+ (defmacro declaim (&rest decls)
+ `(eval-when-compile
+ ,@(mapcar (lambda (decl) `(!proclaim ',decl)) decls)))
+ (declaim (constant nil t))
(setq nil 'nil)
(setq t 't)
(defmacro defun (name args &rest body)
+ (declaim (non-overridable ,name))
(fset ',name
(named-lambda ,(symbol-name name) ,args
,@(if (and (stringp (car body)) (not (null (cdr body))))
`(prog1 (progn ,form1 ,result) ,@body)))
;;; This couple of helper functions will be defined in both Common
;;; Lisp and in Ecmalisp.
(defun ensure-list (x)
(defun claims (symbol namespace)
- (lookup-in-lexenv symbol *environment* namespace))
+ (let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv symbol *environment* namespace)))
+ (and b (binding-declarations b))))
(defun !proclaim (decl)
- (unless (consp decl)
- (error "Declaration must be a list"))
(case (car decl)
- (dolist (fname (cdr decl))
- (let ((b (global-binding fname 'function 'function)))
- (push-binding-declaration 'notinline b))))))
+ (dolist (name (cdr decl))
+ (let ((b (global-binding name 'function 'function)))
+ (push-binding-declaration 'notinline b))))
+ (constant
+ (dolist (name (cdr decl))
+ (let ((b (global-binding name 'variable 'variable)))
+ (push-binding-declaration 'constant b))))
+ (non-overridable
+ (dolist (name (cdr decl))
+ (let ((b (global-binding name 'function 'function)))
+ (push-binding-declaration 'non-overridable b))))))
;;; Special forms
(defun compile-funcall (function args)
- (concat (ls-compile `#',function) "("
- (join (mapcar #'ls-compile args)
- ", ")
- ")"))
+ (if (and (symbolp function)
+ (member 'non-overridable (claims function 'function)))
+ (concat (ls-compile `',function) ".function("
+ (join (mapcar #'ls-compile args)
+ ", ")
+ ")")
+ (concat (ls-compile `#',function) "("
+ (join (mapcar #'ls-compile args)
+ ", ")
+ ")")))
(defun ls-compile-block (sexps &optional return-last-p)
(if return-last-p
((symbolp sexp)
(let ((b (lookup-in-lexenv sexp *environment* 'variable)))
- (if (eq (binding-type b) 'lexical-variable)
- (binding-value b)
- (ls-compile `(symbol-value ',sexp)))))
+ (cond
+ ((eq (binding-type b) 'lexical-variable)
+ (binding-value b))
+ ((member 'constant (binding-declarations b))
+ (concat (ls-compile `',sexp) ".value"))
+ (t
+ (ls-compile `(symbol-value ',sexp))))))
((integerp sexp) (integer-to-string sexp))
((stringp sexp) (concat "\"" (escape-string sexp) "\""))
((listp sexp)