(setf (edge-vertex e) scc)))))
(setf (graph-vertices graph)
(topological-sort (nconc (sccs) (trivial))))))
-;;;; AA Trees
-;;; An AA tree is a red-black tree with the extra condition that left
-;;; children may not be red. This condition simplifies the red-black
-;;; algorithm. It eliminates half of the restructuring cases, and
-;;; simplifies the delete algorithm.
-(defstruct (aa-node (:conc-name aa-))
- (left nil :type (or null aa-node))
- (right nil :type (or null aa-node))
- (level 0 :type integer)
- (data nil :type t))
-(defvar *null-node*
- (let ((node (make-aa-node)))
- (setf (aa-left node) node)
- (setf (aa-right node) node)
- node))
-(defstruct aa-tree
- (root *null-node* :type aa-node))
-(declaim (inline skew split rotate-with-left-child rotate-with-right-child))
-(defun rotate-with-left-child (k2)
- (let ((k1 (aa-left k2)))
- (setf (aa-left k2) (aa-right k1))
- (setf (aa-right k1) k2)
- k1))
-(defun rotate-with-right-child (k1)
- (let ((k2 (aa-right k1)))
- (setf (aa-right k1) (aa-left k2))
- (setf (aa-left k2) k1)
- k2))
-(defun skew (aa)
- (if (= (aa-level (aa-left aa)) (aa-level aa))
- (rotate-with-left-child aa)
- aa))
-(defun split (aa)
- (when (= (aa-level (aa-right (aa-right aa)))
- (aa-level aa))
- (setq aa (rotate-with-right-child aa))
- (incf (aa-level aa)))
- aa)
-(macrolet ((def (name () &body body)
- (let ((name (sb-int::symbolicate 'aa- name)))
- `(defun ,name (item tree &key
- (test-< #'<) (test-= #'=)
- (node-key #'identity) (item-key #'identity))
- (let ((.item-key. (funcall item-key item)))
- (flet ((item-< (node)
- (funcall test-< .item-key.
- (funcall node-key (aa-data node))))
- (item-= (node)
- (funcall test-= .item-key.
- (funcall node-key (aa-data node)))))
- (declare (inline item-< item-=))
- ,@body))))))
- (def insert ()
- (labels ((insert-into (aa)
- (cond ((eq aa *null-node*)
- (setq aa (make-aa-node :data item
- :left *null-node*
- :right *null-node*)))
- ((item-= aa)
- (return-from insert-into aa))
- ((item-< aa)
- (setf (aa-left aa) (insert-into (aa-left aa))))
- (t
- (setf (aa-right aa) (insert-into (aa-right aa)))))
- (split (skew aa))))
- (setf (aa-tree-root tree)
- (insert-into (aa-tree-root tree)))))
- (def delete ()
- (let ((deleted-node *null-node*)
- (last-node nil))
- (labels ((remove-from (aa)
- (unless (eq aa *null-node*)
- (setq last-node aa)
- (if (item-< aa)
- (setf (aa-left aa) (remove-from (aa-left aa)))
- (progn
- (setq deleted-node aa)
- (setf (aa-right aa) (remove-from (aa-right aa)))))
- (cond ((eq aa last-node)
- ;;
- ;; If at the bottom of the tree, and item
- ;; is present, delete it.
- (when (and (not (eq deleted-node *null-node*))
- (item-= deleted-node))
- (setf (aa-data deleted-node) (aa-data aa))
- (setq deleted-node *null-node*)
- (setq aa (aa-right aa))))
- ;;
- ;; Otherwise not at bottom of tree; rebalance.
- ((or (< (aa-level (aa-left aa))
- (1- (aa-level aa)))
- (< (aa-level (aa-right aa))
- (1- (aa-level aa))))
- (decf (aa-level aa))
- (when (> (aa-level (aa-right aa)) (aa-level aa))
- (setf (aa-level (aa-right aa)) (aa-level aa)))
- (setq aa (skew aa))
- (setf (aa-right aa) (skew (aa-right aa)))
- (setf (aa-right (aa-right aa))
- (skew (aa-right (aa-right aa))))
- (setq aa (split aa))
- (setf (aa-right aa) (split (aa-right aa))))))
- aa))
- (setf (aa-tree-root tree)
- (remove-from (aa-tree-root tree))))))
- (def find ()
- (let ((current (aa-tree-root tree)))
- (setf (aa-data *null-node*) item)
- (loop
- (cond ((eq current *null-node*)
- (return (values nil nil)))
- ((item-= current)
- (return (values (aa-data current) t)))
- ((item-< current)
- (setq current (aa-left current)))
- (t
- (setq current (aa-right current))))))))
-;;;; Other Utilities
-;;; Sort the subsequence of Vec in the interval [From To] using
-;;; comparison function Test. Assume each element to sort consists of
-;;; Element-Size array slots, and that the slot Key-Offset contains
-;;; the sort key.
