(defun read-linish (stream)
(with-output-to-string (s)
(loop for c = (read-char stream)
- while (and c (not (eq #\newline c)) (not (eq #\return c)))
- do (write-char c s))))
+ while (and c (not (eq #\newline c)))
+ ;; Some eds like to send \r\n
+ do (unless (eq #\return c)
+ (write-char c s)))))
(defun assert-ed (command response)
(when command
(with-test (:name :run-program-ed)
(assert-ed nil "4")
- (assert-ed ".s/bar/baz/g" #-sunos "" #+sunos nil)
+ (assert-ed ".s/bar/baz/g" nil)
(assert-ed "w" "4")
(assert-ed "q" nil)
(process-wait *ed*)
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)