`(lambda (.dummy. ,@vars)
(declare (ignore .dummy.))
,(ecase type
- ((string simple-string)
- `(%concatenate-to-string ,@vars))
- ((base-string simple-base-string)
- `(%concatenate-to-base-string ,@vars))))
+ ((string simple-string)
+ `(%concatenate-to-string ,@vars))
+ ((base-string simple-base-string)
+ `(%concatenate-to-base-string ,@vars))))
;; Inline
(let* ((element-type (ecase type
((string simple-string) 'character)
collect (when (constant-lvar-p lvar)
(lvar-value lvar))))
- (loop for value in lvar-values
- for var in vars
- collect (if value
- (length value)
- `(sb!impl::string-dispatch ((simple-array * (*))
- sequence)
- ,var
- (declare (muffle-conditions compiler-note))
- (length ,var))))))
+ (loop for value in lvar-values
+ for var in vars
+ collect (if value
+ (length value)
+ `(sb!impl::string-dispatch ((simple-array * (*))
+ sequence)
+ ,var
+ (declare (muffle-conditions compiler-note))
+ (length ,var)))))
+ (non-constant-start
+ (loop for value in lvar-values
+ while (and (stringp value)
+ (< (length value) *concatenate-open-code-limit*))
+ sum (length value))))
(lambda ,vars
(declare (ignorable ,@vars))
(declare (optimize (insert-array-bounds-checks 0)))
(let* ((.length. (+ ,@lengths))
- (.pos. 0)
+ (.pos. ,non-constant-start)
(.string. (make-string .length. :element-type ',element-type)))
(declare (type index .length. .pos.)
(muffle-conditions compiler-note))
- ,@(loop for value in lvar-values
+ ,@(loop with first-constants = t
+ for first = t then nil
+ for value in lvar-values
for var in vars
- collect (if (and (stringp value)
- (< (length value) *concatenate-open-code-limit*))
- ;; Fold the array reads for constant arguments
- `(progn
- ,@(loop for c across value
- for i from 0
- collect
- ;; Without truly-the we get massive numbers
- ;; of pointless error traps.
- `(setf (aref .string.
- (truly-the index (+ .pos. ,i)))
- ,c))
- (incf .pos. ,(length value)))
- `(sb!impl::string-dispatch
- (#!+sb-unicode
- (simple-array character (*))
- (simple-array base-char (*))
- t)
- ,var
- (replace .string. ,var :start1 .pos.)
- (incf .pos. (length ,var)))))
+ collect
+ (cond ((and (stringp value)
+ (< (length value) *concatenate-open-code-limit*))
+ ;; Fold the array reads for constant arguments
+ `(progn
+ ,@(loop for c across value
+ for i from 0
+ collect
+ ;; Without truly-the we get massive numbers
+ ;; of pointless error traps.
+ `(setf (aref .string.
+ (truly-the index ,(if first-constants
+ i
+ `(+ .pos. ,i))))
+ ,c))
+ ,(unless first-constants
+ `(incf (truly-the index .pos.) ,(length value)))))
+ (t
+ (prog1
+ `(sb!impl::string-dispatch
+ (#!+sb-unicode
+ (simple-array character (*))
+ (simple-array base-char (*))
+ t)
+ ,var
+ (replace .string. ,var
+ ,@(cond ((not first-constants)
+ '(:start1 .pos.))
+ ((plusp non-constant-start)
+ `(:start1 ,non-constant-start))))
+ (incf (truly-the index .pos.) (length ,var)))
+ (setf first-constants nil)))))
(null (find-if 'upper-case-p seq))))
-(let ((avec (make-array 10
- :fill-pointer 4
- :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 iv v vi vii iix ix))))
- ;; These first five always worked AFAIK.