-(defun qsort (vec &key (element-size 1) (key-offset 0)
- (from 0) (to (- (length vec) element-size)))
- (declare (type fixnum to from element-size key-offset))
- (declare (type (simple-array address) vec))
- (labels ((rotate (i j)
- (declare (fixnum i j))
- (loop repeat element-size
- for i from i and j from j do
- (rotatef (aref vec i) (aref vec j))))
- (key (i)
- (aref vec (+ i key-offset)))
- (rec-sort (from to)
- (declare (fixnum to from))
- (when (> to from)
- (let* ((mid (* element-size
- (round (+ (/ from element-size)
- (/ to element-size))
- 2)))
- (i from)
- (j (+ to element-size))
- (p (key mid)))
- (declare (fixnum mid i j))
- (rotate mid from)
- (loop
- (loop do (incf i element-size)
- until (or (> i to)
- ;; QSORT used to take a test
- ;; parameter which was funcalled
- ;; here. This caused some consing,
- ;; which is problematic since
- ;; QSORT is indirectly called in
- ;; an after-gc-hook. So just
- ;; hardcode >, which would've been
- ;; used for the test anyway.
- ;; --JES, 2004-07-09
- (> p (key i))))
- (loop do (decf j element-size)
- until (or (<= j from)
- ;; As above.
- (> (key j) p)))
- (when (< j i) (return))
- (rotate i j))
- (rotate from j)
- (rec-sort from (- j element-size))
- (rec-sort i to)))))
- (rec-sort from to)
- vec))
;;;; The Profiler
"Default number of samples taken.")
(declaim (type sb-impl::index *max-samples*))
-(defconstant +sample-size+
+;; For every profiler event we store this many samples (frames 0-n on
+;; the call stack).
+(defconstant +sample-depth+
#+(or x86 x86-64) 8
#-(or x86 x86-64) 2)
+;; We store two elements for each sample. The debug-info of the sample
+;; and either its absolute PC or a PC offset, depending on the type of
+;; the debug-info.
+(defconstant +sample-size+ (* +sample-depth+ 2))
(defvar *samples* nil)
-(declaim (type (or null (vector address)) *samples*))
+(declaim (type (or null simple-vector) *samples*))
(defvar *samples-index* 0)
(declaim (type sb-impl::index *samples-index*))
(defvar *sampling* nil)
(declaim (type boolean *profiling* *sampling*))
-(defvar *dynamic-space-code-info* ())
-(declaim (type list *dynamic-space-code-info*))
(defvar *show-progress* nil)
(defvar *old-sampling* nil)
`(let ((*sampling* ,on))
-(defun sort-samples (key-offset)
- "Sort *Samples* using comparison Test. Key must be one of
- :Pc or :Return-Pc for sorting by pc or return pc."
- (when (plusp *samples-index*)
- (qsort *samples*
- :from 0
- :to (- *samples-index* +sample-size+)
- :element-size +sample-size+
- :key-offset key-offset)))
+;;; Return something serving as debug info for address PC.
