(values array index)))
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :execute)
- (sb!xc:defmacro pick-vector-type (type &rest specs)
- `(cond ,@(mapcar (lambda (spec)
- `(,(if (eq (car spec) t)
- t
- `(subtypep ,type ',(car spec)))
- ,@(cdr spec)))
- specs))))
(defun %integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits (signed high)
(let ((unsigned-table
#.(let ((map (make-array (1+ sb!vm:n-word-bits))))
(let ((x (aref unsigned-table high)))
(values (car x) (cdr x)))))))
-;;; These functions are used in the implementation of MAKE-ARRAY for
-;;; complex arrays. There are lots of transforms to simplify
-;;; MAKE-ARRAY for various easy cases, but not for all reasonable
-;;; cases, so e.g. as of sbcl-0.6.6 we still make full calls to
-;;; MAKE-ARRAY for any non-simple array.
+;;; This is a bit complicated, but calling subtypep over all
+;;; specialized types is exceedingly slow
(defun %vector-widetag-and-n-bits (type)
- (flet ((ill-type ()
- (error "Invalid type specifier: ~s" type)))
- (macrolet ((with-parameters ((arg-type &key (min-length 0))
- (&rest args) &body body)
- (let ((type-sym (gensym)))
- `(let (,@(loop for arg in args
- collect `(,arg '*)))
- (declare (ignorable ,@args))
- (when ,(if (plusp min-length)
- t
- '(consp type))
- (let ((,type-sym (cdr type)))
- (unless (proper-list-of-length-p ,type-sym ,min-length ,(length args))
- (ill-type))
- (block nil
- ,@(loop for arg in args
- for i from 0
- collect
- `(if ,type-sym
- (let ((value (pop ,type-sym)))
- (if (or ,(if (>= i min-length)
- `(eq value '*))
- (typep value ',arg-type))
- (setf ,arg value)
- (ill-type)))
- (return))))))
- ,@body)))
- (result (widetag)
- (let ((value (symbol-value widetag)))
- `(values ,value
- ,(sb!vm:saetp-n-bits
- (find value
- sb!vm:*specialized-array-element-type-properties*
- :key #'sb!vm:saetp-typecode))))))
+ (macrolet ((with-parameters ((arg-type &key intervals)
+ (&rest args) &body body)
+ (let ((type-sym (gensym)))
+ `(let (,@(loop for arg in args
+ collect `(,arg '*)))
+ (declare (ignorable ,@args))
+ (when (consp type)
+ (let ((,type-sym (cdr type)))
+ (block nil
+ ,@(loop for arg in args
+ collect
+ `(cond ((consp ,type-sym)
+ (let ((value (pop ,type-sym)))
+ (if (or (eq value '*)
+ (typep value ',arg-type)
+ ,(if intervals
+ `(and (consp value)
+ (null (cdr value))
+ (typep (car value)
+ ',arg-type))))
+ (setf ,arg value)
+ (ill-type))))
+ ((null ,type-sym)
+ (return))
+ (t
+ (ill-type)))))
+ (when ,type-sym
+ (ill-type))))
+ ,@body)))
+ (result (widetag)
+ (let ((value (symbol-value widetag)))
+ `(values ,value
+ ,(sb!vm:saetp-n-bits
+ (find value
+ sb!vm:*specialized-array-element-type-properties*
+ :key #'sb!vm:saetp-typecode))))))
+ (flet ((ill-type ()
+ (error "Invalid type specifier: ~s" type))
+ (integer-interval-widetag (low high)
+ (if (minusp low)
+ (%integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits
+ t
+ (1+ (max (integer-length low) (integer-length high))))
+ (%integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits
+ nil
+ (max (integer-length low) (integer-length high))))))
(let* ((consp (consp type))
(type-name (if consp
(car type)
(result sb!vm:simple-base-string-widetag))
- (character
+ ((character extended-char)
(when consp
(result sb!vm:simple-character-string-widetag))
(result sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag)
(%integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits t high))))
- (with-parameters (double-float) (low high)
+ (with-parameters (double-float :intervals t) (low high)
(if (and (not (eq low '*))
(not (eq high '*))
- (> low high))
+ (if (or (consp low) (consp high))
+ (>= (type-bound-number low) (type-bound-number high))
+ (> low high)))
(result sb!vm:simple-array-nil-widetag)
(result sb!vm:simple-array-double-float-widetag))))
- (with-parameters (single-float) (low high)
+ (with-parameters (single-float :intervals t) (low high)
(if (and (not (eq low '*))
(not (eq high '*))
- (> low high))
+ (if (or (consp low) (consp high))
+ (>= (type-bound-number low) (type-bound-number high))
+ (> low high)))
(result sb!vm:simple-array-nil-widetag)
(result sb!vm:simple-array-single-float-widetag))))
- (with-parameters ((integer 1) :min-length 1) (n)
- (%integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits nil (integer-length (1- n)))))
+ (if (and (consp type)
+ (consp (cdr type))
+ (null (cddr type))
+ (typep (cadr type) '(integer 1)))
+ (%integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits
+ nil (integer-length (1- (cadr type))))
