suppressed DEFTRANSFORM CONCATENATE, since we still haven't
fixed bug 188 (so now CONCATENATE will presumably run
more slowly, but at least it won't have absurdly long
compile times)
(sb-c::%dvai v i))
188: "compiler performance fiasco involving type inference and UNION-TYPE"
- In sbcl- on a 700 MHz Pentium III,
+ (In sbcl-, DEFTRANSFORM CONCATENATE was commented out until this
+ bug could be fixed properly, so you won't see the bug unless you restore
+ the DEFTRANSFORM by hand.) In sbcl- on a 700 MHz Pentium III,
(time (compile
'(lambda ()
;;; %CONCATENATE (with a DEFTRANSFORM to translate constant RTYPE to
;;; CTYPE before calling %CONCATENATE) which is comparably efficient,
;;; at least once DYNAMIC-EXTENT works.
+#+nil ; FIXME: currently commented out because of bug 188
(deftransform concatenate ((rtype &rest sequences)
(t &rest simple-string)
;;; for internal versions, especially for internal versions off the
;;; main CVS branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)