+(declaim (inline debug-info))
+(defun debug-info (pc)
+ (declare (type system-area-pointer pc))
+ (let ((ptr (sb-di::component-ptr-from-pc pc)))
+ (cond ((sap= ptr (int-sap 0))
+ (let ((name (sap-foreign-symbol pc)))
+ (if name
+ (values (format nil "foreign function ~a" name)
+ (sap-int pc))
+ (values nil (sap-int pc)))))
+ (t
+ (let* ((code (sb-di::component-from-component-ptr ptr))
+ (code-header-len (* (sb-kernel:get-header-data code)
+ sb-vm:n-word-bytes))
+ (pc-offset (- (sap-int pc)
+ (- (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address code)
+ sb-vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
+ code-header-len))
+ (df (sb-di::debug-fun-from-pc code pc-offset)))
+ (cond ((typep df 'sb-di::bogus-debug-fun)
+ (values code (sap-int pc)))
+ (df
+ ;; The code component might be moved by the GC. Store
+ ;; a PC offset, and reconstruct the data in
+ (values df pc-offset))
+ (t
+ (values nil 0))))))))
+(declaim (inline record))
(defun record (pc)
- (declare (type address pc))
- (setf (aref *samples* *samples-index*) pc)
- (incf *samples-index*))
+ (declare (type system-area-pointer pc))
+ (multiple-value-bind (info pc-or-offset)
+ (debug-info pc)
+ ;; For each sample, store the debug-info and the PC/offset into
+ ;; adjacent cells.
+ (setf (aref *samples* *samples-index*) info
+ (aref *samples* (1+ *samples-index*)) pc-or-offset))
+ (incf *samples-index* 2))
+;;; Ensure that only one thread at a time will be executing sigprof handler.
+(defvar *sigprof-handler-lock* (sb-thread:make-mutex :name "SIGPROF handler"))
;;; SIGPROF handler. Record current PC and return address in
;;; *SAMPLES*.
#+(or x86 x86-64)
(defun sigprof-handler (signal code scp)
- (declare (ignore signal code) (type system-area-pointer scp))
- (sb-sys:with-interrupts
+ (declare (ignore signal code)
+ (optimize speed (space 0))
+ (type system-area-pointer scp))
+ (sb-sys:without-interrupts
(when (and *sampling*
- (< *samples-index* (length *samples*)))
+ *samples*
+ (< *samples-index* (length (the simple-vector *samples*))))
- (locally (declare (optimize (inhibit-warnings 2)))
+ (sb-thread:with-mutex (*sigprof-handler-lock*)
(with-alien ((scp (* os-context-t) :local scp))
- ;; For some reason completely bogus small values for the
- ;; frame pointer are returned every now and then, leading
- ;; to segfaults. Try to avoid these cases.
- ;;
- ;; FIXME: Do a more thorough sanity check on ebp, or figure
- ;; out why this is happening.
- ;; -- JES, 2005-01-11
- (when (< (sb-vm::context-register scp #.sb-vm::ebp-offset)
- 4096)
- (dotimes (i +sample-size+)
- (record 0))
- (return-from sigprof-handler nil))
(let* ((pc-ptr (sb-vm:context-pc scp))
(fp (sb-vm::context-register scp #.sb-vm::ebp-offset)))
- (record (sap-int pc-ptr))
+ ;; For some reason completely bogus small values for the
+ ;; frame pointer are returned every now and then, leading
+ ;; to segfaults. Try to avoid these cases.
+ ;;
+ ;; FIXME: Do a more thorough sanity check on ebp, or figure
+ ;; out why this is happening.
+ ;; -- JES, 2005-01-11
+ (when (< fp 4096)
+ (dotimes (i +sample-depth+)
+ (record (int-sap 0)))
+ (return-from sigprof-handler nil))
(let ((fp (int-sap fp))
- ra)
- (dotimes (i (1- +sample-size+))
- (cond (fp
- (setf (values ra fp)
- (sb-di::x86-call-context fp :depth i))
- (record (if ra
- (sap-int ra)
- 0)))
- (t
- (record 0))))))))))))
+ (ok t))
+ (declare (type system-area-pointer fp pc-ptr))
+ (dotimes (i +sample-depth+)
+ (record pc-ptr)
+ (when ok
+ (setf (values ok pc-ptr fp)
+ (sb-di::x86-call-context fp)))))))))))
+ nil)
;; FIXME: On non-x86 platforms we don't yet walk the call stack deeper
;; than one level.
#-(or x86 x86-64)
(defun sigprof-handler (signal code scp)
(declare (ignore signal code))
- (sb-sys:with-interrupts
+ (sb-sys:without-interrupts
(when (and *sampling*
(< *samples-index* (length *samples*)))
(ra (sap-ref-word
(int-sap fp)
(* sb-vm::lra-save-offset sb-vm::n-word-bytes))))
- (record (sap-int pc-ptr))
- (record ra))))))))
-;;; Map function FN over code objects in dynamic-space. FN is called
-;;; with two arguments, the object and its size in bytes.
