Signal a style-warning instead when trying to set documentation of NIL
for all other documentation types.
Reported by Zach Beane. Regression since 2e52fa05.
+ * LOGBITP and LOGTEST optimizations from x86 ported to x86_64.
changes in sbcl-1.1.6 relative to sbcl-1.1.5:
* enhancement: the continuable error when defknown-ing over extant
(:arg-types unsigned-num (:constant (unsigned-byte 64)))
(:info y))
+;; Stolen liberally from the x86 32-bit implementation.
+(macrolet ((define-logtest-vops ()
+ `(progn
+ ,@(loop for suffix in '(/fixnum -c/fixnum
+ /signed -c/signed
+ /unsigned -c/unsigned)
+ for cost in '(4 3 6 5 6 5)
+ collect
+ `(define-vop (,(symbolicate "FAST-LOGTEST" suffix)
+ ,(symbolicate "FAST-CONDITIONAL" suffix))
+ (:translate logtest)
+ (:conditional :ne)
+ (:generator ,cost
+ (emit-optimized-test-inst x
+ ,(if (eq suffix '-c/fixnum)
+ ;; See whether (fixnumize y) fits in signed 32
+ ;; to avoid chip's sign-extension of imm32 val.
+ `(if (typep y 'short-tagged-num)
+ (fixnumize y)
+ (register-inline-constant :qword (fixnumize y)))
+ `(cond ((typep y '(signed-byte 32)) ; same
+ y)
+ ((typep y '(or (unsigned-byte 64) (signed-byte 64)))
+ (register-inline-constant :qword y))
+ (t
+ y))))))))))
+ (define-logtest-vops))
+(defknown %logbitp (integer unsigned-byte) boolean
+ (movable foldable flushable always-translatable))
+;;; only for constant folding within the compiler
+(defun %logbitp (integer index)
+ (logbitp index integer))
+;;; too much work to do the non-constant case (maybe?)
+(define-vop (fast-logbitp-c/fixnum fast-conditional-c/fixnum)
+ (:translate %logbitp)
+ (:conditional :c)
+ (:arg-types tagged-num (:constant (integer 0 #.(- 63 n-fixnum-tag-bits))))
+ (:generator 4
+ (inst bt x (+ y n-fixnum-tag-bits))))
+(define-vop (fast-logbitp/signed fast-conditional/signed)
+ (:args (x :scs (signed-reg signed-stack))
+ (y :scs (signed-reg)))
+ (:translate %logbitp)
+ (:conditional :c)
+ (:generator 6
+ (inst bt x y)))
+(define-vop (fast-logbitp-c/signed fast-conditional-c/signed)
+ (:translate %logbitp)
+ (:conditional :c)
+ (:arg-types signed-num (:constant (integer 0 63)))
+ (:generator 5
+ (inst bt x y)))
+(define-vop (fast-logbitp/unsigned fast-conditional/unsigned)
+ (:args (x :scs (unsigned-reg unsigned-stack))
+ (y :scs (unsigned-reg)))
+ (:translate %logbitp)
+ (:conditional :c)
+ (:generator 6
+ (inst bt x y)))
+(define-vop (fast-logbitp-c/unsigned fast-conditional-c/unsigned)
+ (:translate %logbitp)
+ (:conditional :c)
+ (:arg-types unsigned-num (:constant (integer 0 63)))
+ (:generator 5
+ (inst bt x y)))
(macrolet ((define-conditional-vop (tran cond unsigned not-cond not-unsigned)
(error "bogus operands for TEST: ~S and ~S" this that)))))))
+;;; Emit the most compact form of the test immediate instruction,
+;;; using an 8 bit test when the immediate is only 8 bits and the
+;;; value is one of the four low registers (rax, rbx, rcx, rdx) or the
+;;; control stack.
+(defun emit-optimized-test-inst (x y)
+ (typecase y
+ ((unsigned-byte 7)
+ (let ((offset (tn-offset x)))
+ (cond ((and (sc-is x any-reg descriptor-reg)
+ (or (= offset rax-offset) (= offset rbx-offset)
+ (= offset rcx-offset) (= offset rdx-offset)))
+ (inst test (reg-in-size x :byte) y))
+ ((sc-is x control-stack)
+ (inst test (make-ea :byte :base rbp-tn
+ :disp (frame-byte-offset offset))
+ y))
+ (t
+ (inst test x y)))))
+ (t
+ (inst test x y))))
(define-instruction or (segment dst src)
(arith-inst-printer-list #b001))
(def!constant cfp-offset rbp-offset) ; pfw - needed by stuff in /code
(!def-vm-support-routine combination-implementation-style (node)
- (declare (type sb!c::combination node) (ignore node))
- (values :default nil))
+ (declare (type sb!c::combination node))
+ (flet ((valid-funtype (args result)
+ (sb!c::valid-fun-use node
+ (sb!c::specifier-type
+ `(function ,args ,result)))))
+ (case (sb!c::combination-fun-source-name node)
+ (logtest
+ (cond
+ ((or (valid-funtype '(fixnum fixnum) '*)
+ ;; todo: nothing prevents this from testing an unsigned word against
+ ;; a signed word, except for the mess of VOPs it would demand
+ (valid-funtype '((signed-byte 64) (signed-byte 64)) '*)
+ (valid-funtype '((unsigned-byte 64) (unsigned-byte 64)) '*))
+ (values :direct nil))
+ (t
+ (values :default nil))))
+ (logbitp
+ (cond
+ ((or (and (valid-funtype '#.`((integer 0 ,(- 63 n-fixnum-tag-bits))
+ fixnum) '*)
+ (sb!c::constant-lvar-p
+ (first (sb!c::basic-combination-args node))))
+ (valid-funtype '((integer 0 63) (signed-byte 64)) '*)
+ (valid-funtype '((integer 0 63) (unsigned-byte 64)) '*))
+ (values :transform '(lambda (index integer)
+ (%logbitp integer index))))
+ (t
+ (values :default nil))))
+ (t
+ (values :default nil)))))