(def-ir1-translator progn ((&rest forms) start next result)
- "Progn Form*
- Evaluates each Form in order, returning the values of the last form. With no
- forms, returns NIL."
+ "PROGN form*
+Evaluates each FORM in order, returning the values of the last form. With no
+forms, returns NIL."
(ir1-convert-progn-body start next result forms))
(def-ir1-translator if ((test then &optional else) start next result)
- "If Predicate Then [Else]
- If Predicate evaluates to non-null, evaluate Then and returns its values,
- otherwise evaluate Else and return its values. Else defaults to NIL."
+ "IF predicate then [else]
+If PREDICATE evaluates to false, evaluate THEN and return its values,
+otherwise evaluate ELSE and return its values. ELSE defaults to NIL."
(let* ((pred-ctran (make-ctran))
(pred-lvar (make-lvar))
(then-ctran (make-ctran))
;;; environment.
(def-ir1-translator block ((name &rest forms) start next result)
- "Block Name Form*
- Evaluate the Forms as a PROGN. Within the lexical scope of the body,
- (RETURN-FROM Name Value-Form) can be used to exit the form, returning the
- result of Value-Form."
+ "BLOCK name form*
+Evaluate the FORMS as a PROGN. Within the lexical scope of the body,
+RETURN-FROM can be used to exit the form."
(unless (symbolp name)
(compiler-error "The block name ~S is not a symbol." name))
(start-block start)
(def-ir1-translator return-from ((name &optional value) start next result)
- "Return-From Block-Name Value-Form
- Evaluate the Value-Form, returning its values from the lexically enclosing
- BLOCK Block-Name. This is constrained to be used only within the dynamic
- extent of the BLOCK."
+ "RETURN-FROM block-name value-form
+Evaluate the VALUE-FORM, returning its values from the lexically enclosing
+block BLOCK-NAME. This is constrained to be used only within the dynamic
+extent of the block."
;; old comment:
;; We make NEXT start a block just so that it will have a block
;; assigned. People assume that when they pass a ctran into
;;; values.
(def-ir1-translator tagbody ((&rest statements) start next result)
- "Tagbody {Tag | Statement}*
- Define tags for used with GO. The Statements are evaluated in order
- (skipping Tags) and NIL is returned. If a statement contains a GO to a
- defined Tag within the lexical scope of the form, then control is transferred
- to the next statement following that tag. A Tag must an integer or a
- symbol. A statement must be a list. Other objects are illegal within the
- body."
+ "TAGBODY {tag | statement}*
+Define tags for use with GO. The STATEMENTS are evaluated in order ,skipping
+TAGS, and NIL is returned. If a statement contains a GO to a defined TAG
+within the lexical scope of the form, then control is transferred to the next
+statement following that tag. A TAG must an integer or a symbol. A STATEMENT
+must be a list. Other objects are illegal within the body."
(start-block start)
(ctran-starts-block next)
(let* ((dummy (make-ctran))
;;; Emit an EXIT node without any value.
(def-ir1-translator go ((tag) start next result)
- "Go Tag
- Transfer control to the named Tag in the lexically enclosing TAGBODY. This
- is constrained to be used only within the dynamic extent of the TAGBODY."
+ "GO tag
+Transfer control to the named TAG in the lexically enclosing TAGBODY. This is
+constrained to be used only within the dynamic extent of the TAGBODY."
(ctran-starts-block next)
(let* ((found (or (lexenv-find tag tags :test #'eql)
(compiler-error "attempt to GO to nonexistent tag: ~S"
;;; form; otherwise, the forms in the body are ignored.
(def-ir1-translator eval-when ((situations &rest forms) start next result)
- "EVAL-WHEN (Situation*) Form*
- Evaluate the Forms in the specified Situations (any of :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL,
- :LOAD-TOPLEVEL, or :EXECUTE, or (deprecated) COMPILE, LOAD, or EVAL)."
+ "EVAL-WHEN (situation*) form*
+Evaluate the FORMS in the specified SITUATIONS (any of :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL,
+:LOAD-TOPLEVEL, or :EXECUTE, or (deprecated) COMPILE, LOAD, or EVAL)."