- (assert (equalp (subseq avec 0 3) #(0 1 2)))
- (assert (equalp (subseq avec 3 3) #()))
- (assert (equalp (subseq avec 1 3) #(1 2)))
- (assert (equalp (subseq avec 1) #(1 2 3)))
- (assert (equalp (subseq avec 1 4) #(1 2 3)))
- ;; SBCL bug found ca. 2002-05-01 by OpenMCL's correct handling of
- ;; SUBSEQ, CSR's driving portable cross-compilation far enough to
- ;; reach the SUBSEQ calls in assem.lisp, and WHN's sleazy
- ;; translation of old CMU CL new-assem.lisp into sufficiently grotty
- ;; portable Lisp that it passed suitable illegal values to SUBSEQ to
- ;; exercise the bug:-|
- ;;
- ;; SUBSEQ should check its END value against logical LENGTH, not
- ;; physical ARRAY-DIMENSION 0.
- ;;
- ;; fixed in sbcl- by WHN
- (assert (null (ignore-errors (aref (subseq avec 1 5) 0)))))
+(with-test (:name :subseq)
+ (let ((avec (make-array 10
+ :fill-pointer 4
+ :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 iv v vi vii iix ix))))
+ ;; These first five always worked AFAIK.
+ (assert (equalp (subseq avec 0 3) #(0 1 2)))
+ (assert (equalp (subseq avec 3 3) #()))
+ (assert (equalp (subseq avec 1 3) #(1 2)))
+ (assert (equalp (subseq avec 1) #(1 2 3)))
+ (assert (equalp (subseq avec 1 4) #(1 2 3)))
+ ;; SBCL bug found ca. 2002-05-01 by OpenMCL's correct handling of
+ ;; SUBSEQ, CSR's driving portable cross-compilation far enough to
+ ;; reach the SUBSEQ calls in assem.lisp, and WHN's sleazy
+ ;; translation of old CMU CL new-assem.lisp into sufficiently grotty
+ ;; portable Lisp that it passed suitable illegal values to SUBSEQ to
+ ;; exercise the bug:-|
+ ;;
+ ;; SUBSEQ should check its END value against logical LENGTH, not
+ ;; physical ARRAY-DIMENSION 0.
+ ;;
+ ;; fixed in sbcl- by WHN
+ (assert (null (ignore-errors (aref (subseq avec 1 5) 0))))))
;;; FILL
(defun test-fill-typecheck (x)
;;; result type (BUGs 46a, 46b, 66)
-(macrolet ((assert-type-error (form)
- `(assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors ,form))
- 'type-error))))
- (dolist (type-stub '((simple-vector)
- (vector *)
- (vector (signed-byte 8))
- (vector (unsigned-byte 16))
- (vector (signed-byte 32))
- (simple-bit-vector)))
- (declare (optimize safety))
- (format t "~&~S~%" type-stub)
- (assert (= (length (make-sequence `(,@type-stub) 10)) 10))
- (assert (= (length (make-sequence `(,@type-stub 10) 10)) 10))
- (assert-type-error (make-sequence `(,@type-stub 10) 11))
- (assert (= (length (coerce '(0 0 0) `(,@type-stub))) 3))
- (assert (= (length (coerce #(0 0 0) `(,@type-stub 3))) 3))
- (assert-type-error (coerce #*111 `(,@type-stub 4)))
- (assert (= (length (concatenate `(,@type-stub) #(0 0 0) #*111)) 6))
- (assert (equalp (concatenate `(,@type-stub) #(0 0 0) #*111)
- (coerce #(0 0 0 1 1 1) `(,@type-stub))))
- (assert (= (length (concatenate `(,@type-stub 6) #(0 0 0) #*111)) 6))
- (assert (equalp (concatenate `(,@type-stub 6) #(0 0 0) #*111)
- (coerce #(0 0 0 1 1 1) `(,@type-stub 6))))
- (assert-type-error (concatenate `(,@type-stub 5) #(0 0 0) #*111))
- ;; MERGE
- (macrolet ((test (type)
- `(merge ,type (copy-seq #(0 1 0)) (copy-seq #*111) #'>)))
- (assert (= (length (test `(,@type-stub))) 6))
- (assert (equalp (test `(,@type-stub))
- (coerce #(1 1 1 0 1 0) `(,@type-stub))))
- (assert (= (length (test `(,@type-stub 6))) 6))
- (assert (equalp (test `(,@type-stub 6))
- (coerce #(1 1 1 0 1 0) `(,@type-stub 6))))
- (assert-type-error (test `(,@type-stub 4))))
- ;; MAP
