* bug fix: bound propagation involving conversion of large bignums to
floats no longer signals a SIMPLE-TYPE-ERROR, reported by Lutz Euler.
+ * bug fix: &REST to &MORE conversion still works in unsafe call to known
+ functions; reported by Lutz Euler (lp#826459).
changes in sbcl-1.0.50 relative to sbcl-1.0.49:
* enhancement: errors from FD handlers now provide a restart to remove
(binding* ((lvar (node-lvar node) :exit-if-null)
(2lvar (lvar-info lvar)))
(ecase (ir2-lvar-kind 2lvar)
- (:fixed (ir2-convert-full-call node block))
+ (:fixed
+ ;; KLUDGE: this is very much unsafe, and can leak random stack values.
+ ;; OTOH, I think the :FIXED case can only happen with (safety 0) in the
+ ;; first place.
+ ;; -PK
+ (loop for loc in (ir2-lvar-locs 2lvar)
+ for idx upfrom 0
+ do (vop sb!vm::more-arg node block
+ (lvar-tn node block context)
+ (make-constant-tn (find-constant idx))
+ loc)))
(let ((locs (ir2-lvar-locs 2lvar)))
(vop* %more-arg-values node block
(compile nil `(lambda (i)
(declare (unsigned-byte i))
(cos (expt 10 (+ 4096 i)))))))))
+(with-test (:name :fixed-%more-arg-values)
+ (let ((fun (compile nil `(lambda (&rest rest)
+ (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
+ (apply #'cons rest)))))
+ (assert (equal '(car . cdr) (funcall fun 'car 'cdr)))))