Raymond Toy comments that this is tricky on the X86 since its FPU
uses 80-bit precision internally.
+ Bruno Haible comments:
+ The values are those that are expected for an IEEE double-float
+ arithmetic. The problem appears to be that the rounding is not
+ IEEE on x86 compliant: namely, values are first rounded to 64
+ bits mantissa precision, then only to 53 bits mantissa
+ precision. This gives different results than rounding to 53 bits
+ mantissa precision in a single step.
+ The quick "fix", to permanently change the FPU control word from
+ 0x037f to 0x027f, will give problems with the fdlibm code that is
+ used for computing transcendental functions like sinh() etc.
+ so maybe we need to change the FPU control word to that for Lisp
+ code, and adjust it to the safe 0x037f for calls to C?
As of version 0.pre7.14, SBCL's implementation of MACROLET makes
the entire lexical environment at the point of MACROLET available
around the same time regarding a call to LIST on sparc with 1000
arguments) and other implementation limit constants.
-310: "Floating point printing inaccuracy"
- (reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "print-read consistency for
- floating point numbers" 2004-04-19)
- (let ((x (/ -9.349640046247849d-21 -9.381494249123696d-11)))
- (let ((y (read-from-string (write-to-string x :readably t))))
- (eql x y)))
- should return T but, as of sbcl-, returns NIL.
- That this is a bug in the printer is demonstrated by
- (setq x1 (float -5496527/100000000000000000))
- (setq x2 (float -54965272/1000000000000000000))
- (integer-decode-float x1) => 15842660 -58 -1
- (integer-decode-float x2) => 15842661 -58 -1
- (prin1-to-string x1) => "-5.496527e-11"
- (prin1-to-string x2) => "-5.496527e-11" ; should be different!
- Note also the following comment from src/code/print.lisp:
- ;;; NOTE: When a number is to be printed in exponential format, it is
- ;;; scaled in floating point. Since precision may be lost in this
- ;;; process, the guaranteed accuracy properties of FLONUM-TO-STRING
- ;;; are lost. The difficulty is that FLONUM-TO-STRING performs
- ;;; extensive computations with integers of similar magnitude to that
- ;;; of the number being printed. For large exponents, the bignums
- ;;; really get out of hand. If bignum arithmetic becomes reasonably
- ;;; fast and the exponent range is not too large, then it might become
- ;;; attractive to handle exponential notation with the same accuracy
- ;;; as non-exponential notation, using the method described in the
- ;;; Steele and White paper.
- See also CSR sbcl-devel with an implementation of Berger and
- Dybvig's algorithm for printing and a fix for reading.
311: "Tokeniser not thread-safe"
(see also Robert Marlow sbcl-help "Multi threaded read chucking a
spak" 2004-04-19)
313: "source-transforms are Lisp-1"
(fixed in
+314: "LOOP :INITIALLY clauses and scope of initializers"
+ reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "various SBCL bugs" from CLISP
+ test suite, originally by Thomas F. Burdick.
+ ;; <http://www.lisp.org/HyperSpec/Body/sec_6-1-7-2.html>
+ ;; According to the HyperSpec, in for-as-equals-then, var is
+ ;; initialized to the result of evaluating form1. says that
+ ;; initially clauses are evaluated in the loop prologue, which precedes all
+ ;; loop code except for the initial settings provided by with, for, or as.
+ (loop :for x = 0 :then (1+ x)
+ :for y = (1+ x) :then (ash y 1)
+ :for z :across #(1 3 9 27 81 243)
+ :for w = (+ x y z)
+ :initially (assert (zerop x)) :initially (assert (= 2 w))
+ :until (>= w 100) :collect w)
+ Expected: (2 6 15 38)
+ Got: ERROR
+315: "no bounds check for access to displaced array"
+ reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "various SBCL bugs" from CLISP
+ test suite.
+ (locally (declare (optimize (safety 3) (speed 0)))
+ (let* ((x (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 4 :element-type 'character
+ :initial-element #\space :adjustable t))
+ (y (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 4 :element-type 'character
+ :displaced-to x)))
+ (adjust-array x '(5))
+ (char y 5)))
+ SBCL 0.8.10 elides the bounds check somewhere along the line, and
+ returns #\Nul (where an error would be much preferable, since a test
+ of that form but with (setf (char y 5) #\Space) potentially corrupts
+ the heap and certainly confuses the world if that string is used by
+ C code.
+316: "SHIFTF and multiple values"
+ reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "various SBCL bugs" from CLISP
+ test suite.
+ (shiftf (values x y) (values y x))
+ gives an error in sbcl-0.8.10.