-(defun map-dynamic-space-code (fn)
- (flet ((call-if-code (obj obj-type size)
- (declare (ignore obj-type))
- (when (sb-kernel:code-component-p obj)
- (funcall fn obj size))))
- (sb-vm::map-allocated-objects #'call-if-code :dynamic)))
+ (record pc-ptr)
+ (record (int-sap ra)))))))))
;;; Return the start address of CODE.
(defun code-start (code)
(end (+ start (sb-kernel:%code-code-size code))))
(values start end)))
-(defun record-dyninfo ()
- (setf *dynamic-space-code-info* nil)
- (flet ((record-address (code size)
- (declare (ignore size))
- (multiple-value-bind (start end)
- (code-bounds code)
- (push (make-dyninfo code start end)
- *dynamic-space-code-info*))))
- (map-dynamic-space-code #'record-address)))
-(defun adjust-samples (offset)
- (sort-samples offset)
- (let ((sidx 0))
- (declare (type sb-impl::index sidx))
- (dolist (info *dynamic-space-code-info*)
- (unless (= (dyninfo-new-start info) (dyninfo-start info))
- (let ((pos (do ((i sidx (+ i +sample-size+)))
- ((= i *samples-index*) nil)
- (declare (type sb-impl::index i))
- (when (<= (dyninfo-start info)
- (aref *samples* (+ i offset))
- (dyninfo-end info))
- (return i)))))
- (when pos
- (setq sidx pos)
- (loop with delta = (- (dyninfo-new-start info)
- (dyninfo-start info))
- for j from sidx below *samples-index* by +sample-size+
- as pc = (aref *samples* (+ j offset))
- while (<= (dyninfo-start info) pc (dyninfo-end info)) do
- (incf (aref *samples* (+ j offset)) delta)
- (incf sidx +sample-size+))))))))
-;;; This runs from *AFTER-GC-HOOKS*. Adjust *SAMPLES* for address
-;;; changes of dynamic-space code objects.
-(defun adjust-samples-for-address-changes ()
- (sb-sys:without-gcing
- (turn-off-sampling)
- (setq *dynamic-space-code-info*
- (sort *dynamic-space-code-info* #'> :key #'dyninfo-start))
- (dolist (info *dynamic-space-code-info*)
- (setf (dyninfo-new-start info)
- (code-start (dyninfo-code info))))
- (progn
- (dotimes (i +sample-size+)
- (adjust-samples i)))
- (dolist (info *dynamic-space-code-info*)
- (let ((size (- (dyninfo-end info) (dyninfo-start info))))
- (setf (dyninfo-start info) (dyninfo-new-start info))
- (setf (dyninfo-end info) (+ (dyninfo-new-start info) size))))
- (turn-on-sampling)))
(defmacro with-profiling ((&key (sample-interval '*sample-interval*)
(max-samples '*max-samples*)
(reset nil)
`(let ((*sample-interval* ,sample-interval)
(*max-samples* ,max-samples))
,@(when reset '((reset)))
- (start-profiling)
- (loop
- (when (>= *samples-index* (length *samples*))
- (return))
- ,@(when show-progress
- `((format t "~&===> ~d of ~d samples taken.~%"
- (/ *samples-index* +sample-size+)
- *max-samples*)))
- (let ((.last-index. *samples-index*))
- ,@body
- (when (= .last-index. *samples-index*)
- (warn "No sampling progress; possibly a profiler bug.")
- (return))))
- (stop-profiling)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn
+ (start-profiling)
+ (loop
+ (when (>= *samples-index* (length *samples*))
+ (return))
+ ,@(when show-progress
+ `((format t "~&===> ~d of ~d samples taken.~%"
+ (/ *samples-index* +sample-size+)
+ *max-samples*)))
+ (let ((.last-index. *samples-index*))
+ ,@body
+ (when (= .last-index. *samples-index*)
+ (warn "No sampling progress; possibly a profiler bug.")