+ (ill-type)))
- (with-parameters (long-float) (low high)
+ (with-parameters (long-float :intervals t) (low high)
(if (and (not (eq low '*))
(not (eq high '*))
- (> low high))
+ (if (or (consp low) (consp high))
+ (>= (type-bound-number low) (type-bound-number high))
+ (> low high)))
(result sb!vm:simple-array-nil-widetag)
(result sb!vm:simple-array-long-float-widetag))))
- (with-parameters (integer) (low high)
- (cond ((or (eq high '*)
- (eq low '*))
- (result sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag))
- ((> low high)
- (result sb!vm:simple-array-nil-widetag))
- (t
- (if (minusp low)
- (%integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits
- t
- (1+ (max (integer-length low) (integer-length high))))
- (%integer-vector-widetag-and-n-bits
- nil
- (max (integer-length low) (integer-length high))))))))
+ (with-parameters (integer :intervals t) (low high)
+ (let ((low (if (consp low)
+ (1+ (car low))
+ low))
+ (high (if (consp high)
+ (1- (car high))
+ high)))
+ (cond ((or (eq high '*)
+ (eq low '*))
+ (result sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag))
+ ((> low high)
+ (result sb!vm:simple-array-nil-widetag))
+ (t
+ (integer-interval-widetag low high))))))
(with-parameters (t) (subtype)
- (if (eq type '*)
+ (if (eq subtype '*)
(result sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag)
(let ((ctype (specifier-type type)))
- (if (eq ctype *empty-type*)
- (result sb!vm:simple-array-nil-widetag)
- (case (numeric-type-format ctype)
- (double-float
- (result
- sb!vm:simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag))
- (single-float
- (result
- sb!vm:simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag))
- #!+long-float
- (long-float
- (result
- sb!vm:simple-array-complex-long-float-widetag))
+ (cond ((eq ctype *empty-type*)
+ (result sb!vm:simple-array-nil-widetag))
+ ((union-type-p ctype)
+ (cond ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type '(complex double-float)))
+ (result
+ sb!vm:simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag))
+ ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type '(complex single-float)))
+ (result
+ sb!vm:simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag))
+ #!+long-float
+ ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type '(complex long-float)))
+ (result
+ sb!vm:simple-array-complex-long-float-widetag))
+ (t
+ (result sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag))))
- (result sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag))))))))
+ (case (numeric-type-format ctype)
+ (double-float
+ (result
+ sb!vm:simple-array-complex-double-float-widetag))
+ (single-float
+ (result
+ sb!vm:simple-array-complex-single-float-widetag))
+ #!+long-float
+ (long-float
+ (result
+ sb!vm:simple-array-complex-long-float-widetag))
+ (t
+ (result sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag)))))))))
(result sb!vm:simple-array-nil-widetag))
(block nil
- (let ((expansion
- (type-specifier
- (handler-case (specifier-type type)
- (parse-unknown-type ()
- (return (result sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag)))))))
- (if (equal expansion type)
- (result sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag)
- (%vector-widetag-and-n-bits expansion))))))))))
+ (let ((ctype
+ (handler-case (specifier-type type)
+ (parse-unknown-type ()
+ (return (result sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag))))))
+ (if (union-type-p ctype)
+ (let ((types (union-type-types ctype)))
+ (cond ((not (every #'numeric-type-p types))
+ (result sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag))
+ ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type 'integer))
+ (integer-interval-widetag
+ (reduce #'min types :key #'numeric-type-low)
+ (reduce #'max types :key #'numeric-type-high)))
+ ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type 'double-float))
+ (result sb!vm:simple-array-double-float-widetag))
+ ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type 'single-float))
+ (result sb!vm:simple-array-single-float-widetag))
+ #!+long-float
+ ((csubtypep ctype (specifier-type 'long-float))
+ (result sb!vm:simple-array-long-float-widetag))
+ (t
+ (result sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag))))
+ (let ((expansion (type-specifier ctype)))
+ (if (equal expansion type)
+ (result sb!vm:simple-vector-widetag)
+ (%vector-widetag-and-n-bits expansion))))))))))))
(defun %complex-vector-widetag (widetag)
(macrolet ((make-case ()