+ Parts of the explanation of SHIFTF in ANSI CL talk about multiple
+ store variables, and the X3J13 vote
+ support multiple value places.
+317: "FORMAT of floating point numbers"
+ reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "various SBCL bugs" from CLISP
+ test suite.
+ (format nil "~1F" 10) => "0." ; "10." expected
+ (format nil "~0F" 10) => "0." ; "10." expected
+ (format nil "~2F" 1234567.1) => "1000000." ; "1234567." expected
+ it would be nice if whatever fixed this also untangled the two
+ competing implementations of floating point printing (Steele and
+ White, and Burger and Dybvig) present in src/code/print.lisp
+318: "stack overflow in compiler warning with redefined class"
+ reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "various SBCL bugs" from CLISP
+ test suite.
+ (setq *print-pretty* nil)
+ (defstruct foo a)
+ (setf (find-class 'foo) nil)
+ (defstruct foo slot-1)
+ gives
+ ...#<SB-KERNEL:STRUCTURE-CLASSOID #<SB-KERNEL:STRUCTURE-CLASSOID #<SB-KERNEL:STRUCTURE-CLASSOID #<SB-KERNEL:STRUCTUREControl stack guard page temporarily disabled: proceed with caution
+ (it's not really clear what it should give: is (SETF FIND-CLASS)
+ meant to be enough to delete structure classes from the system?
+ Giving a stack overflow is definitely suboptimal, though.)
+319: "backquote with comma inside array"
+ reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "various SBCL bugs" from CLISP
+ test suite.
+ (read-from-string "`#1A(1 2 ,(+ 2 2) 4)")
+ gives
+ #(1 2 ((SB-IMPL::|,|) + 2 2) 4)
+ which probably isn't intentional.
+320: "shared to local slot in class redefinition"
+ reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "various SBCL bugs" from CLISP
+ test suite.
+ ;; Shared slot becomes local.
+ ;; "The value of a slot that is specified as shared in
+ ;; the old class and as local in the new class is retained."
+ (multiple-value-bind (value condition)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (defclass foo85a ()
+ ((size :initarg :size :initform 1 :allocation :class)))
+ (defclass foo85b (foo85a) ())
+ (setq i (make-instance 'foo85b))
+ (defclass foo85a () ((size :initarg :size :initform 2) (other)))
+ (slot-value i 'size))
+ (list value (type-of condition)))
+ should return (1 NULL) but returns (2 NULL) in sbcl-0.8.10. See
+ ensuing discussion sbcl-devel for how to deal with this.
+321: "DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION lambda list parsing"
+ reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "various SBCL bugs" from CLISP
+ test suite.
+ (define-method-combination w-args ()
+ ((method-list *))
+ (:arguments arg1 arg2 &aux (extra :extra))
+ `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (method) `(call-method ,method)) method-list)))
+ gives a (caught) compile-time error, which can be exposed by
+ (defgeneric mc-test-w-args (p1 p2 s)
+ (:method-combination w-args)
+ (:method ((p1 number) (p2 t) s)
+ (vector-push-extend (list 'number p1 p2) s))
+ (:method ((p1 string) (p2 t) s)
+ (vector-push-extend (list 'string p1 p2) s))
+ (:method ((p1 t) (p2 t) s) (vector-push-extend (list t p1 p2) s)))
+322: "DEFSTRUCT :TYPE LIST predicate and improper lists"
+ reported by Bruno Haible sbcl-devel "various SBCL bugs" from CLISP
+ test suite.
+ (defstruct (a (:type list) (:initial-offset 5) :named))
+ (defstruct (b (:type list) (:initial-offset 2) :named (:include a)))
+ (b-p (list* nil nil nil nil nil 'foo73 nil 'tail))
+ gives an error in sbcl-0.8.10
* fixed some bugs revealed by Paul Dietz' test suite:
** FILE-POSITION works as specified on BROADCAST-STREAMs.
** CAST optimizer forgot to flush argument derived type.
+ ** print/read consistency on floats is now orders of magnitude
+ more likely. (thanks also to Bruno Haible for a similar report
+ and discussions)
planned incompatible changes in 0.8.x:
* (not done yet, but planned:) When the profiling interface settles
down, it might impact TRACE. They both encapsulate functions, and
;;; [CMUC]<steele>tradix.press. DO NOT EVEN THINK OF ATTEMPTING TO
+(declaim (type (simple-array character (10)) *digits*))
(defvar *digits* "0123456789")
(defun flonum-to-string (x &optional width fdigits scale fmin)
;; all done
(values digit-string (1+ digits) (= decpnt 0) (= decpnt digits) decpnt)))
+;;; implementation of figure 1 from Burger and Dybvig, 1996. As the
+;;; implementation of the Dragon from Classic CMUCL (and above,
+;;; we have to add that even reading the paper might not bring
+;;; immediate illumination as CSR has attempted to turn idiomatic
+;;; Scheme into idiomatic Lisp.