+ (return)))))
+ (stop-profiling))
,@(when report-p `((report :type ,report)))))
(defun start-profiling (&key (max-samples *max-samples*)
(multiple-value-bind (secs rest)
(truncate sample-interval)
(values secs (truncate (* rest 1000000))))
- (setq *samples* (make-array (* max-samples +sample-size+)
- :element-type 'address))
+ (setq *samples* (make-array (* max-samples +sample-size+)))
(setq *samples-index* 0)
(setq *sampling* sampling)
- ;; Disabled for now, since this was causing some problems with the
- ;; sampling getting turned off completely. --JES, 2004-06-19
- ;;
- ;; BEFORE-GC-HOOKS have exceedingly bad interactions with
- ;; threads. -- CSR, 2004-06-21
- ;;
- ;; (pushnew 'turn-off-sampling *before-gc-hooks*)
- (pushnew 'adjust-samples-for-address-changes *after-gc-hooks*)
- (record-dyninfo)
(sb-sys:enable-interrupt sb-unix:sigprof #'sigprof-handler)
(unix-setitimer :profile secs usecs secs usecs)
(setq *profiling* t)))
(defun stop-profiling ()
"Stop profiling if profiling."
(when *profiling*
- (setq *after-gc-hooks*
- (delete 'adjust-samples-for-address-changes *after-gc-hooks*))
(unix-setitimer :profile 0 0 0 0)
;; Even with the timer shut down we cannot be sure that there is
;; no undelivered sigprof. Besides, leaving the signal handler
"Reset the profiler."
(setq *sampling* nil)
- (setq *dynamic-space-code-info* ())
(setq *samples* nil)
(setq *samples-index* 0)
;;; Make a NODE for debug-info INFO.
(defun make-node (info)
- (typecase info
- (sb-kernel::code-component
- (multiple-value-bind (start end)
- (code-bounds info)
- (%make-node :name (or (sb-disassem::find-assembler-routine start)
- (format nil "~a" info))
- :start-pc start :end-pc end)))
- (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun
- (let* ((name (sb-di::debug-fun-name info))
- (cdf (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun info))
- (start-offset (sb-c::compiled-debug-fun-start-pc cdf))
- (end-offset (sb-c::compiled-debug-fun-elsewhere-pc cdf))
- (component (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun-component info))
- (start-pc (code-start component)))
- ;; Call graphs are mostly useless unless we somehow
- ;; distinguish a gazillion different (LAMBDA ())'s.
- (when (equal name '(lambda ()))
- (setf name (format nil "Unknown component: #x~x" start-pc)))
- (%make-node :name name
- :start-pc (+ start-pc start-offset)
- :end-pc (+ start-pc end-offset))))
- (sb-di::debug-fun
- (%make-node :name (sb-di::debug-fun-name info)))
- (t
- (%make-node :name (coerce info 'string)))))
-;;; Return something serving as debug info for address PC. If we can
-;;; get something from SB-DI:DEBUG-FUNCTION-FROM-PC, return that.
-;;; Otherwise, if we can determine a code component, return that.
-;;; Otherwise return nil.
-(defun debug-info (pc)
- (declare (type address pc))
- (let ((ptr (sb-di::component-ptr-from-pc (int-sap pc))))
- (cond ((sap= ptr (int-sap 0))
- (let ((name (sap-foreign-symbol (int-sap pc))))
- (when name
- (format nil "foreign function ~a" name))))
- (t
- (let* ((code (sb-di::component-from-component-ptr ptr))
- (code-header-len (* (sb-kernel:get-header-data code)
- sb-vm:n-word-bytes))
- (pc-offset (- pc
- (- (sb-kernel:get-lisp-obj-address code)
- sb-vm:other-pointer-lowtag)
- code-header-len))
- (df (ignore-errors (sb-di::debug-fun-from-pc code
- pc-offset))))
- (or df
- code))))))
+ (flet ((clean-name (name)
+ (if (and (consp name)
+ (member (first name)
+ '(sb-c::xep sb-c::tl-xep sb-c::&more-processor
+ sb-c::hairy-arg-processor
+ sb-c::&optional-processor)))
+ (second name)
+ name)))
+ (typecase info
+ (sb-kernel::code-component
+ (multiple-value-bind (start end)
+ (code-bounds info)
+ (%make-node :name (or (sb-disassem::find-assembler-routine start)
+ (format nil "~a" info))
+ :start-pc start :end-pc end)))
+ (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun
+ (let* ((name (sb-di::debug-fun-name info))
+ (cdf (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun-compiler-debug-fun info))
+ (start-offset (sb-c::compiled-debug-fun-start-pc cdf))
+ (end-offset (sb-c::compiled-debug-fun-elsewhere-pc cdf))
+ (component (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun-component info))
+ (start-pc (code-start component)))
+ ;; Call graphs are mostly useless unless we somehow
+ ;; distinguish a gazillion different (LAMBDA ())'s.