- (assert (= (length (map `(,@type-stub) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))) 4))
- (assert (equalp (map `(,@type-stub) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))
- (coerce #(0 1 1 0) `(,@type-stub))))
- (assert (= (length (map `(,@type-stub 4) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1)))
- 4))
- (assert (equalp (map `(,@type-stub 4) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))
- (coerce #(0 1 1 0) `(,@type-stub 4))))
- (assert-type-error (map `(,@type-stub 5) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))))
- ;; some more CONCATENATE tests for strings
- (locally
+(with-test (:name :sequence-functions)
+ (macrolet ((assert-type-error (form)
+ `(assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors ,form))
+ 'type-error))))
+ (dolist (type-stub '((simple-vector)
+ (vector *)
+ (vector (signed-byte 8))
+ (vector (unsigned-byte 16))
+ (vector (signed-byte 32))
+ (simple-bit-vector)))
(declare (optimize safety))
- (assert (string= (concatenate 'string "foo" " " "bar") "foo bar"))
- (assert (string= (concatenate '(string 7) "foo" " " "bar") "foo bar"))
- (assert-type-error (concatenate '(string 6) "foo" " " "bar"))
- (assert (string= (concatenate '(string 6) "foo" #(#\b #\a #\r)) "foobar"))
- (assert-type-error (concatenate '(string 7) "foo" #(#\b #\a #\r))))
- ;; Non-VECTOR ARRAY types aren't allowed as vector type specifiers.
- (locally
- (declare (optimize safety))
- (assert-type-error (concatenate 'simple-array "foo" "bar"))
- (assert-type-error (map 'simple-array #'identity '(1 2 3)))
- (assert (equalp #(11 13)
- (map '(simple-array fixnum (*)) #'+ '(1 2 3) '(10 11))))
- (assert-type-error (coerce '(1 2 3) 'simple-array))
- (assert-type-error (merge 'simple-array (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<))
- (assert (equalp #(3 2 1) (coerce '(3 2 1) '(vector fixnum))))
- (assert-type-error (map 'array #'identity '(1 2 3)))
- (assert-type-error (map '(array fixnum) #'identity '(1 2 3)))
- (assert (equalp #(1 2 3) (coerce '(1 2 3) '(vector fixnum))))
- ;; but COERCE has an exemption clause:
- (assert (string= "foo" (coerce "foo" 'simple-array)))
- ;; ... though not in all cases.
- (assert-type-error (coerce '(#\f #\o #\o) 'simple-array))))
+ (format t "~&~S~%" type-stub)
+ (assert (= (length (make-sequence `(,@type-stub) 10)) 10))
+ (assert (= (length (make-sequence `(,@type-stub 10) 10)) 10))
+ (assert-type-error (make-sequence `(,@type-stub 10) 11))
+ (assert (= (length (coerce '(0 0 0) `(,@type-stub))) 3))
+ (assert (= (length (coerce #(0 0 0) `(,@type-stub 3))) 3))
+ (assert-type-error (coerce #*111 `(,@type-stub 4)))
+ (assert (= (length (concatenate `(,@type-stub) #(0 0 0) #*111)) 6))
+ (assert (equalp (concatenate `(,@type-stub) #(0 0 0) #*111)
+ (coerce #(0 0 0 1 1 1) `(,@type-stub))))
+ (assert (= (length (concatenate `(,@type-stub 6) #(0 0 0) #*111)) 6))
+ (assert (equalp (concatenate `(,@type-stub 6) #(0 0 0) #*111)
+ (coerce #(0 0 0 1 1 1) `(,@type-stub 6))))
+ (assert-type-error (concatenate `(,@type-stub 5) #(0 0 0) #*111))
+ ;; MERGE
+ (macrolet ((test (type)
+ `(merge ,type (copy-seq #(0 1 0)) (copy-seq #*111) #'>)))
+ (assert (= (length (test `(,@type-stub))) 6))
+ (assert (equalp (test `(,@type-stub))
+ (coerce #(1 1 1 0 1 0) `(,@type-stub))))
+ (assert (= (length (test `(,@type-stub 6))) 6))
+ (assert (equalp (test `(,@type-stub 6))
+ (coerce #(1 1 1 0 1 0) `(,@type-stub 6))))
+ (assert-type-error (test `(,@type-stub 4))))
+ ;; MAP
