;; (mod index (length vector))
;; using a bitmask.
(vector #() :type simple-vector)
- ;; The bitmask used to calculate (mod index (length vector))l
+ ;; The bitmask used to calculate (mod (* line-size line-hash) (length vector))).
(mask 0 :type fixnum)
;; Current probe-depth needed in the cache.
(depth 0 :type index)
;; Maximum allowed probe-depth before the cache needs to expand.
(limit 0 :type index))
+(defun compute-cache-mask (vector-length line-size)
+ ;; Since both vector-length and line-size are powers of two, we
+ ;; can compute a bitmask such that
+ ;;
+ ;; (logand <mask> <combined-layout-hash>)
+ ;;
+ ;; is "morally equal" to
+ ;;
+ ;; (mod (* <line-size> <combined-layout-hash>) <vector-length>)
+ ;;
+ ;; This is it: (1- vector-length) is #b111... of the approriate size
+ ;; to get the MOD, and (- line-size) gives right the number of zero
+ ;; bits at the low end.
+ (logand (1- vector-length) (- line-size)))
;;; The smallest power of two that is equal to or greater then X.
(declaim (inline power-of-two-ceiling))
(defun power-of-two-ceiling (x)
;;; policy into account here (speed vs. space.)
(declaim (inline compute-limit))
(defun compute-limit (size)
- (ceiling (sqrt size) 2))
+ (ceiling (sqrt (sqrt size))))
;;; Returns VALUE if it is not ..EMPTY.., otherwise executes ELSE:
(defmacro non-empty-or (value else)
(defun compute-cache-index (cache layouts)
(let ((index (hash-layout-or (car layouts)
(return-from compute-cache-index nil))))
+ (declare (fixnum index))
(dolist (layout (cdr layouts))
(mixf index (hash-layout-or layout (return-from compute-cache-index nil))))
;; align with cache lines
- (logand (* (cache-line-size cache) index) (cache-mask cache))))
+ (logand index (cache-mask cache))))
;;; Emit code that does lookup in cache bound to CACHE-VAR using
;;; layouts bound to LAYOUT-VARS. Go to MISS-TAG on event of a miss or
(with-unique-names (n-index n-vector n-depth n-pointer n-mask
`(let* ((,n-index (hash-layout-or ,(car layout-vars) (go ,miss-tag)))
- (,n-vector (cache-vector ,cache-var)))
+ (,n-vector (cache-vector ,cache-var))
+ (,n-mask (cache-mask ,cache-var)))
(declare (index ,n-index))
,@(mapcar (lambda (layout-var)
`(mixf ,n-index (hash-layout-or ,layout-var (go ,miss-tag))))
(cdr layout-vars))
;; align with cache lines
- (setf ,n-index (logand (the fixnum (* ,n-index ,line-size))
- (cache-mask ,cache-var)))
+ (setf ,n-index (logand ,n-index ,n-mask))
(let ((,n-depth (cache-depth ,cache-var))
- (,n-pointer ,n-index)
- (,n-mask (cache-mask ,cache-var)))
+ (,n-pointer ,n-index))
(declare (index ,n-depth ,n-pointer))
:line-size line-size
:vector (make-array length :initial-element '..empty..)
:value value
- :mask (1- length)
+ :mask (compute-cache-mask length line-size)
:limit (compute-limit adjusted-size))
;; Make a smaller one, then
(make-cache :key-count key-count :value value :size (ceiling size 2)))))
(setf (cache-vector copy) (make-array length :initial-element '..empty..)
(cache-depth copy) 0
- (cache-mask copy) (1- length)
+ (cache-mask copy) (compute-cache-mask length (cache-line-size cache))
(cache-limit copy) (compute-limit (/ length (cache-line-size cache))))
(map-cache (lambda (layouts value)
(unless (try-update-cache copy layouts value)
(defun cache-has-invalid-entries-p (cache)
- (and (find-if (lambda (elt)
- (and (typep elt 'layout)
- (zerop (layout-clos-hash elt))))
- (cache-vector cache))
- t))
+ (let ((vector (cache-vector cache))
+ (line-size (cache-line-size cache))
+ (key-count (cache-key-count cache))
+ (mask (cache-mask cache))
+ (index 0))
+ (loop
+ ;; Check if the line is in use, and check validity of the keys.
+ (let ((key1 (svref vector index)))
+ (when (cache-key-p key1)
+ (if (zerop (layout-clos-hash key1))
+ ;; First key invalid.
+ (return-from cache-has-invalid-entries-p t)
+ ;; Line is in use and the first key is valid: check the rest.
+ (loop for offset from 1 below key-count
+ do (let ((thing (svref vector (+ index offset))))
+ (when (or (not (cache-key-p thing))
+ (zerop (layout-clos-hash thing)))
+ ;; Incomplete line or invalid layout.
+ (return-from cache-has-invalid-entries-p t)))))))
+ ;; Line empty of valid, onwards.
+ (setf index (next-cache-index mask index line-size))
+ (when (zerop index)
+ ;; wrapped around
+ (return-from cache-has-invalid-entries-p nil)))))
(defun hash-table-to-cache (table &key value key-count)
(let ((cache (make-cache :key-count key-count :value value
(line-size (cache-line-size cache))
(key-count (cache-key-count cache))
(valuep (cache-value cache))
- (size (/ (length vector) line-size))
(mask (cache-mask cache))
+ (size (/ (length vector) line-size))
(index 0)
(elt nil)
(depth 0))
:key-count (cache-key-count cache)
:line-size line-size
:value valuep
- :mask (cache-mask cache)
+ :mask mask
:limit (cache-limit cache))))
+;;;; For debugging & collecting statistics.
+(defun map-all-caches (function)
+ (dolist (p (list-all-packages))
+ (do-symbols (s p)
+ (when (eq p (symbol-package s))
+ (dolist (name (list s
+ `(setf ,s)
+ (slot-reader-name s)
+ (slot-writer-name s)
+ (slot-boundp-name s)))
+ (when (fboundp name)
+ (let ((fun (fdefinition name)))
+ (when (typep fun 'generic-function)
+ (let ((cache (gf-dfun-cache fun)))
+ (when cache
+ (funcall function name cache)))))))))))
+(defun check-cache-consistency (cache)
+ (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+ (map-cache (lambda (layouts value)
+ (declare (ignore value))
+ (if (gethash layouts table)
+ (cerror "Check futher."
+ "Multiple appearances of ~S." layouts)
+ (setf (gethash layouts table) t)))
+ cache)))