+ (when (equal name '(lambda ()))
+ (setf name (format nil "Unknown component: #x~x" start-pc)))
+ (%make-node :name (clean-name name)
+ :start-pc (+ start-pc start-offset)
+ :end-pc (+ start-pc end-offset))))
+ (sb-di::debug-fun
+ (%make-node :name (clean-name (sb-di::debug-fun-name info))))
+ (t
+ (%make-node :name (coerce info 'string))))))
;;; One function can have more than one COMPILED-DEBUG-FUNCTION with
;;; the same name. Reduce the number of calls to Debug-Info by first
;;; tree, get debug info, and look for a node in a hash-table by
;;; function name. If not found in the hash-table, make a new node.
-(defvar *node-tree*)
(defvar *name->node*)
(defmacro with-lookup-tables (() &body body)
- `(let ((*node-tree* (make-aa-tree))
- (*name->node* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+ `(let ((*name->node* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
-(defun tree-find (item)
- (flet ((pc/node-= (pc node)
- (<= (node-start-pc node) pc (node-end-pc node)))
- (pc/node-< (pc node)
- (< pc (node-start-pc node))))
- (aa-find item *node-tree* :test-= #'pc/node-= :test-< #'pc/node-<)))
-(defun tree-insert (item)
- (flet ((node/node-= (x y)
- (<= (node-start-pc y) (node-start-pc x) (node-end-pc y)))
- (node/node-< (x y)
- (< (node-start-pc x) (node-start-pc y))))
- (aa-insert item *node-tree* :test-= #'node/node-= :test-< #'node/node-<)))
;;; Find or make a new node for address PC. Value is the NODE found
;;; or made; NIL if not enough information exists to make a NODE for
;;; PC.
-(defun lookup-node (pc)
- (declare (type address pc))
- (or (tree-find pc)
- (let ((info (debug-info pc)))
- (when info
- (let* ((new (make-node info))
- (key (cons (node-name new)
- (node-start-pc new)))
- (found (gethash key *name->node*)))
- (cond (found
- (setf (node-start-pc found)
- (min (node-start-pc found) (node-start-pc new)))
- (setf (node-end-pc found)
- (max (node-end-pc found) (node-end-pc new)))
- found)
- (t
- (setf (gethash key *name->node*) new)
- (tree-insert new)
- new)))))))
+(defun lookup-node (info)
+ (when info
+ (let* ((new (make-node info))
+ (key (cons (node-name new)
+ (node-start-pc new)))
+ (found (gethash key *name->node*)))
+ (cond (found
+ (setf (node-start-pc found)
+ (min (node-start-pc found) (node-start-pc new)))
+ (setf (node-end-pc found)
+ (max (node-end-pc found) (node-end-pc new)))
+ found)
+ (t
+ (setf (gethash key *name->node*) new)
+ new)))))
;;; Return a list of all nodes created by LOOKUP-NODE.
(defun collect-nodes ()
(let ((elsewhere-count 0)
(with-lookup-tables ()
- (loop for i below (1- *samples-index*) ;; by +sample-size+
- as pc = (aref *samples* i)
- as return-pc = (aref *samples* (1+ i))
- as callee = (lookup-node pc)
- as caller =
- (when (and callee (/= return-pc +unknown-address+))
- (let ((caller (lookup-node return-pc)))
- (when caller
- caller)))
+ (loop for i below (- *samples-index* 2) by 2
+ for callee = (lookup-node (aref *samples* i))
+ for caller = (lookup-node (aref *samples* (+ i 2)))
(when (and *show-progress* (plusp i))
(cond ((zerop (mod i 1000))
Value of this function is a Call-Graph object representing the
resulting call-graph."
