Add source transform for GET to eliminate hairy arg processing overhead.
Cache CLASS-INFO-OR-LOSE using the property list of the class name.
speeding up the function by a factor of about 3.
(in-package "SB!IMPL")
-(declaim (maybe-inline get %put getf remprop %putf get-properties keywordp))
+(declaim (maybe-inline get get2 get3 %put getf remprop %putf get-properties keywordp))
(defun symbol-value (symbol)
"Look on the property list of SYMBOL for the specified INDICATOR. If this
is found, return the associated value, else return DEFAULT."
- (do ((pl (symbol-plist symbol) (cddr pl)))
- ((atom pl) default)
- (cond ((atom (cdr pl))
- (error "~S has an odd number of items in its property list."
- symbol))
- ((eq (car pl) indicator)
- (return (cadr pl))))))
+ (get3 symbol indicator default))
+(defun get2 (symbol indicator)
+ (get3 symbol indicator nil))
+ (let (cdr-pl)
+ (do ((pl (symbol-plist symbol) (cdr cdr-pl)))
+ ((atom pl) nil)
+ (setf cdr-pl (cdr pl))
+ (cond ((atom cdr-pl)
+ (error "~S has an odd number of items in its property list."
+ symbol))
+ ((eq (car pl) indicator)
+ (return (car cdr-pl)))))))
+(defun get3 (symbol indicator default)
+ (let (cdr-pl)
+ (do ((pl (symbol-plist symbol) (cdr cdr-pl)))
+ ((atom pl) default)
+ (setq cdr-pl (cdr pl))
+ (cond ((atom cdr-pl)
+ (error "~S has an odd number of items in its property list."
+ symbol))
+ ((eq (car pl) indicator)
+ (return (car cdr-pl)))))))
(defun %put (symbol indicator value)
;;;; from the "Symbols" chapter:
(defknown get (symbol t &optional t) t (flushable))
+(defknown sb!impl::get2 (symbol t) t (flushable))
+(defknown sb!impl::get3 (symbol t t) t (flushable))
(defknown remprop (symbol t) t)
(defknown symbol-plist (symbol) list (flushable))
(defknown getf (list t &optional t) t (foldable flushable))
(declaim (hash-table *info-classes*))
#-sb-xc ; as per KLUDGE note above
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
- (setf *info-classes* (make-hash-table)))
+ (setf *info-classes* (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
;;; If NAME is the name of a type in CLASS, then return the TYPE-INFO,
;;; otherwise NIL.
#+sb-xc (/noshow0 "entering CLASS-INFO-OR-LOSE, CLASS=..")
#+sb-xc (/nohexstr class)
- (or (gethash class *info-classes*)
- (error "~S is not a defined info class." class))
+ (flet ((lookup (class)
+ (or (gethash class *info-classes*)
+ (error "~S is not a defined info class." class))))
+ (if (symbolp class)
+ (or (get class 'class-info-or-lose-cache)
+ (setf (get class 'class-info-or-lose-cache)
+ (lookup class)))
+ (lookup class)))
#+sb-xc (/noshow0 "returning from CLASS-INFO-OR-LOSE")))
(declaim (ftype (function (keyword keyword) type-info) type-info-or-lose))
(defun type-info-or-lose (class type)
(/show0 "beginning *INFO-CLASSES* init, calling MAKE-HASH-TABLE")
(setf *info-classes*
- (make-hash-table :size #.(hash-table-size *info-classes*)))
+ (make-hash-table :test 'eq :size #.(hash-table-size *info-classes*)))
(/show0 "done with MAKE-HASH-TABLE in *INFO-CLASSES* init")
(dolist (class-info-name '#.(let ((result nil))
(maphash (lambda (key value)
(2 `(sb!impl::gethash2 ,@args))
(3 `(sb!impl::gethash3 ,@args))
(t (values nil t))))
+(define-source-transform get (&rest args)
+ (case (length args)
+ (2 `(sb!impl::get2 ,@args))
+ (3 `(sb!impl::get3 ,@args))
+ (t (values nil t))))
(defvar *default-nthcdr-open-code-limit* 6)
(defvar *extreme-nthcdr-open-code-limit* 20)
;;; checkins which aren't released. (And occasionally for internal
;;; versions, especially for internal versions off the main CVS
;;; branch, it gets hairier, e.g. "0.pre7.14.flaky4.13".)