(:use #:cl #:sb-c)
(:export #:report
#:reset-coverage #:clear-coverage
+ #:restore-coverage #:restore-coverage-from-file
+ #:save-coverage #:save-coverage-in-file
(in-package #:sb-cover)
"Reset all coverage data back to the `Not executed` state."
+(defun save-coverage ()
+ "Returns an opaque representation of the current code coverage state.
+The only operation that may be done on the state is passing it to
+RESTORE-COVERAGE. The representation is guaranteed to be readably printable.
+A representation that has been printed and read back will work identically
+ (loop for file being the hash-keys of sb-c::*code-coverage-info*
+ using (hash-value states)
+ collect (cons file states)))
+(defun restore-coverage (coverage-state)
+ "Restore the code coverage data back to an earlier state produced by
+ (loop for (file . states) in coverage-state
+ do (let ((image-states (gethash file sb-c::*code-coverage-info*))
+ (table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+ (when image-states
+ (loop for cons in image-states
+ do (setf (gethash (car cons) table) cons))
+ (loop for (key . value) in states
+ do (let ((state (gethash key table)))
+ (when state
+ (setf (cdr state) value))))))))
+(defun save-coverage-in-file (pathname)
+ "Call SAVE-COVERAGE and write the results of that operation into the
+file designated by PATHNAME."
+ (with-open-file (stream pathname
+ :direction :output
+ :if-exists :supersede
+ :if-does-not-exist :create)
+ (with-standard-io-syntax
+ (let ((*package* (find-package :sb-cover)))
+ (write (save-coverage) :stream stream)))
+ (values)))
+(defun restore-coverage-from-file (pathname)
+ "READ the contents of the file designated by PATHNAME and pass the
+ (with-open-file (stream pathname :direction :input)
+ (with-standard-io-syntax
+ (let ((*package* (find-package :sb-cover)))
+ (restore-coverage (read stream))))
+ (values)))
(defun report (directory &key (external-format :default))
"Print a code coverage report of all instrumented files into DIRECTORY.
If DIRECTORY does not exist, it will be created. The main report will be