Included module SB-CLTL2.
subclass of STANDARD-METHOD no longer causes stack exhaustion.
(thanks to Gerd Moellmann)
* increased compilation speed of long MULTIPLE-VALUES-BIND.
+ * a contributed module implementing COMPILER-LET and MACROEXPAND-ALL
+ has been included.
* fixed some bugs revealed by Paul Dietz' test suite:
** NIL is now allowed as a structure slot name.
** arbitrary numbers, not just reals, are allowed in certain
--- /dev/null
+include ../
--- /dev/null
+(in-package :sb-cltl2)
+(def-ir1-translator compiler-let ((bindings &rest forms) start cont)
+ (loop for binding in bindings
+ if (atom binding)
+ collect binding into vars
+ and collect nil into values
+ else do (assert (proper-list-of-length-p binding 1 2))
+ and collect (first binding) into vars
+ and collect (eval (second binding)) into values
+ finally (return (progv vars values
+ (sb-c::ir1-convert-progn-body start cont forms)))))
+(defun walk-compiler-let (form context env)
+ (declare (ignore context))
+ (destructuring-bind (bindings &rest body)
+ (cdr form)
+ (loop for binding in bindings
+ if (atom binding)
+ collect binding into vars
+ and collect nil into values
+ else do (assert (proper-list-of-length-p binding 1 2))
+ and collect (first binding) into vars
+ and collect (eval (second binding)) into values
+ finally (return
+ (progv vars values
+ (let ((walked-body (sb-walker::walk-repeat-eval body env)))
+ (sb-walker::relist* form
+ 'compiler-let bindings walked-body)))))))
+(sb-walker::define-walker-template compiler-let walk-compiler-let)
--- /dev/null
+(defpackage :sb-cltl2
+ (:use :cl :sb-c :sb-int)
+ (:export #:compiler-let
+ #:macroexpand-all))
--- /dev/null
+(in-package :sb-cltl2)
+(defun macroexpand-all (form &optional environment)
+ (let ((sb-walker::*walk-form-expand-macros-p* t))
+ (sb-walker:walk-form form environment)))
--- /dev/null
+(defpackage #:sb-cltl2-system (:use #:asdf #:cl))
+(in-package #:sb-cltl2-system)
+(defsystem sb-cltl2
+ :description "Some functionality, mentioned in CLtL2, but not present in ANSI."
+ :components ((:file "defpackage")
+ (:file "compiler-let" :depends-on ("defpackage"))
+ (:file "macroexpand" :depends-on ("defpackage"))))
+(defmethod perform :after ((o load-op) (c (eql (find-system :sb-cltl2))))
+ (provide 'sb-cltl2))
+(defmethod perform ((o test-op) (c (eql (find-system :sb-cltl2))))
+ (oos 'load-op 'sb-cltl2-tests)
+ (oos 'test-op 'sb-cltl2-tests))
+(defsystem sb-cltl2-tests
+ :depends-on (sb-rt)
+ :components ((:file "tests")))
+(defmethod perform ((o test-op) (c (eql (find-system :sb-cltl2-tests))))
+ (or (funcall (find-symbol "DO-TESTS" "SB-RT"))
+ (error "test-op failed")))
--- /dev/null
+(defpackage :sb-cltl2-tests
+ (:use :sb-cltl2 :cl :sb-rt))
+(in-package :sb-cltl2-tests)
+(defmacro *x*-value ()
+ (declare (special *x*))
+ *x*)
+(deftest compiler-let.1
+ (let ((*x* :outer))
+ (compiler-let ((*x* :inner))
+ (list *x* (*x*-value))))
+ (:outer :inner))
+(defvar *expansions* nil)
+(defmacro macroexpand-macro (arg)
+ (push arg *expansions*)
+ arg)
+(deftest macroexpand-all.1
+ (progn
+ (macroexpand-all '(defmethod foo ((x fixnum)) (1+ x)))
+ t)
+ t)
+(deftest macroexpand-all.2
+ (let ((*expansions* nil))
+ (macroexpand-all '(list (macroexpand-macro 1)
+ (let (macroexpand-macro :no)
+ (macroexpand-macro 2))))
+ (remove-duplicates (sort *expansions* #'<)))
+ (1 2))
+(deftest macroexpand-all.3
+ (let ((*expansions* nil))
+ (compile nil '(lambda ()
+ (macrolet ((foo (key &environment env)
+ (macroexpand-all `(bar ,key) env)))
+ (foo
+ (macrolet ((bar (key)
+ (push key *expansions*)
+ key))
+ (foo 1))))))
+ (remove-duplicates *expansions*))
+ (1))
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)