+ (assert (= (length (map `(,@type-stub) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))) 4))
+ (assert (equalp (map `(,@type-stub) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))
+ (coerce #(0 1 1 0) `(,@type-stub))))
+ (assert (= (length (map `(,@type-stub 4) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1)))
+ 4))
+ (assert (equalp (map `(,@type-stub 4) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))
+ (coerce #(0 1 1 0) `(,@type-stub 4))))
+ (assert-type-error (map `(,@type-stub 5) #'logxor #(0 0 1 1) '(0 1 0 1))))
+ ;; some more CONCATENATE tests for strings
+ (locally
+ (declare (optimize safety))
+ (assert (string= (concatenate 'string "foo" " " "bar") "foo bar"))
+ (assert (string= (concatenate '(string 7) "foo" " " "bar") "foo bar"))
+ (assert-type-error (concatenate '(string 6) "foo" " " "bar"))
+ (assert (string= (concatenate '(string 6) "foo" #(#\b #\a #\r)) "foobar"))
+ (assert (string= (concatenate '(string 6) #(#\b #\a #\r) "foo") "barfoo"))
+ (assert-type-error (concatenate '(string 7) "foo" #(#\b #\a #\r))))
+ ;; Non-VECTOR ARRAY types aren't allowed as vector type specifiers.
+ (locally
+ (declare (optimize safety))
+ (assert-type-error (concatenate 'simple-array "foo" "bar"))
+ (assert-type-error (map 'simple-array #'identity '(1 2 3)))
+ (assert (equalp #(11 13)
+ (map '(simple-array fixnum (*)) #'+ '(1 2 3) '(10 11))))
+ (assert-type-error (coerce '(1 2 3) 'simple-array))
+ (assert-type-error (merge 'simple-array (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<))
+ (assert (equalp #(3 2 1) (coerce '(3 2 1) '(vector fixnum))))
+ (assert-type-error (map 'array #'identity '(1 2 3)))
+ (assert-type-error (map '(array fixnum) #'identity '(1 2 3)))
+ (assert (equalp #(1 2 3) (coerce '(1 2 3) '(vector fixnum))))
+ ;; but COERCE has an exemption clause:
+ (assert (string= "foo" (coerce "foo" 'simple-array)))
+ ;; ... though not in all cases.
+ (assert-type-error (coerce '(#\f #\o #\o) 'simple-array)))))
;; CONCATENATE used to fail for generic sequences for result-type NULL.
(with-test (:name (concatenate :result-type-null :bug-1162301))
;;; As pointed out by Raymond Toy on #lisp IRC, MERGE had some issues
;;; with user-defined types until sbcl-
-(deftype list-typeoid () 'list)
-(assert (equal '(1 2 3 4) (merge 'list-typeoid (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<)))
+(with-test (:name :merge-user-types)
+ (deftype list-typeoid () 'list)
+ (assert (equal '(1 2 3 4) (merge 'list-typeoid (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<)))
;;; and also with types that weren't precicely LIST
-(assert (equal '(1 2 3 4) (merge 'cons (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<)))
+ (assert (equal '(1 2 3 4) (merge 'cons (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<))))
;;; but wait, there's more! The NULL and CONS types also have implicit
;;; length requirements:
-(macrolet ((assert-type-error (form)
- `(assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors ,form))
- 'type-error))))
- (locally
- (declare (optimize safety))
- (assert-type-error (make-sequence 'cons 0))
- (assert-type-error (make-sequence 'null 1))
- (assert-type-error (make-sequence '(cons t null) 0))
- (assert-type-error (make-sequence '(cons t null) 2))
- ;; KLUDGE: I'm not certain that this test actually tests for what
- ;; it should test, in that the type deriver and optimizers might
- ;; be too smart for the good of an exhaustive test system.
