;;;; failure we stop running and report what values of the variables
;;;; caused the code to fail.
+(defparameter *num-trials* 100
+ "Number of times we attempt to run the body of the FOR-ALL test.")
+(defparameter *max-trials* 10000
+ "Number of total times we attempt to run the body of the
+ FOR-ALL test including when the body is skipped due to failed
+ guard conditions.
+Since we have guard conditions we may get into infinite loops
+where the test code is never run due to the guards never
+returning true. This second run limit prevents that.")
(defmacro for-all (bindings &body body)
(list ,@(mapcar #'second bindings))
(defun perform-random-testing (generators body)
with random-state = *random-state*
- with total-counter = 1000
- with counter = 100
- until (zerop counter)
+ with total-counter = *max-trials*
+ with counter = *num-trials*
+ with run-at-least-once = nil
+ until (or (zerop total-counter)
+ (zerop counter))
do (let ((result (perform-random-testing/run-once generators body)))
(ecase (first result)
(decf counter)
- (decf total-counter))
+ (decf total-counter)
+ (setf run-at-least-once t))
(add-result 'for-all-test-no-tests
:reason "No tests"
:failure-values (second result)
:result-list (third result))
(return-from perform-random-testing nil))))
- finally (add-result 'for-all-test-passed)))
+ finally (if run-at-least-once
+ (add-result 'for-all-test-passed)
+ (add-result 'for-all-test-never-run
+ :reason "Guard conditions never passed"))))
(defun perform-random-testing/run-once (generators body)
(catch 'run-once
(:method ((object for-all-test-failed)) t)
(:method ((object t)) nil))
+(defmethod reason ((result for-all-test-failed))
+ (format nil "Falsafiable with ~S" (slot-value result 'failure-values)))
(defclass for-all-test-no-tests (test-failure for-all-test-result)
-(defmethod reason ((result for-all-test-failed))
- (format nil "Falsafiable with ~S" (slot-value result 'failure-values)))
+(defclass for-all-test-never-run (test-failure for-all-test-result)
+ ())
;;;; ** Generators.