;;;; -*- coding: utf-8; fill-column: 78 -*-
changes relative to sbcl-1.1.3:
+ * optimization: LOOP expressions using "of-type character" have slightly
+ more efficient expansions.
* bug fix: very long (or infinite) constant lists in DOLIST do not result
in very long compile times or heap exhaustion anymore. (lp#1095488)
* bug fix: `#3(1) is read as #(1 1 1), not as #(1). (lp#1095918)
(let ((etype (sb!kernel:type-*-to-t
(sb!kernel:array-type-specialized-element-type ctype))))
(make-array 0 :element-type (sb!kernel:type-specifier etype))))))
+ ((sb!xc:typep #\x data-type)
+ #\x)
(in-package "CL-USER")
+(load "compiler-test-util.lisp")
;;; The bug reported by Alexei Dejneka on sbcl-devel 2001-09-03
;;; is fixed now.
(assert (equal (let ((hash (make-hash-table)))
(assert (= 32640 (loop for i to 255
sum i into sum of-type fixnum
finally (return sum)))))
+(with-test (:name :of-type-character-init)
+ ;; The intention here is to if we initialize C to NIL before iteration start
+ ;; by looking for tell-tale types such as (OR NULL CHARACTER). ...not the
+ ;; most robust test ever, no.
+ (let* ((fun (compile nil `(lambda (x)
+ (loop for c of-type character in x
+ collect (char-code c)))))
+ (consts (ctu:find-code-constants fun :type '(or symbol list))))
+ (assert (or (null consts) (equal 'character consts)))))