo) ',foo))))
+(defparameter *foo*
+ #.(make-foo :x "X" :y "Y"))
+(assert (equalp (foo-x *foo*) '("X")))
+(assert (eql (foo-y *foo*) *foo*))
+(sb-ext:quit :unix-status 104) ; success