* Ecmalisp
- Ecmalisp is a Lisp-to-Javascript compiler, which is bootstrapped
- from Common Lisp and executed from the browser.
+ Ecmalisp is a Common Lisp to Javascript compiler, which is
+ bootstrapped from Common Lisp and executed from the browser.
** Getting started
you can open ecmalisp.html in your browser and use it.
** Status
-It is just an experiment, of course. But it supports partially most
-common special operators, functions and macros. In particular:
+Ecmalisp is and will be a subset of Common Lisp. Of course it is far
+from complete, but it supports partially most common special
+operators, functions and macros. In particular:
- Multiple values
- Explicit control tranfers ([[http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/s_tagbod.htm][tagbody]] and [[http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/s_go.htm][go]])