(multiple-value-bind (ct lt e) (parse-eval-when-situations situations)
(declare (ignore ct lt))
(ir1-convert-progn-body start next result (and e forms)))
(def-ir1-translator macrolet ((definitions &rest body) start next result)
- "MACROLET ({(Name Lambda-List Form*)}*) Body-Form*
- Evaluate the Body-Forms in an environment with the specified local macros
- defined. Name is the local macro name, Lambda-List is the DEFMACRO style
- destructuring lambda list, and the Forms evaluate to the expansion.."
+ "MACROLET ({(name lambda-list form*)}*) body-form*
+Evaluate the BODY-FORMS in an environment with the specified local macros
+defined. Name is the local macro name, LAMBDA-LIST is a DEFMACRO style
+destructuring lambda list, and the FORMS evaluate to the expansion."
(lambda (&key funs)
(def-ir1-translator symbol-macrolet
((macrobindings &body body) start next result)
- "SYMBOL-MACROLET ({(Name Expansion)}*) Decl* Form*
- Define the Names as symbol macros with the given Expansions. Within the
- body, references to a Name will effectively be replaced with the Expansion."
+ "SYMBOL-MACROLET ({(name expansion)}*) decl* form*
+Define the NAMES as symbol macros with the given EXPANSIONS. Within the
+body, references to a NAME will effectively be replaced with the EXPANSION."
(lambda (&key vars)
(def-ir1-translator quote ((thing) start next result)
- "QUOTE Value
- Return Value without evaluating it."
+ "QUOTE value
+Return VALUE without evaluating it."
(reference-constant start next result thing))
(def-ir1-translator function ((thing) start next result)
- Return the lexically apparent definition of the function Name. Name may also
- be a lambda expression."
+ "FUNCTION name
+Return the lexically apparent definition of the function NAME. NAME may also
+be a lambda expression."
(with-fun-name-leaf (leaf thing start)
(reference-leaf start next result leaf)))
(def-ir1-translator let ((bindings &body body) start next result)
- "LET ({(Var [Value]) | Var}*) Declaration* Form*
- During evaluation of the Forms, bind the Vars to the result of evaluating the
- Value forms. The variables are bound in parallel after all of the Values are
- evaluated."
+ "LET ({(var [value]) | var}*) declaration* form*
+During evaluation of the FORMS, bind the VARS to the result of evaluating the
+VALUE forms. The variables are bound in parallel after all of the VALUES forms
+have been evaluated."
(cond ((null bindings)
(ir1-translate-locally body start next result))
((listp bindings)
(def-ir1-translator let* ((bindings &body body)
start next result)
- "LET* ({(Var [Value]) | Var}*) Declaration* Form*
- Similar to LET, but the variables are bound sequentially, allowing each Value
- form to reference any of the previous Vars."
+ "LET* ({(var [value]) | var}*) declaration* form*
+Similar to LET, but the variables are bound sequentially, allowing each VALUE
+form to reference any of the previous VARS."
(if (listp bindings)
(multiple-value-bind (forms decls)
(parse-body body :doc-string-allowed nil)
(def-ir1-translator locally ((&body body) start next result)
- "LOCALLY Declaration* Form*
- Sequentially evaluate the Forms in a lexical environment where the
- the Declarations have effect. If LOCALLY is a top level form, then
- the Forms are also processed as top level forms."
+ "LOCALLY declaration* form*
+Sequentially evaluate the FORMS in a lexical environment where the the
+DECLARATIONS have effect. If LOCALLY is a top level form, then the FORMS are
+also processed as top level forms."
(ir1-translate-locally body start next result))
;;;; FLET and LABELS
(def-ir1-translator flet ((definitions &body body)
start next result)
- "FLET ({(Name Lambda-List Declaration* Form*)}*) Declaration* Body-Form*
- Evaluate the Body-Forms with some local function definitions. The bindings
- do not enclose the definitions; any use of Name in the Forms will refer to
- the lexically apparent function definition in the enclosing environment."
