* Threaded cas tests. (threads.impure.lisp currently broken for
unrelated reasons since .30 or so.)
* enhancement: DEFINE-MODIFY-MACRO lambda-list information is
now more readable in environments like Slime which display it.
(thanks to Tobias C. Rittweiler)
+ * bug fix: SB-EXT:COMPARE-AND-SWAP was non-atomic unless the compiler
+ was able to infer the correct argument type for the object on which
+ the CAS operation was being performed.
changes in sbcl-1.0.9 relative to sbcl-1.0.8:
* minor incompatible change: SB-SYS:OUTPUT-RAW-BYTES is deprecated.
# similar with :STACK-GROWS-FOOWARD, too. -- WHN 2002-03-03
if [ "$sbcl_arch" = "x86" ]; then
printf ' :gencgc :stack-grows-downward-not-upward :c-stack-is-control-stack' >> $ltf
- printf ' :compare-and-swap-vop :unwind-to-frame-and-call-vop' >> $ltf
+ printf ' :compare-and-swap-vops :unwind-to-frame-and-call-vop' >> $ltf
printf ' :stack-allocatable-closures :alien-callbacks' >> $ltf
if [ "$sbcl_os" = "linux" ] || [ "$sbcl_os" = "freebsd" ] || [ "$sbcl_os" = "netbsd" ] || [ "$sbcl_os" = "sunos" ] || [ "$sbcl_os" = "darwin" ] || [ "$sbcl_os" = "win32" ]; then
printf ' :linkage-table' >> $ltf
elif [ "$sbcl_arch" = "x86-64" ]; then
printf ' :gencgc :stack-grows-downward-not-upward :c-stack-is-control-stack :linkage-table' >> $ltf
- printf ' :compare-and-swap-vop :unwind-to-frame-and-call-vop' >> $ltf
+ printf ' :compare-and-swap-vops :unwind-to-frame-and-call-vop' >> $ltf
printf ' :stack-allocatable-closures :alien-callbacks' >> $ltf
elif [ "$sbcl_arch" = "mips" ]; then
printf ' :linkage-table' >> $ltf
(in-package "SB-THREAD") ; this is white-box testing, really
+;;; compare-and-swap
+(defmacro defincf (name accessor &rest args)
+ `(defun ,name (x)
+ (let* ((old (,accessor x ,@args))
+ (new (1+ old)))
+ (loop until (eq old (sb-ext:compare-and-swap (,accessor x ,@args) old new))
+ do (setf old (,accessor x ,@args)
+ new (1+ old)))
+ new)))
+(defstruct cas-struct (slot 0))
+(defincf incf-car car)
+(defincf incf-cdr cdr)
+(defincf incf-slot cas-struct-slot)
+(defincf incf-symbol-value symbol-value)
+(defincf incf-svref/1 svref 1)
+(defincf incf-svref/0 svref 0)
+(defmacro def-test-cas (name init incf op)
+ `(progn
+ (defun ,name (n)
+ (declare (fixnum n))
+ (let* ((x ,init)
+ (run nil)
+ (threads
+ (loop repeat 10
+ collect (sb-thread:make-thread
+ (lambda ()
+ (loop until run)
+ (loop repeat n do (,incf x)))))))
+ (setf run t)
+ (dolist (th threads)
+ (sb-thread:join-thread th))
+ (assert (= (,op x) (* 10 n)))))
+ (,name 200000)))
+(def-test-cas test-cas-car (cons 0 nil) incf-car car)
+(def-test-cas test-cas-cdr (cons nil 0) incf-cdr cdr)
+(def-test-cas test-cas-slot (make-cas-struct) incf-slot cas-struct-slot)
+(def-test-cas test-cas-value (let ((x '.x.))
+ (set x 0)
+ x)
+ incf-symbol-value symbol-value)
+(def-test-cas test-cas-svref/0 (vector 0 nil) incf-svref/0 (lambda (x)
+ (svref x 0)))
+(def-test-cas test-cas-svref/1 (vector nil 0) incf-svref/1 (lambda (x)
+ (svref x 1)))
+(format t "~&compare-and-swap tests done~%")
(use-package :test-util)
(use-package "ASSERTOID")
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)