+;;; FIXME: figure 1 from Burger and Dybvig is the unoptimized
+;;; algorithm, noticeably slow at finding the exponent. Figure 2 has
+;;; an improved algorithm, but CSR ran out of energy
+;;; FIXME: Burger and Dybvig also provide an algorithm for
+;;; fixed-format floating point printing. If it were implemented,
+;;; then we could delete the Dragon altogether (see FLONUM-TO-STRING).
+;;; possible extension for the enthusiastic: printing floats in bases
+;;; other than base 10.
+(defconstant single-float-min-e
+ (nth-value 1 (decode-float least-positive-single-float)))
+(defconstant double-float-min-e
+ (nth-value 1 (decode-float least-positive-double-float)))
+(defconstant long-float-min-e
+ (nth-value 1 (decode-float least-positive-long-float)))
+(defun flonum-to-digits (v)
+ (let ((print-base 10) ; B
+ (float-radix 2) ; b
+ (float-digits (float-digits v)) ; p
+ (min-e
+ (etypecase v
+ (single-float single-float-min-e)
+ (double-float double-float-min-e)
+ #!+long-float
+ (long-float long-float-min-e))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (f e)
+ (integer-decode-float v)
+ (let (;; FIXME: these even tests assume normal IEEE rounding
+ ;; mode. I wonder if we should cater for non-normal?
+ (high-ok (evenp f))
+ (low-ok (evenp f))
+ (result (make-array 50 :element-type 'base-char
+ :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
+ (labels ((scale (r s m+ m-)
+ (do ((k 0 (1+ k))
+ (s s (* s print-base)))
+ ((not (or (> (+ r m+) s)
+ (and high-ok (= (+ r m+) s))))
+ (do ((k k (1- k))
+ (r r (* r print-base))
+ (m+ m+ (* m+ print-base))
+ (m- m- (* m- print-base)))
+ ((not (or (< (* (+ r m+) print-base) s)
+ (and high-ok (= (* (+ r m+) print-base) s))))
+ (values k (generate r s m+ m-)))))))
+ (generate (r s m+ m-)
+ (let (d tc1 tc2)
+ (tagbody
+ loop
+ (setf (values d r) (truncate (* r print-base) s))
+ (setf m+ (* m+ print-base))
+ (setf m- (* m- print-base))
+ (setf tc1 (or (< r m-) (and low-ok (= r m-))))
+ (setf tc2 (or (> (+ r m+) s)
+ (and high-ok (= (+ r m+) s))))
+ (when (or tc1 tc2)
+ (go end))
+ (vector-push-extend (char *digits* d) result)
+ (go loop)
+ end
+ (let ((d (cond
+ ((and (not tc1) tc2) (1+ d))
+ ((and tc1 (not tc2)) d)
+ (t ; (and tc1 tc2)
+ (if (< (* r 2) s) d (1+ d))))))
+ (vector-push-extend (char *digits* d) result)
+ (return-from generate result))))))
+ (if (>= e 0)
+ (if (/= f (expt float-radix (1- float-digits)))
+ (let ((be (expt float-radix e)))
+ (scale (* f be 2) 2 be be))
+ (let* ((be (expt float-radix e))
+ (be1 (* be float-radix)))
+ (scale (* f be1 2) (* float-radix 2) be1 be)))
+ (if (or (= e min-e) (/= f (expt float-radix (1- float-digits))))
+ (scale (* f 2) (* (expt float-radix (- e)) 2) 1 1)
+ (scale (* f float-radix 2)
+ (* (expt float-radix (- 1 e)) 2) float-radix 1))))))))
;;; Given a non-negative floating point number, SCALE-EXPONENT returns
;;; a new floating point number Z in the range (0.1, 1.0] and an
;;; exponent E such that Z * 10^E is (approximately) equal to the
;;; attractive to handle exponential notation with the same accuracy
;;; as non-exponential notation, using the method described in the
;;; Steele and White paper.
+;;; NOTE II: this has been bypassed slightly by implementing Burger
+;;; and Dybvig, 1996. When someone has time (KLUDGE) they can
+;;; probably (a) implement the optimizations suggested by Burger and
+;;; Dyvbig, and (b) remove all vestiges of Dragon4, including from
+;;; fixed-format printing.
;;; Print the appropriate exponent marker for X and the specified exponent.
