;;; OLD-FP. If null, then the call is to the same environment (an
;;; :ASSIGNMENT), so we only move the arguments, and leave the
;;; environment alone.
-(defun emit-psetq-moves (node block fun old-fp)
+;;; CLOSURE-FP is for calling a closure that has "implicit" value
+;;; cells (stored in the allocating stack frame), and is the frame
+;;; pointer TN to use for values allocated in the outbound stack
+;;; frame. This is distinct from OLD-FP for the specific case of a
+;;; tail-local-call.
+(defun emit-psetq-moves (node block fun old-fp &optional (closure-fp old-fp))
(declare (type combination node) (type ir2-block block) (type clambda fun)
- (type (or tn null) old-fp))
+ (type (or tn null) old-fp closure-fp))
(let ((actuals (mapcar (lambda (x)
(when x
(lvar-tn node block x)))
(let ((this-1env (node-physenv node))
(called-env (physenv-info (lambda-physenv fun))))
(dolist (thing (ir2-physenv-closure called-env))
- (temps (closure-initial-value (car thing) this-1env old-fp))
+ (temps (closure-initial-value (car thing) this-1env closure-fp))
(locs (cdr thing)))
(temps old-fp)
(locs (ir2-physenv-old-fp called-env))))
;;; function's passing location.
(defun ir2-convert-tail-local-call (node block fun)
(declare (type combination node) (type ir2-block block) (type clambda fun))
- (let ((this-env (physenv-info (node-physenv node))))
+ (let ((this-env (physenv-info (node-physenv node)))
+ (current-fp (make-stack-pointer-tn)))
(multiple-value-bind (temps locs)
- (emit-psetq-moves node block fun (ir2-physenv-old-fp this-env))
+ (emit-psetq-moves node block fun
+ (ir2-physenv-old-fp this-env) current-fp)
+ ;; If we're about to emit a move from CURRENT-FP then we need to
+ ;; initialize it.
+ (when (find current-fp temps)
+ (vop current-fp node block current-fp))
(mapc (lambda (temp loc)
(emit-move node block temp loc))