- (let ((graph (or call-graph (make-call-graph (1- +sample-size+)))))
+ (let ((graph (or call-graph (make-call-graph (1- +sample-depth+)))))
(ecase type
(print-flat graph :stream stream :max max :min-percent min-percent))
;;; Interface to DISASSEMBLE
+(defun sample-pc-from-pc-or-offset (sample pc-or-offset)
+ (etypecase sample
+ ;; Assembly routines or foreign functions don't move around, so we've
+ ;; stored a raw PC
+ ((or sb-kernel:code-component string)
+ pc-or-offset)
+ ;; Lisp functions might move, so we've stored a offset from the
+ ;; start of the code component.
+ (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun
+ (let* ((component (sb-di::compiled-debug-fun-component sample))
+ (start-pc (code-start component)))
+ (+ start-pc pc-or-offset)))))
(defun add-disassembly-profile-note (chunk stream dstate)
(declare (ignore chunk stream))
(unless (zerop *samples-index*)
(sb-disassem:dstate-segment dstate))
(sb-disassem::dstate-cur-offs dstate)))
(samples (loop for x from 0 below *samples-index* by +sample-size+
- summing (if (= (aref *samples* x) location)
- 1
- 0))))
+ for sample = (aref *samples* x)
+ for pc-or-offset = (aref *samples* (1+ x))
+ count (= location
+ (sample-pc-from-pc-or-offset sample
+ pc-or-offset)))))
(unless (zerop samples)
(sb-disassem::note (format nil "~A/~A samples"
samples (/ *samples-index* +sample-size+))
(sap> control-stack-end x)
(zerop (logand (sap-int x) #b11)))))
+(declaim (inline component-ptr-from-pc))
(sb!alien:define-alien-routine component-ptr-from-pc (system-area-pointer)
(pc system-area-pointer))
+(declaim (inline component-from-component-ptr))
(defun component-from-component-ptr (component-ptr)
(declare (type system-area-pointer component-ptr))
(make-lisp-obj (logior (sap-int component-ptr)
;;; XXX Should handle interrupted frames, both Lisp and C. At present
;;; it manages to find a fp trail, see linux hack below.
-(defun x86-call-context (fp &key (depth 0))
- (declare (type system-area-pointer fp)
- (fixnum depth))
-;; (format t "*CC ~S ~S~%" fp depth)
- (cond
- ((not (control-stack-pointer-valid-p fp))
- #+nil (format t "debug invalid fp ~S~%" fp)
- nil)
- (t
- ;; Check the two possible frame pointers.
- (let ((lisp-ocfp (sap-ref-sap fp (- (* (1+ ocfp-save-offset)
- sb!vm::n-word-bytes))))
- (lisp-ra (sap-ref-sap fp (- (* (1+ return-pc-save-offset)
- sb!vm::n-word-bytes))))
- (c-ocfp (sap-ref-sap fp (* 0 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))
- (c-ra (sap-ref-sap fp (* 1 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))
- #+nil (format t " lisp-ocfp=~S~% lisp-ra=~S~% c-ocfp=~S~% c-ra=~S~%"
- lisp-ocfp lisp-ra c-ocfp c-ra)
- (cond ((and (sap> lisp-ocfp fp) (control-stack-pointer-valid-p lisp-ocfp)
- (ra-pointer-valid-p lisp-ra)
- (sap> c-ocfp fp) (control-stack-pointer-valid-p c-ocfp)
- (ra-pointer-valid-p c-ra))
- #+nil (format t
- "*C Both valid ~S ~S ~S ~S~%"
- lisp-ocfp lisp-ra c-ocfp c-ra)
- ;; Look forward another step to check their validity.
- (let ((lisp-path-fp (x86-call-context lisp-ocfp
- :depth (1+ depth)))
- (c-path-fp (x86-call-context c-ocfp :depth (1+ depth))))
- (cond ((and lisp-path-fp c-path-fp)
- ;; Both still seem valid - choose the lisp frame.
- #+nil (when (zerop depth)
- (format t
- "debug: both still valid ~S ~S ~S ~S~%"
- lisp-ocfp lisp-ra c-ocfp c-ra))
- #!+freebsd
- (if (sap> lisp-ocfp c-ocfp)
- (values lisp-ra lisp-ocfp)
- (values c-ra c-ocfp))
- #!-freebsd
- (values lisp-ra lisp-ocfp))
- (lisp-path-fp
- ;; The lisp convention is looking good.
- #+nil (format t "*C lisp-ocfp ~S ~S~%" lisp-ocfp lisp-ra)
- (values lisp-ra lisp-ocfp))
- (c-path-fp
- ;; The C convention is looking good.