(defun print-float-exponent (x exp stream)
(write-string "0.0" stream)
(print-float-exponent x 0 stream))
- (output-float-aux x stream (float 1/1000 x) (float 10000000 x))))))))
+ (output-float-aux x stream -3 8)))))))
(defun output-float-aux (x stream e-min e-max)
- (if (and (>= x e-min) (< x e-max))
- ;; free format
- (multiple-value-bind (str len lpoint tpoint) (flonum-to-string x)
- (declare (ignore len))
- (when lpoint (write-char #\0 stream))
- (write-string str stream)
- (when tpoint (write-char #\0 stream))
- (print-float-exponent x 0 stream))
- ;; exponential format
- (multiple-value-bind (f ex) (scale-exponent x)
- (multiple-value-bind (str len lpoint tpoint)
- (flonum-to-string f nil nil 1)
- (declare (ignore len))
- (when lpoint (write-char #\0 stream))
- (write-string str stream)
- (when tpoint (write-char #\0 stream))
- ;; Subtract out scale factor of 1 passed to FLONUM-TO-STRING.
- (print-float-exponent x (1- ex) stream)))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (e string)
+ (flonum-to-digits x)
+ (cond
+ ((< e-min e e-max)
+ (if (plusp e)
+ (progn
+ (write-string string stream :end (min (length string) e))
+ (dotimes (i (- e (length string)))
+ (write-char #\0 stream))
+ (write-char #\. stream)
+ (write-string string stream :start (min (length string) e))
+ (when (<= (length string) e)
+ (write-char #\0 stream))
+ (print-float-exponent x 0 stream))
+ (progn
+ (write-string "0." stream)
+ (dotimes (i (- e))
+ (write-char #\0 stream))
+ (write-string string stream)
+ (print-float-exponent x 0 stream))))
+ (t (write-string string stream :end 1)
+ (write-char #\. stream)
+ (write-string string stream :start 1)
+ (when (= (length string) 1)
+ (write-char #\0 stream))
+ (print-float-exponent x (1- e) stream)))))
;;;; other leaf objects
(#\F 'single-float)
(#\D 'double-float)
(#\L 'long-float)))
- num)
- ;; Raymond Toy writes: We need to watch out if the
- ;; exponent is too small or too large. We add enough to
- ;; EXPONENT to make it within range and scale NUMBER
- ;; appropriately. This should avoid any unnecessary
- ;; underflow or overflow problems.
- (multiple-value-bind (min-expo max-expo)
- ;; FIXME: These forms are broken w.r.t.
- ;; cross-compilation portability, as the
- ;; cross-compiler will call the host's LOG function
- ;; while attempting to constant-fold. Maybe some sort
- ;; of load-time-form magic could be used instead?
- (case float-format
- ((short-float single-float)
- (values
- (log sb!xc:least-positive-normalized-single-float 10f0)
- (log sb!xc:most-positive-single-float 10f0)))
- ((double-float #!-long-float long-float)
- (values
- (log sb!xc:least-positive-normalized-double-float 10d0)
- (log sb!xc:most-positive-double-float 10d0)))
- #!+long-float
- (long-float
- (values
- (log sb!xc:least-positive-normalized-long-float 10l0)
- (log sb!xc:most-positive-long-float 10l0))))
- (let ((correction (cond ((<= exponent min-expo)
- (ceiling (- min-expo exponent)))
- ((>= exponent max-expo)
- (floor (- max-expo exponent)))
- (t
- 0))))
- (incf exponent correction)
- (setf number (/ number (expt 10 correction)))
- (setq num (make-float-aux number divisor float-format stream))
- (setq num (* num (expt 10 exponent)))
- (return-from make-float (if negative-fraction
- (- num)
- num))))))
- ;; should never happen
+ (result (make-float-aux (* (expt 10 exponent) number)
+ divisor float-format stream)))
+ (return-from make-float
+ (if negative-fraction (- result) result))))
(t (bug "bad fallthrough in floating point reader")))))
(defun make-float-aux (number divisor float-format stream)
(assert (and w-p f-p))
(assert (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors (funcall f)))))
+;;; floating point print/read consistency
+(let ((x (/ -9.349640046247849d-21 -9.381494249123696d-11)))
+ (let ((y (read-from-string (write-to-string x :readably t))))
+ (assert (eql x y))))
+(let ((x1 (float -5496527/100000000000000000))
+ (x2 (float -54965272/1000000000000000000)))
+ (assert (or (equal (multiple-value-list (integer-decode-float x1))
+ (multiple-value-list (integer-decode-float x2)))
+ (string/= (prin1-to-string x1) (prin1-to-string x2)))))
;;; success
(quit :unix-status 104)
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)