+ "FLET ({(name lambda-list declaration* form*)}*) declaration* body-form*
+Evaluate the BODY-FORMS with local function definitions. The bindings do
+not enclose the definitions; any use of NAME in the FORMS will refer to the
+lexically apparent function definition in the enclosing environment."
(multiple-value-bind (forms decls)
(parse-body body :doc-string-allowed nil)
(multiple-value-bind (names defs)
(def-ir1-translator labels ((definitions &body body) start next result)
- "LABELS ({(Name Lambda-List Declaration* Form*)}*) Declaration* Body-Form*
- Evaluate the Body-Forms with some local function definitions. The bindings
- enclose the new definitions, so the defined functions can call themselves or
- each other."
+ "LABELS ({(name lambda-list declaration* form*)}*) declaration* body-form*
+Evaluate the BODY-FORMS with local function definitions. The bindings enclose
+the new definitions, so the defined functions can call themselves or each
(multiple-value-bind (forms decls) (parse-body body :doc-string-allowed nil)
(multiple-value-bind (names defs)
(extract-flet-vars definitions 'labels)
;;; properties other than receiving multiple-values.
(def-ir1-translator throw ((tag result) start next result-lvar)
- "Throw Tag Form
- Do a non-local exit, return the values of Form from the CATCH whose tag
- evaluates to the same thing as Tag."
+ "THROW tag form
+Do a non-local exit, return the values of FORM from the CATCH whose tag is EQ
+to TAG."
(ir1-convert start next result-lvar
`(multiple-value-call #'%throw ,tag ,result)))
(def-ir1-translator catch ((tag &body body) start next result)
- "Catch Tag Form*
- Evaluate TAG and instantiate it as a catcher while the body forms are
- evaluated in an implicit PROGN. If a THROW is done to TAG within the dynamic
- scope of the body, then control will be transferred to the end of the body
- and the thrown values will be returned."
+ "CATCH tag form*
+Evaluate TAG and instantiate it as a catcher while the body forms are
+evaluated in an implicit PROGN. If a THROW is done to TAG within the dynamic
+scope of the body, then control will be transferred to the end of the body and
+the thrown values will be returned."
;; We represent the possibility of the control transfer by making an
;; "escape function" that does a lexical exit, and instantiate the
;; cleanup using %WITHIN-CLEANUP.
(def-ir1-translator unwind-protect
((protected &body cleanup) start next result)
- "Unwind-Protect Protected Cleanup*
- Evaluate the form PROTECTED, returning its values. The CLEANUP forms are
- evaluated whenever the dynamic scope of the PROTECTED form is exited (either
- due to normal completion or a non-local exit such as THROW)."
+ "UNWIND-PROTECT protected cleanup*
+Evaluate the form PROTECTED, returning its values. The CLEANUP forms are
+evaluated whenever the dynamic scope of the PROTECTED form is exited (either
+due to normal completion or a non-local exit such as THROW)."
;; UNWIND-PROTECT is similar to CATCH, but hairier. We make the
;; cleanup forms into a local function so that they can be referenced
;; both in the case where we are unwound and in any local exits. We
(def-ir1-translator multiple-value-call ((fun &rest args) start next result)
- "MULTIPLE-VALUE-CALL Function Values-Form*
- Call FUNCTION, passing all the values of each VALUES-FORM as arguments,
- values from the first VALUES-FORM making up the first argument, etc."
+ "MULTIPLE-VALUE-CALL function values-form*
+Call FUNCTION, passing all the values of each VALUES-FORM as arguments,
+values from the first VALUES-FORM making up the first argument, etc."
(let* ((ctran (make-ctran))
(fun-lvar (make-lvar))
(node (if args
(def-ir1-translator multiple-value-prog1
((values-form &rest forms) start next result)
- "MULTIPLE-VALUE-PROG1 Values-Form Form*
- Evaluate Values-Form and then the Forms, but return all the values of
- Values-Form."
+ "MULTIPLE-VALUE-PROG1 values-form form*
+Evaluate VALUES-FORM and then the FORMS, but return all the values of
(let ((dummy (make-ctran)))
(ctran-starts-block dummy)
(ir1-convert start dummy result values-form)