- #+nil (format t "*C c-ocfp ~S ~S~%" c-ocfp c-ra)
- (values c-ra c-ocfp))
- (t
- ;; Neither seems right?
- #+nil (format t "debug: no valid2 fp found ~S ~S~%"
- lisp-ocfp c-ocfp)
- nil))))
- ((and (sap> lisp-ocfp fp) (control-stack-pointer-valid-p lisp-ocfp)
- (ra-pointer-valid-p lisp-ra))
- ;; The lisp convention is looking good.
- #+nil (format t "*C lisp-ocfp ~S ~S~%" lisp-ocfp lisp-ra)
- (values lisp-ra lisp-ocfp))
- ((and (sap> c-ocfp fp) (control-stack-pointer-valid-p c-ocfp)
- #!-linux (ra-pointer-valid-p c-ra))
- ;; The C convention is looking good.
- #+nil (format t "*C c-ocfp ~S ~S~%" c-ocfp c-ra)
- (values c-ra c-ocfp))
- (t
- #+nil (format t "debug: no valid fp found ~S ~S~%"
- lisp-ocfp c-ocfp)
- nil))))))
+(declaim (maybe-inline x86-call-context))
+(defun x86-call-context (fp)
+ (declare (type system-area-pointer fp))
+ (labels ((fail ()
+ (values nil
+ (int-sap 0)
+ (int-sap 0)))
+ (handle (fp)
+ (cond
+ ((not (control-stack-pointer-valid-p fp))
+ (fail))
+ (t
+ ;; Check the two possible frame pointers.
+ (let ((lisp-ocfp (sap-ref-sap fp (- (* (1+ ocfp-save-offset)
+ sb!vm::n-word-bytes))))
+ (lisp-ra (sap-ref-sap fp (- (* (1+ return-pc-save-offset)
+ sb!vm::n-word-bytes))))
+ (c-ocfp (sap-ref-sap fp (* 0 sb!vm:n-word-bytes)))
+ (c-ra (sap-ref-sap fp (* 1 sb!vm:n-word-bytes))))
+ (cond ((and (sap> lisp-ocfp fp)
+ (control-stack-pointer-valid-p lisp-ocfp)
+ (ra-pointer-valid-p lisp-ra)
+ (sap> c-ocfp fp)
+ (control-stack-pointer-valid-p c-ocfp)
+ (ra-pointer-valid-p c-ra))
+ ;; Look forward another step to check their validity.
+ (let ((lisp-ok (handle lisp-ocfp))
+ (c-ok (handle c-ocfp)))
+ (cond ((and lisp-ok c-ok)
+ ;; Both still seem valid - choose the lisp frame.
+ #!+freebsd
+ (if (sap> lisp-ocfp c-ocfp)
+ (values t lisp-ra lisp-ocfp)
+ (values t c-ra c-ocfp))
+ #!-freebsd
+ (values t lisp-ra lisp-ocfp))
+ (lisp-ok
+ ;; The lisp convention is looking good.
+ (values t lisp-ra lisp-ocfp))
+ (c-ok
+ ;; The C convention is looking good.
+ (values t c-ra c-ocfp))
+ (t
+ ;; Neither seems right?
+ (fail)))))
+ ((and (sap> lisp-ocfp fp)
+ (control-stack-pointer-valid-p lisp-ocfp)
+ (ra-pointer-valid-p lisp-ra))
+ ;; The lisp convention is looking good.
+ (values t lisp-ra lisp-ocfp))
+ ((and (sap> c-ocfp fp)
+ (control-stack-pointer-valid-p c-ocfp)
+ #!-linux (ra-pointer-valid-p c-ra))
+ ;; The C convention is looking good.
+ (values t c-ra c-ocfp))
+ (t
+ (fail))))))))
+ (handle fp)))
) ; #+x86 PROGN
(let ((fp (frame-pointer frame)))
(when (control-stack-pointer-valid-p fp)
#!+(or x86 x86-64)
- (multiple-value-bind (ra ofp) (x86-call-context fp)
- (and ra (compute-calling-frame ofp ra frame)))
+ (multiple-value-bind (ok ra ofp) (x86-call-context fp)
+ (and ok
+ (compute-calling-frame ofp ra frame)))
#!-(or x86 x86-64)