- ;; However, it makes me feel good. -- CSR, 2002-10-18
- (assert (null (make-sequence 'null 0)))
- (assert (= (length (make-sequence 'cons 3)) 3))
- (assert (= (length (make-sequence '(cons t null) 1)) 1))
- ;; and NIL is not a valid type for MAKE-SEQUENCE
- (assert-type-error (make-sequence 'nil 0))
- (assert-type-error (coerce #(1) 'null))
- (assert-type-error (coerce #() 'cons))
- (assert-type-error (coerce #() '(cons t null)))
- (assert-type-error (coerce #(1 2) '(cons t null)))
- (assert (null (coerce #() 'null)))
- (assert (= (length (coerce #(1) 'cons)) 1))
- (assert (= (length (coerce #(1) '(cons t null))) 1))
- (assert-type-error (coerce #() 'nil))
- ;; MERGE
- (assert-type-error (merge 'null (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<))
- (assert-type-error (merge 'cons () () '<))
- (assert (null (merge 'null () () '<)))
- (assert (= (length (merge 'cons (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<)) 4))
- (assert (= (length (merge '(cons t (cons t (cons t (cons t null))))
- (list 1 3) (list 2 4)
- '<))
- 4))
- (assert-type-error (merge 'nil () () '<))
- (assert-type-error (concatenate 'cons #() ()))
- (assert-type-error (concatenate '(cons t null) #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6)))
- (assert (= (length (concatenate 'cons #() '(1) "2 3")) 4))
- (assert (= (length (concatenate '(cons t cons) '(1) "34")) 3))
- (assert-type-error (concatenate 'nil '(3)))
- ;; FIXME: tests for MAP to come when some brave soul implements
- ;; the analogous type checking for MAP/%MAP.
- ))
+(with-test (:name :sequence-functions-list-types)
+ (macrolet ((assert-type-error (form)
+ `(assert (typep (nth-value 1 (ignore-errors ,form))
+ 'type-error))))
+ (locally
+ (declare (optimize safety))
+ (assert-type-error (make-sequence 'cons 0))
+ (assert-type-error (make-sequence 'null 1))
+ (assert-type-error (make-sequence '(cons t null) 0))
+ (assert-type-error (make-sequence '(cons t null) 2))
+ ;; KLUDGE: I'm not certain that this test actually tests for what
+ ;; it should test, in that the type deriver and optimizers might
+ ;; be too smart for the good of an exhaustive test system.
+ ;; However, it makes me feel good. -- CSR, 2002-10-18
+ (assert (null (make-sequence 'null 0)))
+ (assert (= (length (make-sequence 'cons 3)) 3))
+ (assert (= (length (make-sequence '(cons t null) 1)) 1))
+ ;; and NIL is not a valid type for MAKE-SEQUENCE
+ (assert-type-error (make-sequence 'nil 0))
+ (assert-type-error (coerce #(1) 'null))
+ (assert-type-error (coerce #() 'cons))
+ (assert-type-error (coerce #() '(cons t null)))
+ (assert-type-error (coerce #(1 2) '(cons t null)))
+ (assert (null (coerce #() 'null)))
+ (assert (= (length (coerce #(1) 'cons)) 1))
+ (assert (= (length (coerce #(1) '(cons t null))) 1))
+ (assert-type-error (coerce #() 'nil))
+ ;; MERGE
+ (assert-type-error (merge 'null (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<))
+ (assert-type-error (merge 'cons () () '<))
+ (assert (null (merge 'null () () '<)))
+ (assert (= (length (merge 'cons (list 1 3) (list 2 4) '<)) 4))
+ (assert (= (length (merge '(cons t (cons t (cons t (cons t null))))
+ (list 1 3) (list 2 4)
+ '<))
+ 4))
+ (assert-type-error (merge 'nil () () '<))
+ (assert-type-error (concatenate 'cons #() ()))
+ (assert-type-error (concatenate '(cons t null) #(1 2 3) #(4 5 6)))
+ (assert (= (length (concatenate 'cons #() '(1) "2 3")) 4))
+ (assert (= (length (concatenate '(cons t cons) '(1) "34")) 3))
+ (assert-type-error (concatenate 'nil '(3)))
+ ;; FIXME: tests for MAP to come when some brave soul implements
+ ;; the analogous type checking for MAP/%MAP.
+ )))
;;; ELT should signal an error of type TYPE-ERROR if its index
;;; argument isn't a valid sequence index for sequence: