<title>"Hello world" example</title>
<para>Let's start from a simple example.</para>
<graphic fileref="hello_world.png"/>
- <para>Load the GTK system: <programlisting>(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :gtk)</programlisting></para>
- <para>Having loaded the GTK system, compile the following code:</para>
+ <para>Start Slime, type the following code in the REPL:</para>
<programlisting linenumbering="numbered">
-(defpackage :gtk-hello
- (:use :cl :gtk :gobject :glib)
- (:export :run))
+(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :gtk)
-(in-package :gtk-hello)
-(defun run ()
- (let ((output *standard-output*))
- (with-main-loop
- (let ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window
- :type :toplevel
- :window-position :center
- :title "Hello world!"
- :default-width 300
- :default-height 100))
- (button (make-instance 'button :label "Hello, world!"))
- (counter 0))
- (g-signal-connect button "clicked"
- (lambda (b)
- (declare (ignore b))
- (format output "Hello, world!~%")
- (setf (button-label button)
- (format nil
- "Hello, world! (clicked ~D times)"
- (incf counter)))))
- (container-add window button)
- (widget-show window :all t)))))
+ (let ((window (make-instance 'gtk:gtk-window :title "Hello, world!")))
+ (gtk:widget-show window)))
- <para>And now, run it:<programlisting>(gtk-hello:run)</programlisting></para>
- <para>This code should create a form with a button. When the button is clicked, this program prints a message to standard output and changes the text of the button.</para>
- <para>If you have a window, then congratulations! Otherwise, contact the author for support.</para>
+ <para>The empty window with title "Hello, world!" should appear.</para>
+ <para>Let's analyze this example line-by-line.</para>
+ <para><varname>(asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :gtk)</varname> loads the GTK system into Lisp.</para>
+ <para>CL-GTK2 runs Gtk+ main loop in background thread (because Lisp development is interactive in its nature; if main loop would block the REPL thread, you would have to restart the Lisp image too often). Because all access to Gtk+ should come from Gtk+ thread, we should run the code in that thread. Macro <varname>gtk:within-main-loop</varname> does exactly that: it schedules the code to be tun in the Gtk+ thread. You should use this macro whenever you want evaluate the code from the REPL or when you start you application.</para>
+ <para>Next, we create the window with <varname>make-instance</varname> and set its <varname>title</varname> property to <varname>"Hello, world!"</varname>.</para>
+ <para>When the window is created, it is not yet shown on the screen. To show it, we call <varname>(gtk:widget-show window)</varname>.</para>
+ <para>After this code executes, you should get back to the REPL (rememer, Gtk+ runs in background thread) and the window should appear on the screen.</para>
<title>Example walk-through</title>